What Is Wrong With You People?

Instead of a "vaccine passport", maybe we could just tattoo numbers onto people's forearms to show they've been vaccinated...

Or maybe we could mark you with a scarlet letter. Why do you anti vaxxers all feel the need to take things to the extreme? You have a choice. No one is forcing you to do anything. There are no storm troopers at your door. What we sane people want is to know that you are not going to infect us because of your selfishness. Tough shit. Deal with it.
If they came out and said that doing three cartwheels a day for a week would eradicate Covid, would you do it?

They aren't. So that's once again a ridiculously stupid question that doesn't advance the discussion. I trust medical professionals to give me sound medical advice. I don't trust a game show host, or an MMA fighter or an NFL quarterback. Is this concept difficult for you to grasp? What part are you having trouble with?
Hello Concart,

Which leads directly to the question posed as the title of this thread.

The answer is.... 'Don't tread on me'. They have decided to wrap their selfishness and lack of any concern about their fellow citizens in a libertarian cloak. They are pretending their freedoms are being infringed on. It's laughable. Talk about snowflakes. 'Oh my God, you want to STICK A NEEDLE IN MY ARM and you want me to wear a mask?' OH THE HORROR. The ignorance, arrogance and selfishness of these people is off the charts. I know we've had this discussion before, but you need to understand that you cannot reach them with the carrot. To paraphrase Christopher Walken 'we need more stick'. That's the only thing they understand.
Or maybe we could mark you with a scarlet letter. Why do you anti vaxxers all feel the need to take things to the extreme? You have a choice. No one is forcing you to do anything. There are no storm troopers at your door. What we sane people want is to know that you are not going to infect us because of your selfishness. Tough shit. Deal with it.

Wow, you get pretty twisted pretty quickly. It's fun to watch.

I'm not an "anti-vaxxer" by any stretch of the imagination. You'll die an old man before you find a single post by me, anywhere on the internet, in which I speak out against getting the vaccine. If you want to get it, super. I've simply chosen not yet get it. My doctor absolutely agrees with me. The biggest purpose it would serve would be to put people like you at ease. Well, as you say, "tough shit". That's just not my job. My job is to address my health, not yours.

You say you're not forcing anyone to do anything. Does that mean that you will speak out against vaccine mandates?
So who's having everyone over for Thanksgiving dinner, a day filled with massive anounts of good food, quality time with family and friends, and lots of football...?
And if you're not, why for goodness sake?
Wow, you get pretty twisted pretty quickly. It's fun to watch.

I'm not an "anti-vaxxer" by any stretch of the imagination. You'll die an old man before you find a single post by me, anywhere on the internet, in which I speak out against getting the vaccine. If you want to get it, super. I've simply chosen not yet get it. My doctor absolutely agrees with me. The biggest purpose it would serve would be to put people like you at ease. Well, as you say, "tough shit". That's just not my job. My job is to address my health, not yours.

You say you're not forcing anyone to do anything. Does that mean that you will speak out against vaccine mandates?

It is the businesses' right to keep their employees, customers and workplaces safe.
They aren't. So that's once again a ridiculously stupid question that doesn't advance the discussion. I trust medical professionals to give me sound medical advice. I don't trust a game show host, or an MMA fighter or an NFL quarterback. Is this concept difficult for you to grasp? What part are you having trouble with?

I can see the concept of a hypothetical situation is lost on you. Or maybe it's just that you wouldn't do something so simple if it meant eradicating. If the CDC told you cartwheels would end it, you wouldn't learn how to do cartwheels? Seriously?

I don't know what MMA fighters, game show hosts or quarterbacks you're talking about.

I trust medical professionals, too. My doctor's a medical professional. He's very well respected and sought out. He tells me that, since I've had Covid twice, there's no compelling reason for me to get the vaccine.

Is that enough for you?
Hello Concart,

The answer is.... 'Don't tread on me'. They have decided to wrap their selfishness and lack of any concern about their fellow citizens in a libertarian cloak.

How convenient for anti-social government haters who resent any authority at all.

They are pretending their freedoms are being infringed on. It's laughable. Talk about snowflakes. 'Oh my God, you want to STICK A NEEDLE IN MY ARM and you want me to wear a mask?' OH THE HORROR. The ignorance, arrogance and selfishness of these people is off the charts. I know we've had this discussion before, but you need to understand that you cannot reach them with the carrot. To paraphrase Christopher Walken 'we need more stick'. That's the only thing they understand.

Totally agreed. Look at how many of them in the military caved as soon as they were told to choose the military or the refusing to follow orders thing, which comes with consequences. Because you can't have both.

It's time to tell the police to make the same choice. You wanna protect and serve? This is how you do it. And it only makes sense. It directly addresses the number one killer of police, and it protects the public to not have police departments acting as super-spreader agencies.
The vaccine mandates apply to businesses. People are not being forced to take the shot.

Oh, okay. I can speak from experience on that, as I own two businesses.

It's not my "right" to maintain a safe workplace for my employees, it's my responsibility, and I take that responsibility seriously.

I have no mandate in place. If my employees want to get vaccinated, they can do so, and they can do so on company time. If someone contracts Covid (whether or not they're vaccinated) they're sent home, with full pay. Before they can return to work they need to have a negative Covid test. The longest anyone's been out has been 16 days.

It should be noted that I employ a total of 155 people across two companies, so I would be unaffected by Biden's mandate for companies with over 100 employees...
Hello AProudLefty,

It is the businesses' right to keep their employees, customers and workplaces safe.

Until safety is required, they do not have my business.

And I am certain that view is shared by millions.

Another thing:

Workers would feel safer working there too.
I can see the concept of a hypothetical situation is lost on you. Or maybe it's just that you wouldn't do something so simple if it meant eradicating. If the CDC told you cartwheels would end it, you wouldn't learn how to do cartwheels? Seriously?

I don't know what MMA fighters, game show hosts or quarterbacks you're talking about.

I trust medical professionals, too. My doctor's a medical professional. He's very well respected and sought out. He tells me that, since I've had Covid twice, there's no compelling reason for me to get the vaccine.

Is that enough for you?

Nope. Not even close. There is absolutely no compelling reason for you NOT to get it. Natural immunity is not as robust as the vaccine. But again, suit yourself. If you are unvaxxed, you will be treated as unvaxxed. Deal with it. Donald Trump, Joe Rogan, Aaron Rodgers. Medical geniuses all.

Your 'hypothetical question' is galactically stupid. Try a different one.
Millions of Concerned Americans to Restaurants and Other Small and Large Business:

"Our business and our workers do not return until you make it safe."

Hello. Is anybody listening?
Wow, you get pretty twisted pretty quickly. It's fun to watch.

I'm not an "anti-vaxxer" by any stretch of the imagination. You'll die an old man before you find a single post by me, anywhere on the internet, in which I speak out against getting the vaccine. If you want to get it, super. I've simply chosen not yet get it. My doctor absolutely agrees with me. The biggest purpose it would serve would be to put people like you at ease. Well, as you say, "tough shit". That's just not my job. My job is to address my health, not yours.

You say you're not forcing anyone to do anything. Does that mean that you will speak out against vaccine mandates?

Yes, you are an anti-vaxxer. You are an adult who refuses to be vaccinated and has no medical reason not to. Don't like the label, pick a different one. I don't care. When your health choices involve leaving others open to you selfishness, you lose that right. Any business in America has the right to mandate vaccinations. So does OSHA. I'd prefer we don't have to have them, but people like you have left us with no choice. You can't drink and get in a car. Same difference.
Wow, you get pretty twisted pretty quickly. It's fun to watch.

I'm not an "anti-vaxxer" by any stretch of the imagination. You'll die an old man before you find a single post by me, anywhere on the internet, in which I speak out against getting the vaccine. If you want to get it, super. I've simply chosen not yet get it. My doctor absolutely agrees with me. The biggest purpose it would serve would be to put people like you at ease. Well, as you say, "tough shit". That's just not my job. My job is to address my health, not yours.

You say you're not forcing anyone to do anything. Does that mean that you will speak out against vaccine mandates?

The pandemic is still here. The vaccine should be mandated. Where it is, the coverage rate is in the 90s.