What Is Wrong With You People?

Maybe trying reading with comprehension. That might help.
I certainly comprehend your idiot arguments better than YOU do! :laugh:
You are five times less likely to get the Delta variant if you are vaccinated.
Math errors: Failure to specify boundary. Failure to specify randX. Denial of probability math. Science error: There is no such thing as a variant of a variant in a virus. There is no 'delta' variant of covid19 (itself a variant of the Covid/SARS series).
Masks don't prevent the wearer from getting infected.
So why do you mandate wearing them? Paradox M.
Of course you can get Covid if you are vaccinated.
So why mandate them? Paradox V.
You weren't aware of that? Have you been hiding in a cave for six months?
Cliche fallacy. Irrational arguments. Chanting scripture.
Okay, good luck with that. Triggered? Give it your best shot.
You're triggered. It's obvious.
You actually strung together several coherent paragraphs which makes you the proverbial one-eyed man in the 'not vaccinated' world.
Not a world or planet. He lives on Earth, just you do. Argument of the Stone fallacies.
That said, you will be very disappointed. When you lead with a ridiculously stupid question,
He didn't ask a question. Hallucination.
don't expect me to pat you on the head and send you on your way. It is what it is.
Cliche fallacy.
Yes' it's a global pandemic, but outbreaks are highly localized.
The more vaccinated people in an area, the fewer targets the virus has.
Paradox V.
I reject the idea that doing nothing is the same as doing something. It isn't. We are here because people like you made a selfish choice not to be vaccinated. Period. Full stop.
Pascal's Wager fallacy. Paradox V. Cliche fallacy.
with vaccines and monoclonal antibodies, the risk in the states is now low enough to cease calling it an active pandemic

There was never a high risk anywhere. Covid19 does not kill. All of the so-called 'data' on covid19 'deaths' and 'infection rates' is manufactured bullshit.
Hello evince,


And there is a sense of privacy some people feel with them on

It’s subtle

But people have been masking so long some feel naked without them

Human phycology

But then that’s a sciencey

Maybe we can come up with a screed unthinking people can scream to replace all that science they hate

Well there is an anonymity that comes with the mask. It can be used to protect privacy. Many people are unaware of the length that big box stores will go to in order to better understand who is shopping there. Try reading the user agreement for Home Depot. Pages and pages. They describe what they do. Cameras in the stores with facial recognition. Electronic signal detection to identify shoppers who are carrying a cell phone or other device. And of course ID associated with a credit card if used in a purchase. It all goes into a file, along with information gathered from cookies generated from website visits. They will also gather information from social media posts, and if friends share contact lists with corporations. They will also purchase data from data-gathering corporations. And they have cameras in their parking lots to try to ID auto tags.

I don't like the idea that a big heartless inhuman corporation is collecting all this data on me.

We are long past 1984 and big brother, eh?

I like to try to fool them sometimes. It's probably folly. But the use of masks will foil facial recognition SW.

Leave the cell phone at home. Wear clothing with no writing on it. Wear a hat and sunglasses. Nice big facemask. Only use cash for purchases.

I wonder if it works?

Maybe they already have you from previous purchases and ID of your car. I dunno.

I don't like the privacy intrusion.

Most people don't even read the user agreements.

The corporations make them very long and full of legal mumbo jumbo precisely to deter people from learning everything they do.

I read them.

It's scary what they do.

It is also disheartening that so many people in our society are so willing and complicit to accept the intrusion.

Is our 4th Amendment meaningless?

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches..."
Pollyanna should stop being Pollyanna and figure it the fuck out.

Once your parents drag you onto this shithole planet, there's nothing you can do for yourself.

The only way to attain moral high ground at that point is to not procreate yourself.

The misery you thus spare can be your solace.

Pretty fucking easy to figure out and absolutely impossible to refute.
Gee, I don't know. I was at a party with an unvaxxed person who was hospitalized three days later. So was my wife. Yeah, this really requires Sherlock Holmes to figure out. LOL at you.

you could have gotten it just as easily from a vaxxed person.....science has made that clear.....
Maybe trying reading with comprehension. That might help. You are five times less likely to get the Delta variant if you are vaccinated. Masks don't prevent the wearer from getting infected. Of course you can get Covid if you are vaccinated. You weren't aware of that? Have you been hiding in a cave for six months?

it is sad you do not realize what you are saying........you admit that vaccinations do not prevent you from getting covid.......you admit masks do not prevent you from getting covid.....but we must be living in a cave if we don't realize we need to get vaxxed and wear a mask to protect you from getting covid........take a deep breath and think about that a minute......
Hello AProudLefty,

While there is no worry when you're vaccinated, there is a worry about the variants. Just keep your distance.

There is nothing we can do about the unvaccinated Americans since they have rights. We have the right to keep a distance from them.

The problem is that we don't know who is vaccinated and who isn't.

I would like to see vaccine passports.

Ya wanna go in a store full of people? Show Your Proof Of Vaccination!

That's what is needed.
The whole idea of "Covid related deaths" went out the window for me last year.

Up in Jacksonville last, a guy was killed in a traffic accident. He was t-boned on the driver's side and the police said he was probably killed instantly.

Cause of death would be due to a tragic accident then, right?

Not so fast.

He was returning to his home after getting a Covid test. When the hospital (I think it was Orange Park Medical Center) personnel learned that little tidbit of information, his death was officially listed as "Covid related".

I stopped believing the numbers after that...
Hello AProudLefty,

The problem is that we don't know who is vaccinated and who isn't.

I would like to see vaccine passports.

Ya wanna go in a store full of people? Show Your Proof Of Vaccination!

That's what is needed.

Instead of a "vaccine passport", maybe we could just tattoo numbers onto people's forearms to show they've been vaccinated...
Hello Concart,

That's the part of the bill not covered by insurance. Not sure why you find it 'interesting'. I attended a family gathering on my wifes side. Her sister asked everyone if they were unvaxxed, because she didn't want to invite them if they were. Her Uncle lied about his vaccination status. Three days after the party he was in the hospital. A week later we were both sick as were multiple other people who attended. My wife was dehydrated and needed an IV. The Urgent Cares were all completely full with unvaxxed morons.

What's quote interesting unquote about that? You antivax morons have cost us all. You obviously don't care about anyone else. It is what it is.

Which leads directly to the question posed as the title of this thread.
Hello signalmankenneth,

I have had three covid-19 vaccinations and wear a mask into any store or businesses I go into and social distance too!

I surprise at all these football stadiums full of people, many unmasked too?!! Like you said is the pandemic over?

Pretty safe assumption there is transmission occurring at those events. The big mystery question would be how many cases.

The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind.

If it is a windy day that is much better for preventing sharing air.

But if it is a windless day?

LOTS of transmission occurring.

Perfect condition for sharing air.