What part of Christianity isn't compatible with the US Constitution...

...or anything that relates to freedom?

And, how many libs here think this?

Divine right of kings and a prohibition against revolt against a tyrant.

Romans 13
1 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended.
4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.
5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.
6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing.
7 Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.
Having rules as a kid is not "force", its parenting. Are you also "forced" not to run with scissors, or play with matches?

Are you a practicing Catholic today?

Telling a child like christinsanity does that they will burn forever in the christian hell for not believing, IS child abuse
Religious Holidays.
Religious paraphernalia on Public Property.
Religious chants before Public Meetings.

Phantasmal supports students bringing Prayer Rugs to school, do you? How about Minarets. How many Minarets do you want in your neighborhood?

None of those are establishing a religion any more than the holiday New Years Day establishes bars or than Independence day establishes barbecues. Many of the more important religious holidays don't even net you day off in this country because this "established" religion isn't an established religion that runs this country. When was the last time you got a day off for Easter other than just because it is part of the "weekend"? How about Passover? Good Friday? (Some unions vote that one in, but it certainly isn't established as a government recognized holiday).
The Establishment Clause is what matters.

It matters nothing to the discussion at hand in which it was asked what part of the religion is incompatible with the constitution. So, we ask you to provide a portion of the religious mandates that require Christians to establish itself as a "state religion" because we understand the Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment, both that it exists, and that the religion is not the state religion as we do not have one.
I’ll give you the same answer, dumbfuck.

The part of Christianity that wants prayer in school. You know, that establishment of religion thing, stupid shit?

You confuse the religion with some of its misguided "believers". There is no verse in the Bible that says that your children should be taught religion in a government school. I'd love for you to provide one, but it would be manufactured. I do not follow this religion or believe in God in this way. I don't say this stuff out of some weird allegiance or as an apologist. You can hardly throw a rock without hitting a church in any of the 50 states, but it doesn't establish it as a national religion.
YOU might not, but other Christians have and still do. I hope you're not denying that the Inquisitions happened.

Why would that matter to the question at hand? And can you provide the verses that required this Inquisition? Basically, can you provide a religious basis from their holy book that shows that the religion itself is in some way incompatible with a Constitution that says that they have every right to believe in that sky daddy?
What? Did you type something wrong?

No. I'm looking for the great scholar to provide for me one verse of the Bible that makes it incompatible with the Constitution. Notwithstanding the "Free Exercise" clause we'll focus on "establishment", we're looking for something from their holy book that shows that Christians are mandated in some way by their religion to take over and run the government or something. One little thing? Just one.
It matters nothing to the discussion at hand in which it was asked what part of the religion is incompatible with the constitution. So, we ask you to provide a portion of the religious mandates that require Christians to establish itself as a "state religion" because we understand the Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment, both that it exists, and that the religion is not the state religion as we do not have one.

The fact that it's a religion is what makes it incompatible, but you seem to want what it says in the Bible, and not the constitution. In the bible there is stuff about obeying governing bodies, but it's nuts. I think it's actually referring to Israel, back before the time of Christ. It's the only thing I can think of to answer, without reading through it. It took me a moment to find it, since I haven't seen a bible in years.
No. I'm looking for the great scholar to provide for me one verse of the Bible that makes it incompatible with the Constitution. Notwithstanding the "Free Exercise" clause we'll focus on "establishment", we're looking for something from their holy book that shows that Christians are mandated in some way by their religion to take over and run the government or something. One little thing? Just one.

Mandated to take over? That's just Evangelicals needing to evangelize everything. I thought this was about the two being compatible, not that Christians think they should take over. What I just posted shows they shouldn't.
None of those are establishing a religion any more than the holiday New Years Day establishes bars or than Independence day establishes barbecues. Many of the more important religious holidays don't even net you day off in this country because this "established" religion isn't an established religion that runs this country. When was the last time you got a day off for Easter other than just because it is part of the "weekend"? How about Passover? Good Friday? (Some unions vote that one in, but it certainly isn't established as a government recognized holiday).

As a Secular Humanist, I don't want ANY 'religious' stuff tarnishing the United States, like 'In God We Trust' on our Money or like 'Under God' in the Pledge of Allegiance.
I doubt most Americans want Muslim Holy Days honored, Muslim paraphernalia on Public Property, or Muslim chants before Public Meetings.
I would guess most Americans are 'Christian' and would be offended by inserting Islamic Traditions into Mainstream America.
Secular Humanists are offended in the same way (as I would think Jews would be) in the mass marketing of 'Christianity'.

How about 'God Is Great' on our Flag? How about 'The Christian Republic of America'? Any of those appeal to you?
...or anything that relates to freedom?

And, how many libs here think this?

According to Christianity the universe is a big dictatorship, and we are bound to obey and worship our God because he kind of owns us. He will punish those who believe in another/no religion with eternal torment in a lake of fire for finite sins. This God set up a theocracy in ancient Israel and commanded his people to commit genocide of the locals for having other religions. People must follow a strict religious law or risk the death penalty. After Jesus, the Christians set up religious communes where everyone gave everything they earned to the church, and the church divided accordingly. These communities were led the leaders of the church and were not democracies. Christians were also commanded to obey their kings and pay their taxes because their kings were appointed by God. Slaves were also commanded not to flee their masters.

This all definitely falls perfectly in line with the constitution.