Can you supply any verse in the Bible that says that Christianity should be the government?
Dude. It's a bogus question.
"What part of Scientology isn't compatible with the US Constitution..." <------ Here, that's an equivalent question.
Can you supply any verse in the Bible that says that Christianity should be the government?
Mandated to take over? That's just Evangelicals needing to evangelize everything. I thought this was about the two being compatible, not that Christians think they should take over. What I just posted shows they shouldn't.
There is no socialism, so hard to be compulsory. Just like no capitalism. All countries are mixes.
There are people today who still think that way. So their version of Christianity contradicts muh Constitution.
Strange, I don't talk about you like that and you claim to be religious.
According to Christianity the universe is a big dictatorship, and we are bound to obey and worship our God because he kind of owns us. He will punish those who believe in another/no religion with eternal torment in a lake of fire for finite sins. This God set up a theocracy in ancient Israel and commanded his people to commit genocide of the locals for having other religions. People must follow a strict religious law or risk the death penalty. After Jesus, the Christians set up religious communes where everyone gave everything they earned to the church, and the church divided accordingly. These communities were led the leaders of the church and were not democracies. Christians were also commanded to obey their kings and pay their taxes because their kings were appointed by God. Slaves were also commanded not to flee their masters.
This all definitely falls perfectly in line with the constitution.
The Christian's talking point answer to this is that Jesus was talking about charity, not the government redistributing wealth against the people's will.
Weak AF, but that's the argument.
What the hell do you know about Evangelicals? You attend our churches? Do you associate with us?
All you assholes attacking Evangelicals know nothing of your claims.
According to Christianity the universe is a big dictatorship, and we are bound to obey and worship our God because he kind of owns us. He will punish those who believe in another/no religion with eternal torment in a lake of fire for finite sins. This God set up a theocracy in ancient Israel and commanded his people to commit genocide of the locals for having other religions. People must follow a strict religious law or risk the death penalty. After Jesus, the Christians set up religious communes where everyone gave everything they earned to the church, and the church divided accordingly. These communities were led the leaders of the church and were not democracies. Christians were also commanded to obey their kings and pay their taxes because their kings were appointed by God. Slaves were also commanded not to flee their masters.
This all definitely falls perfectly in line with the constitution.
Socialism is not about capitalist governments, nor is the Sermon. Caritas = love. Of what is called 'charity' our people rightly say, 'as cold as'. Socialism will happen when the people wake up, so common ownership will not be against the people's will.
The problem with common ownership is that it's essentially the government that owns everything. Maybe the majority of people will someday be ok with that, but I doubt I will ever be. I don't want the government to be able to decide how I use what should be my property.
maybe six......can you find a seventh?......
No - that's American thinking. Common ownership just means everything belongs to everyone, and we all work for one another. We'll need some sort of government for a year or two, but it'll soon be gone.
But every time this is tried, we end up with the government owning everything. They never actually step away and let the people take over.
Besides, would you really want everything to belong to everyone? Would you want a stranger to be able to just walk into your house and do whatever they want there?
Evangelizing is there mission statement, it's where the term comes from, and you see it in their actions. You don't have to be religious to know all about the stuff. Maybe if they weren't giving pass, and kissing Trumps ass, they wouldn't have people ragging on them. I was raised Christian, enough to know that is not on the up, and up. End's don't justify the means. The last thing we need is for the government to act like religious parents. There isn't much freedom, where anyone has to cater to religion. If doctrines are forced by governing bodies, then how can it ever be faithful belief?
Why would that matter to the question at hand? And can you provide the verses that required this Inquisition? Basically, can you provide a religious basis from their holy book that shows that the religion itself is in some way incompatible with a Constitution that says that they have every right to believe in that sky daddy?
On the three or four occasions when it was, briefly, begun under war conditions, the capitalist armies rushed in to do mass murder and stop it.
When I said you were thinking like an American, I was meaning that you describe normal capitalism (in which, for various reasons, the capitalist state controls certain industries or whatever) as 'socialism'. Socialism is not State control but the power of the (majority) working class.
Why should a stranger want to walk into the house I was living in? He'd have one to live in, and we'd soon see off any trumpite bully-throwbacks by mass action.
In France, the capitalist government invaded Paris, killed masses of working people, and destroyed the Commune. In the Soviet Union the capitalist armies drove the (minority) working class back to the villages and a state-capitalist government emerged. In Hungary the Romanians invaded and killed the socialists. In Bavaria the overthrow of democracy meant the beginnings of Nazism. Capitalist governments never turn over control to the people unless capitalism is collapsing and they are forced to.But in the cases where that didn't happen, the government stayed in power and never turned over control to the people.
Why would a person want to go on a school shooting? People do stupid things. People are selfish and greedy. Maybe a person would want to use your house for one thing, and his own house for something else. The point is, it can happen, and it probably would.
The fact that it's a religion is what makes it incompatible, but you seem to want what it says in the Bible, and not the constitution. In the bible there is stuff about obeying governing bodies, but it's nuts. I think it's actually referring to Israel, back before the time of Christ. It's the only thing I can think of to answer, without reading through it. It took me a moment to find it, since I haven't seen a bible in years.
Mandated to take over? That's just Evangelicals needing to evangelize everything. I thought this was about the two being compatible, not that Christians think they should take over. What I just posted shows they shouldn't.