wow......are you this ignorant about things other than Christianity?......
Here are the claims I have found from the bible. Are there any that you want to have a discussion and dispute?
1: According to the bible we were created by God and commanded to obey him and were created to glorify him.
2: He will judge our eternal fate whether in heaven where God rules or hell and was based on our obedience and faith in him.
3: The ancient Hebrews were commanded to commit genocide of the ancient Canaanites.
4: They were told to commit genocide because the Canaanites worshiped other Gods.
5: The ancient Hebrews followed a strict religious code called the Law of Moses.
6: The leadership during this era were religious judges and leaders not a democratic republic and no constitution.
7: Many non-violent offenses that broke the religious law were punished by death and trials were not done by jury.
8: Believing in another religion was punished by death.
9: The ancient Hebrews took slaves of their captives and this was coded in their religious law.
10: Those who are not saved or died the spiritual death will go to hell which is eternal torment in a lake of fire.
11: The punishment for sin, any sin, is hell and Jesus died to atone for this in a blood sacrifice.
12: Those who do not have faith in Jesus will not be saved and his atonement doesn't cover them.
13: Women were commanded to obey their husbands, should only divorce in cases of adultery, and couldn't speak or lead in churches or in religious leadership.
14: Christians were told to obey their kings, pay their taxes, and their kings were appointed by God.
15: Slaves were told to obey their masters and not run away.
16: The early Christians lived in religious communes led by the apostles and church leaders, and divided everything according to their needs.