What part of Christianity isn't compatible with the US Constitution...

You confuse the religion with some of its misguided "believers". There is no verse in the Bible that says that your children should be taught religion in a government school. I'd love for you to provide one, but it would be manufactured. I do not follow this religion or believe in God in this way. I don't say this stuff out of some weird allegiance or as an apologist. You can hardly throw a rock without hitting a church in any of the 50 states, but it doesn't establish it as a national religion.

I never said there was a verse, did I? I was obviously referring to that part of Christianity that wants their prayers read in schools.

Did that escape you?
As a Secular Humanist, I don't want ANY 'religious' stuff tarnishing the United States, like 'In God We Trust' on our Money or like 'Under God' in the Pledge of Allegiance.
I doubt most Americans want Muslim Holy Days honored, Muslim paraphernalia on Public Property, or Muslim chants before Public Meetings.
I would guess most Americans are 'Christian' and would be offended by inserting Islamic Traditions into Mainstream America.
Secular Humanists are offended in the same way (as I would think Jews would be) in the mass marketing of 'Christianity'.

How about 'God Is Great' on our Flag? How about 'The Christian Republic of America'? Any of those appeal to you?

So? As a religious follower those people don't want your secular humanist beliefs doing the same. The "Christian Republic" would be a violation of the constitution as it clearly would be "regarding the establishment of religion" and it isn't anything that the Bible would tell these people to do. Basically you say that the religion is incompatible, but provide no evidence and say things like, "I don't like this." So? Is there anything in having that on the cash that tells you to follow their religion? If not, and there isn't, then it certainly isn't establishing a religion.
Dude. It's a bogus question.

"What part of Scientology isn't compatible with the US Constitution..." <------ Here, that's an equivalent question.

There isn't. Scientology may be stupid, but they have every right to the free exercise of their beliefs.
Earlier I mentioned a verse that warns against worship of idolatry, and how this has been interpreted by Christians as being required to forcefully convert others.
Holy books are essentially ink blot tests that can be interpreted any way. My stance here has been that any religion could be incompatible with muh Constitution depending on how it's being interpreted.

Your constitution requires that you allow those people to freely exercise their religion, so being a religion itself cannot possibly be incompatible muh constitution. Now some actions of individuals may be, just as the actions of some atheists insisting that no public mention of religion must be the answer is incompatible with the free exercise clause but they get to say it regardless.
I never said there was a verse, did I? I was obviously referring to that part of Christianity that wants their prayers read in schools.

Did that escape you?

There is no part of the religion that wants that, that is misguided individuals. There are those in every belief system, including the atheists who think that any mention of a God anywhere publicly is somehow a "violation" even though they know it isn't.
There is no part of the religion that wants that, that is misguided individuals. There are those in every belief system, including the atheists who think that any mention of a God anywhere publicly is somehow a "violation" even though they know it isn't.

There is no part of the religion that wants that?

There is no part of the religion that wants that?


Which verse in the Bible says anything other than to follow the laws in regard to that? Again, individuals are not the religion. Tell me a verse that supports your assertion, without it all you have is, "Boy! I don't like Christians that think that!" I get that, shoot I even agree with it I don't want my kids forced to pray to their sky daddy. But it doesn't make it incompatible with the Constitution.
Which verse in the Bible says anything other than to follow the laws in regard to that? Again, individuals are not the religion. Tell me a verse that supports your assertion, without it all you have is, "Boy! I don't like Christians that think that!" I get that, shoot I even agree with it I don't want my kids forced to pray to their sky daddy. But it doesn't make it incompatible with the Constitution.

Let’s try this again, SLOWLY.

I never claimed a verse, did I? I claimed that certain CHRISTIANS advocate prayer in schools. Are you trying to tell us that they don’t represent their view of Christianity?

And yeah, pal, prayer in schools is incompatible with the Constitution.
Let’s try this again, SLOWLY.

I never claimed a verse, did I? I claimed that certain CHRISTIANS advocate prayer in schools. Are you trying to tell us that they don’t represent their view of Christianity?

And yeah, pal, prayer in schools is incompatible with the Constitution.

Enforced prayer led by government individuals would be incompatible with the constitution. I agree. However the religion itself has nothing in it that requires such a thing. So, some individuals have an opinion on something that you disagree with, that is not incompatible with the constitution. Just as some secular humanists, I have mentioned some examples earlier, have some opinions that are also incompatible. You get to have those. It doesn't make either belief system incompatible with the constitution.

If you read it "slowly" you may be able to understand. The Free Exercise clause pretty much makes any religion compatible with the constitution. Even ones I find stupid.
Earlier I mentioned a verse that warns against worship of idolatry, and how this has been interpreted by Christians as being required to forcefully convert others.
Holy books are essentially ink blot tests that can be interpreted any way. My stance here has been that any religion could be incompatible with muh Constitution depending on how it's being interpreted.
and that lie was duly ridiculed......
So? As a religious follower those people don't want your secular humanist beliefs doing the same. The "Christian Republic" would be a violation of the constitution as it clearly would be "regarding the establishment of religion" and it isn't anything that the Bible would tell these people to do. Basically you say that the religion is incompatible, but provide no evidence and say things like, "I don't like this." So? Is there anything in having that on the cash that tells you to follow their religion? If not, and there isn't, then it certainly isn't establishing a religion.

Dam: "Basically you say that the religion is incompatible, but provide no evidence ..."
Jack: Wrong. I don't say that.

Dam: "As a religious follower those people don't want your secular humanist beliefs doing the same."
Jack: Good. I won't put my secular humanist beliefs on the Court House lawn and neither will they. They won't chant their religious intonations and neither will the secularists. They will refrain from putting a Cross on every mountain top and the secular humanists will do the same. Sounds like a deal.
The founders wanted separation of church and state because religion is divisive and a danger to the union. There is no state religion and religion does not belong inside the government. What would you guys think if we had a Muslim president who insisted on Qaran readings instead of prayer breakfasts? What is every damn meeting started with a Quran reading? It would offend you Xtians and piss you off. But the rest of the country is supposed to sit quietly while you shove Christianity into every crevice?
Trump is the first atheist president in a long time. But he has to play the religious card to keep you religious nuts on board. But it is so easy to do.
There isn't. Scientology may be stupid, but they have every right to the free exercise of their beliefs.

So, if I asked you: "What part of Scientology isn't compatible with the US Constitution..." That would be a rather stupid question, wouldn't it.
I would be insinuating that YOU think 'Scientology isn't compatible with the Constitution' and then challenge YOU to back up this claim.
wow......are you this ignorant about things other than Christianity?......

Here are the claims I have found from the bible. Are there any that you want to have a discussion and dispute?

1: According to the bible we were created by God and commanded to obey him and were created to glorify him.
2: He will judge our eternal fate whether in heaven where God rules or hell and was based on our obedience and faith in him.
3: The ancient Hebrews were commanded to commit genocide of the ancient Canaanites.
4: They were told to commit genocide because the Canaanites worshiped other Gods.
5: The ancient Hebrews followed a strict religious code called the Law of Moses.
6: The leadership during this era were religious judges and leaders not a democratic republic and no constitution.
7: Many non-violent offenses that broke the religious law were punished by death and trials were not done by jury.
8: Believing in another religion was punished by death.
9: The ancient Hebrews took slaves of their captives and this was coded in their religious law.
10: Those who are not saved or died the spiritual death will go to hell which is eternal torment in a lake of fire.
11: The punishment for sin, any sin, is hell and Jesus died to atone for this in a blood sacrifice.
12: Those who do not have faith in Jesus will not be saved and his atonement doesn't cover them.
13: Women were commanded to obey their husbands, should only divorce in cases of adultery, and couldn't speak or lead in churches or in religious leadership.
14: Christians were told to obey their kings, pay their taxes, and their kings were appointed by God.
15: Slaves were told to obey their masters and not run away.
16: The early Christians lived in religious communes led by the apostles and church leaders, and divided everything according to their needs.
According to Christianity the universe is a big dictatorship, and we are bound to obey and worship our God because he kind of owns us. He will punish those who believe in another/no religion with eternal torment in a lake of fire for finite sins. This God set up a theocracy in ancient Israel and commanded his people to commit genocide of the locals for having other religions. People must follow a strict religious law or risk the death penalty. After Jesus, the Christians set up religious communes where everyone gave everything they earned to the church, and the church divided accordingly. These communities were led the leaders of the church and were not democracies. Christians were also commanded to obey their kings and pay their taxes because their kings were appointed by God. Slaves were also commanded not to flee their masters.

This all definitely falls perfectly in line with the constitution.

Here are the claims I have found from the bible. Are there any that you want to have a discussion and dispute?

1: According to the bible we were created by God and commanded to obey him and were created to glorify him.
2: He will judge our eternal fate whether in heaven where God rules or hell and was based on our obedience and faith in him.
3: The ancient Hebrews were commanded to commit genocide of the ancient Canaanites.
4: They were told to commit genocide because the Canaanites worshiped other Gods.
5: The ancient Hebrews followed a strict religious code called the Law of Moses.
6: The leadership during this era were religious judges and leaders not a democratic republic and no constitution.
7: Many non-violent offenses that broke the religious law were punished by death and trials were not done by jury.
8: Believing in another religion was punished by death.
9: The ancient Hebrews took slaves of their captives and this was coded in their religious law.
10: Those who are not saved or died the spiritual death will go to hell which is eternal torment in a lake of fire.
11: The punishment for sin, any sin, is hell and Jesus died to atone for this in a blood sacrifice.
12: Those who do not have faith in Jesus will not be saved and his atonement doesn't cover them.
13: Women were commanded to obey their husbands, should only divorce in cases of adultery, and couldn't speak or lead in churches or in religious leadership.
14: Christians were told to obey their kings, pay their taxes, and their kings were appointed by God.
15: Slaves were told to obey their masters and not run away.
16: The early Christians lived in religious communes led by the apostles and church leaders, and divided everything according to their needs.
2,3,4,8,13,14,and 16 are incorrect...15 ignores the fact that in the NT Paul told the slave owner to liberate his slave and treat him as a brother instead......12 doesn't mention that atonement is available to anyone who chooses it, 11 hell is the result of not accepting, 10 the exact nature of the punishment is still uncertain, 9 everyone in that era took slaves of their captives, 6 ignores the eras of the patriarchs, the kings, and the prophets.......but before we go further, I see you joined in Oct, 18.....are you an amazon refugee?......
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2,3,4,8,13,14,and 16 are incorrect....but before we go further, I see you joined in Oct, 18.....are you an amazon refugee?......

No, I have been posting in forums for a while, mostly political forums.

I will defend #14. Here is Romans 13.

1 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended.
4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.
5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.
6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing.