What Religion Are you?

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I am the resident Buddhist. DigitalDave might also make an appearance, he is the other Buddhist...


Thanks Damo. Yep, I do practice Buddhism, you would never know it from my postings though.. lol. In my oppinion, an all-loving Buddhist doesn't really impress message boards peoples, so I pretend to get mad. ;)
Thanks Damo. Yep, I do practice Buddhism, you would never know it from my postings though.. lol. In my oppinion, an all-loving Buddhist doesn't really impress message boards peoples, so I pretend to get mad. ;)

I don't know, a practicing buddhist impresses me. Its a fascinating way of life.
Thanks Damo. Yep, I do practice Buddhism, you would never know it from my postings though.. lol. In my oppinion, an all-loving Buddhist doesn't really impress message boards peoples, so I pretend to get mad. ;)
Yeah, I "pretend" to get mad sometimes too. Or maybe I haven't quite reached nirvana yet...
I am a Spiritualist. I know there is a "God" but my concept of what that is, differs greatly from what most organized religion teaches. The best way to describe it in terms we can relate to, is an 'energy presence' which courses through our universe. I believe this is responsible for the 'solar winds' and why our massive planet can continue to rotate for billions of years. I believe this energy caused or created life on this planet, and probably others in our universe.

As for "afterlife" I believe there are numerous levels or dimensions of existence. We reside in one of many. Below our level, is at least 3 levels of "Hell" and above our level are 7 levels of "Heaven", and there are dimensions above and below these as well. The conscious existence is probably not the same as ours, it may be completely beyond anything we are able to comprehend. I believe that when our life in this dimension ends, we move to another one, based on how we 'passed our test' in this life. I don't believe this "test" is mandated by a deity, or judged by a supreme being, but I do believe our conscious is aware of whether we are passing or failing the 'test' with our actions.

I believe the Bible was inspired by people who understood this energy, and it can be a very good guide of fundamental principle in life, if followed. I believe Jesus was real, he existed, and he was a great speaker and channeled the spirit of this energy in his teachings, but he was not "son of God" or anything other than a human being, like the rest of us. I also believe other organized religions are fundamentally based on an understanding of this same energy, but have become perverted through human interpretations and ideals.
I am a Spiritualist. I know there is a "God" but my concept of what that is, differs greatly from what most organized religion teaches. The best way to describe it in terms we can relate to, is an 'energy presence' which courses through our universe. I believe this is responsible for the 'solar winds' and why our massive planet can continue to rotate for billions of years. I believe this energy caused or created life on this planet, and probably others in our universe.

Your views are remarkably similar to mine!
As for "afterlife" I believe there are numerous levels or dimensions of existence. We reside in one of many. Below our level, is at least 3 levels of "Hell" and above our level are 7 levels of "Heaven", and there are dimensions above and below these as well. The conscious existence is probably not the same as ours, it may be completely beyond anything we are able to comprehend.

Could it be less than we are able to comprehend?

I believe that when our life in this dimension ends, we move to another one, based on how we 'passed our test' in this life.

no christians can do it for me, no jews can do it for me, no muslims can do it for me,
what I need is good equality,
Rastafari does it form me.
no christians can do it for me, no jews can do it for me, no muslims can do it for me,
what I need is good equality,
Rastafari does it form me.

Ive never heard of rastafari, maybe I will read up on it.
I am the resident Buddhist. DigitalDave might also make an appearance, he is the other Buddhist...


when my oldest daughter was 4 she thought she wanted to be a buddhist, she saw some buddhist monks on a PBS show and then I had to take her to the Kanzeon Zen center for a while so she could bang a gong and meditate. She was a weird little kid she used to sit in the shower and chant. My neice thought it was freaky. She outgtrew the phase.
when my oldest daughter was 4 she thought she wanted to be a buddhist, she saw some buddhist monks on a PBS show and then I had to take her to the Kanzeon Zen center for a while so she could bang a gong and meditate. She was a weird little kid she used to sit in the shower and chant. My neice thought it was freaky. She outgtrew the phase.

Sounds like an inquisitive and intelligent child. That is a big challenge for a parent and its a sign of having a great parent(s). You must have done well.
:rolleyes:Im not that great of a parent, I don't know what happened, she has always been different. ha ha she thinks my personality is like samuel l jacksons character from pulp fiction....wtf?
I am a Spiritualist. I know there is a "God" but my concept of what that is, differs greatly from what most organized religion teaches. The best way to describe it in terms we can relate to, is an 'energy presence' which courses through our universe. I believe this is responsible for the 'solar winds' and why our massive planet can continue to rotate for billions of years. I believe this energy caused or created life on this planet, and probably others in our universe.

As for "afterlife" I believe there are numerous levels or dimensions of existence. We reside in one of many. Below our level, is at least 3 levels of "Hell" and above our level are 7 levels of "Heaven", and there are dimensions above and below these as well. The conscious existence is probably not the same as ours, it may be completely beyond anything we are able to comprehend. I believe that when our life in this dimension ends, we move to another one, based on how we 'passed our test' in this life. I don't believe this "test" is mandated by a deity, or judged by a supreme being, but I do believe our conscious is aware of whether we are passing or failing the 'test' with our actions.

I believe the Bible was inspired by people who understood this energy, and it can be a very good guide of fundamental principle in life, if followed. I believe Jesus was real, he existed, and he was a great speaker and channeled the spirit of this energy in his teachings, but he was not "son of God" or anything other than a human being, like the rest of us. I also believe other organized religions are fundamentally based on an understanding of this same energy, but have become perverted through human interpretations and ideals.

Use the force Dixie
:rolleyes:Im not that great of a parent, I don't know what happened, she has always been different. ha ha she thinks my personality is like samuel l jacksons character from pulp fiction....wtf?

To take her to further investigate her idea was acting like a great parent.