What Religion Are you?

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Please you had to go back to the 60's to find a lefty warhawk. Thanks that was funny

Lets see.... other than Bill 'I'll ignore mass genocide and pretend it isn't happening' Clinton, the only other Dem President was Jimmy 'please take advantage of me' Carter.

There were plenty of lefties that supported the Iraq war, until it was unpopular to do so and then they quickly flipped over to being anti-war. Just because some idiots believe them when they proclaim how they were 'tricked' by 'the dumbest President in history' doesn't mean they are not as culpable. Those on the left that continued to support the war were then turned on and it was proclaimed that they were 'really Rightwing Dems'.
Carter didn't religeously kill anybody, neither did Clinton.
Now your pure comedy on abortion could be compared to your daily killing of your jizz being flushed.
Carter didn't religeously kill anybody, neither did Clinton.
Now your pure comedy on abortion could be compared to your daily killing of your jizz being flushed.

Like I said idiots on both sides are willing to toss science away when it suits their goals.

A sperm cell is not a unique human life you twit. A fertilized egg is. When said fertilized egg implants itself and begins to develop, then you have a unique human life. That is SCIENTFICALLY PROVEN.

Clinton most certainly stood by and watched genocide occur. Standing by and doing nothing doesn't wash the blood from your hands. If you have the ability to stop mass murder and you choose not to, you are complicit.

Another note, the Iraq war was not about religion for the US... so according to your idiocy, Bush did not religiously kill anyone either.
A sperm cell is not a unique human life you twit. A fertilized egg is. When said fertilized egg implants itself and begins to develop, then you have a unique human life. That is SCIENTFICALLY PROVEN.

No it isn't. Anyone who says otherwise is just using an arbitrary definition.
If you are trying yet again to demean those that believe in religion, then you are a fool.

That said, of course the bible isn't about science you twit... it is a book of FAITH.

I am demeaning the comic book believers and you for being a neocon/nazi sypathizer.
I am demeaning the comic book believers and you for being a neocon/nazi sypathizer.

The question is WHY are you attempting to demean them? Because you are not able to prove or disprove their belief in God. Which makes YOU the fool.

As for your yet another attempt to paint me as a nazi... tell us dear toppy... which is more like the nazis.... attempting to protect innocent lives or trying to find ways to dehumanize a group so that you can justify murdering them?
My biggest gripes with religion is that they try to run your life accoring to their standards.
which to me should be at odds with republicanism and libertarianism and go with socialism.
But what the heck I am only trying to think logically.

Also religion is often the tool of politics for other non spiritual ends.
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