What should be the consequences of attempting to overthrow our government

Why are the Leftist posters suddenly changing their political stripes all of a sudden?

Just like Uncle Fukker and the other LW fucker who were sent to oblivion on my ignore list, I refuse to do nothing as you attempt this chicanery.

I hope to freeze you out.


put me on it fucker, you are now on mine fucking low life pond scum.
I assume they are insane because they keep insisting something exists for which they have no credible evidence and this is claimed to be a valid defense for their actions. In a court of law if you argue something exists for which you have no evidence the only way that can be used as a defense is if you claim insanity as your defense. The courts will not accept your lack of evidence as a valid defense.

And I would agree with you except for the fact that you are blind to the media dishonesty.

Dishonesty in demonizing Trump. Dishonesty in demonizing everything about him. Dishonesty in failing to report ANYTHING of his positive Presidential performance.

So that when the time came for the election to be stolen, you didn't care.

When the time came for the dishonest media to report the claims of election fraud honestly and fairly, they didn't.

And with every news report where the President's supporters claimed "foul" you immediately discounted them.

And when a team of esteemed prosecutors, trial attorneys, a former Mayor of NYC and Constitutional law professors collected, compiled and organized evidence supporting the claim of election fraud and were unable to get any judges to even give them standing or consider the evidence of wrong doing in the election, you were elated.

You were elated that the man who did so much for America and gave up so much for America was prevented from continuing in a 2nd term.

But you were blind to the fact that you were also (and most importantly) acting in a prejudicial manner and thereby weakened American justice so that the next miscarriage of justice will be even less troublesome until we are lawless.

And you will wonder how that happened.

It happened because people with an agenda/ideology which opposes America's were able to deceive US and overthrow our government through deception and you don't know it and you don't care that they have.

Unless you are a hostile ideologue, all you care about is prevailing over Trumpies. And you are oblivious to what you are doing to help our enemies because you are on a quest to fill that void in your soul by being "right" in any way you can. Even if (especially if) you can be wrong but be able to convince yourself that you are right.

This mf'ing country depends on EVERYONE'S faith in the honesty of our election process and your not giving a shit about that means that one more stolen election could trigger the 2nd civil war.

But you don't care about that.

You, unless you are an ideologue, only care about sticking it to Trumpies.

And that is why you guys are detestable.
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And I would agree with you except for the fact that you are blind to the media dishonesty.

Dishonesty in demonizing Trump. Dishonesty in demonizing everything about him. Dishonesty in failing to report ANYTHING of his positive Presidential performance.

So that when the time came for the election to be stolen, you didn't care.

When the time came for the dishonest media to report the claims of election fraud honestly and fairly, they didn't.

And with every news report where the President's supporters claimed "foul" you immediately discounted them.

And when a team of esteemed prosecutors, trial attorneys, a former Mayor of NYC and Constitutional law professors collected, compiled and organized evidence supporting the claim of election fraud and were unable to get any judges to even give them standing or consider the evidence of wrong doing in the election, you were elated.

You were elated that the man who did so much for America and gave up so much for America was prevented from continuing in a 2nd term.

But you were blind to the fact that you were also (and most importantly) acting in a prejudicial manner and thereby weakened American justice so that the next miscarriage of justice will be even less troublesome until we are lawless.

And you will wonder how that happened.

You are nuts and detached from reality.
You are generally a group of ignorant ass holes who hate your country , government and democracy. You are this countries biggest enemy and should be shot , You are scum. That's who you haters are.

Lock and load, pussy...
You are generally a group of ignorant ass holes who hate your country , government and democracy. You are this countries biggest enemy and should be shot , You are scum. That's who you haters are.

Are you a loyal American? Or are you an ideologue pretending to be a loyal American?

We all know exactly what they did , they tried to bring down our government and destroy our democracy in support of a lie so gross but so obvious, to force in a piece of shit called Trump for this countries dictator, They are by all definitions traitors to this country and should be shot, all law abiding patriots will support that 100% . All the people who supported the destruction of our democracy , I would like to be shot also, but there is one thing I have control of and that is this scum has no voice in my country anyone. I want the roof to come down on these traitor , how can anyone try to destroy our democracy. They hate government they hate our country and they hate our democracy. They are scummy low life characters without a ounce of patriotism and this countries biggest threat and enemy and should be treated as such.

You are unable to discern excrement from shoe polish.
I assume they are insane because they keep insisting something exists for which they have no credible evidence and this is claimed to be a valid defense for their actions. In a court of law if you argue something exists for which you have no evidence the only way that can be used as a defense is if you claim insanity as your defense. The courts will not accept your lack of evidence as a valid defense.

What do you believe the net effect was of George Soros' millions of dollars donated to political campaigns across the country?

Do you think it has any bearing on the refusal of any judges or others to even consider the evidence of wrong doing in the election?

George Soros contributes record $50M to back 2020 ...
Search domain washingtonexaminer.com

Soros, an advocate with deep pockets for liberal causes, doled out $48 million total through his political action committee, Democracy PAC, which was created last year. An additional $4 million was...


What do you believe the net effect was of George Soros' millions of dollars donated to political campaigns across the country?

Do you think it has any bearing on the refusal of any judges or others to even consider the evidence of wrong doing in the election?

George Soros contributes record $50M to back 2020 ...
Search domain washingtonexaminer.com

Soros, an advocate with deep pockets for liberal causes, doled out $48 million total through his political action committee, Democracy PAC, which was created last year. An additional $4 million was...



Teabaggers (www.teaparty.org) are the morons that introduced corporations united to the supreme court, now they whine about their own proposal.
And I would agree with you except for the fact that you are blind to the media dishonesty.

Dishonesty in demonizing Trump. Dishonesty in demonizing everything about him. Dishonesty in failing to report ANYTHING of his positive Presidential performance.

So that when the time came for the election to be stolen, you didn't care.

When the time came for the dishonest media to report the claims of election fraud honestly and fairly, they didn't.

And with every news report where the President's supporters claimed "foul" you immediately discounted them.

And when a team of esteemed prosecutors, trial attorneys, a former Mayor of NYC and Constitutional law professors collected, compiled and organized evidence supporting the claim of election fraud and were unable to get any judges to even give them standing or consider the evidence of wrong doing in the election, you were elated.

You were elated that the man who did so much for America and gave up so much for America was prevented from continuing in a 2nd term.

But you were blind to the fact that you were also (and most importantly) acting in a prejudicial manner and thereby weakened American justice so that the next miscarriage of justice will be even less troublesome until we are lawless.

And you will wonder how that happened.

It happened because people with an agenda/ideology which opposes America's were able to deceive US and overthrow our government through deception and you don't know it and you don't care that they have.

Unless you are a hostile ideologue, all you care about is prevailing over Trumpies. And you are oblivious to what you are doing to help our enemies because you are on a quest to fill that void in your soul by being "right" in any way you can. Even if (especially if) you can be wrong but be able to convince yourself that you are right.

This mf'ing country depends on EVERYONE'S faith in the honesty of our election process and your not giving a shit about that means that one more stolen election could trigger the 2nd civil war.

But you don't care about that.

You, unless you are an ideologue, only care about sticking it to Trumpies.

And that is why you guys are detestable.

Unless you have specific, clear and actual evidence that the election was stolen because of fraud your argument is specious bullshit. This has nothing to do with Trump other than he lost the election. Claims of election fraud require evidence that can be clearly shown and is supported by facts. I didn't dispute any claims of "foul" because of news reports. I discounted them because of the inability of those claiming fraud to provide any actual evidence that showed fraud. Because someone signs an affidavit when they don't understand the process doesn't make it fraud. It simply means the person signing the affidavit can't show fraud. The fact that every court case attempting to claim fraud was thrown out shows there is no viable evidence to present to a court.

It is not prejudicial to require evidence before leaping to conclusions. You will notice I have not condemned Gaetz for any crimes because the "evidence" is still mostly speculation. Your willingness to believe fraud with out evidence makes you the ideologue.
What do you believe the net effect was of George Soros' millions of dollars donated to political campaigns across the country?

Do you think it has any bearing on the refusal of any judges or others to even consider the evidence of wrong doing in the election?

George Soros contributes record $50M to back 2020 ...
Search domain washingtonexaminer.com

Soros, an advocate with deep pockets for liberal causes, doled out $48 million total through his political action committee, Democracy PAC, which was created last year. An additional $4 million was...



Soros spent less money than the Koch brothers.

the Koch network — the brothers and affiliated entities — spent some $900 million on political activities during the 2016 electoral cycle.

If you are truly upset by spending and not an ideologue that simply hates spending by liberals then you should be decrying the spending by the Koch brothers long before you attack Soros.
That makes them traitors to this country and if you are a law and order type of person, then you know and support that the consequences is the death penalty. It dam well doesn't support the idea that we let this group have a voice in this country.

Traitors were drawn and quartered in the Middle Ages, executed during WWII, let's take a page a from the past and at least lock them up for life (far worse than execution)
or sometimes they were arrested and then let go with no charges even made. this is also a form of prosecutorial laxity.

Or it could be an example of overzealous police officers arresting people without cause. Prosecutors don't normally charge people when there is not enough evidence to convict them or even charge them.

But I notice you haven't pointed to a single member or BLM arrested and then not charged. Do you not have evidence to support your claim?

This is evidence of Trump supporters attacking police officers at the Capitol. You will notice many of them are wearing Trump hats and carrying Trump flags.
Unless you have specific, clear and actual evidence that the election was stolen because of fraud your argument is specious bullshit. This has nothing to do with Trump other than he lost the election. Claims of election fraud require evidence that can be clearly shown and is supported by facts. I didn't dispute any claims of "foul" because of news reports. I discounted them because of the inability of those claiming fraud to provide any actual evidence that showed fraud. Because someone signs an affidavit when they don't understand the process doesn't make it fraud. It simply means the person signing the affidavit can't show fraud. The fact that every court case attempting to claim fraud was thrown out shows there is no viable evidence to present to a court.

It is not prejudicial to require evidence before leaping to conclusions. You will notice I have not condemned Gaetz for any crimes because the "evidence" is still mostly speculation. Your willingness to believe fraud with out evidence makes you the ideologue.

Until the first sentence of your reply, I was willing to consider you merely uninformed.

But with this reply, it is clear that you don't care about justice being done.

You are an ideologue who insists on "legality" over justice because it is the only way the DNC believes it can win.

By stealing the election.

By preventing evidence of the stolen election being considered for adjudication.

And by using the dishonest media to brainwash the populace into accepting the sham.

I will grant you that I don't know and that no one knows what an honest accounting of the election would show.

But I know that the DNC refuses to an election audit because they at least suspect that Trump's supporters would be proven right, that the election was stolen.
Until the first sentence of your reply, I was willing to consider you merely uninformed.

But with this reply, it is clear that you don't care about justice being done.

You are an ideologue who insists on "legality" over justice because it is the only way the DNC believes it can win.

By stealing the election.

By preventing evidence of the stolen election being considered for adjudication.

And by using the dishonest media to brainwash the populace into accepting the sham.

No evidence to present to us? And you call me brainwashed? I am not preventing you from posting actual evidence here where we can discuss it's validity. But it seems you can't provide us with even specious arguments other than accusing anyone that doesn't swallow your unsupported hogwash without question of being an ideologue.
Or it could be an example of overzealous police officers arresting people without cause. Prosecutors don't normally charge people when there is not enough evidence to convict them or even charge them.

But I notice you haven't pointed to a single member or BLM arrested and then not charged. Do you not have evidence to support your claim?

This is evidence of Trump supporters attacking police officers at the Capitol. You will notice many of them are wearing Trump hats and carrying Trump flags.

you're tard-tastic.
Or it could be an example of overzealous police officers arresting people without cause. Prosecutors don't normally charge people when there is not enough evidence to convict them or even charge them.

But I notice you haven't pointed to a single member or BLM arrested and then not charged. Do you not have evidence to support your claim?

This is evidence of Trump supporters attacking police officers at the Capitol. You will notice many of them are wearing Trump hats and carrying Trump flags.

'A riot is the language of the unheard,' Martin Luther King Jr. explained 53 years ago