I assume they are insane because they keep insisting something exists for which they have no credible evidence and this is claimed to be a valid defense for their actions. In a court of law if you argue something exists for which you have no evidence the only way that can be used as a defense is if you claim insanity as your defense. The courts will not accept your lack of evidence as a valid defense.
And I would agree with you except for the fact that you are blind to the media dishonesty.
Dishonesty in demonizing Trump. Dishonesty in demonizing everything about him. Dishonesty in failing to report ANYTHING of his positive Presidential performance.
So that when the time came for the election to be stolen, you didn't care.
When the time came for the dishonest media to report the claims of election fraud honestly and fairly, they didn't.
And with every news report where the President's supporters claimed "foul" you immediately discounted them.
And when a team of esteemed prosecutors, trial attorneys, a former Mayor of NYC and Constitutional law professors collected, compiled and organized evidence supporting the claim of election fraud and were unable to get any judges to even give them standing or consider the evidence of wrong doing in the election, you were elated.
You were elated that the man who did so much for America and gave up so much for America was prevented from continuing in a 2nd term.
But you were blind to the fact that you were also (and most importantly) acting in a prejudicial manner and thereby weakened American justice so that the next miscarriage of justice will be even less troublesome until we are lawless.
And you will wonder how that happened.
It happened because people with an agenda/ideology which opposes America's were able to deceive US and overthrow our government through deception and you don't know it and you don't care that they have.
Unless you are a hostile ideologue, all you care about is prevailing over Trumpies. And you are oblivious to what you are doing to help our enemies because you are on a quest to fill that void in your soul by being "right" in any way you can. Even if (especially if) you can be wrong but be able to convince yourself that you are right.
This mf'ing country depends on EVERYONE'S faith in the honesty of our election process and your not giving a shit about that means that one more stolen election could trigger the 2nd civil war.
But you don't care about that.
You, unless you are an ideologue, only care about sticking it to Trumpies.
And that is why you guys are detestable.