What Song

I hate it when they call the "all hands meeting" then never speak of anything that may remotely interest you or effect your job in any way.

LOL. Those are the worst. In my office the higher up you are the more you like to hear yourself talk. I'm in for a long meeting.
She's jealous but not the way you think. Haven't you seen how she flirts with me? I mean, really. I am a NY liberal, but even I get embarrassed with how open she is.

LOL... I was actually thinking the same thing.... she does tend to get overly excited when someone else shows you a bit of interest. Notice how she tries to get in between you and Damo etc...???
Passed over for employee of the month again huh?
Even worse if somebody puts you up for one of the awards. Then you have to go and stand up front to get a silly piece of paper that will go in the trash as soon as you hit your desk while people hoot and holler because you were nice in an e-mail....

Sheesh. I HATE those meetings. If you think I'm doing a good job, give me CASH man!
Kinda sorta like this thread...!

I hate it when they call the "all hands meeting" then never speak of anything that may remotely interest you or effect your job in any way.

went from what song to board meetings...okay everybody relax and sing along one more time:

www.brownielocks.com/purplepeopleeater.html will bring you back to reality...or at least should(?) cheer ya up...everybody sing in 'Sinc'...or not...lol
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Even worse if somebody puts you up for one of the awards. Then you have to go and stand up front to get a silly piece of paper that will go in the trash as soon as you hit your desk while people hoot and holler because you were nice in an e-mail....

Sheesh. I HATE those meetings. If you think I'm doing a good job, give me CASH man!

Oh I agree. I got one of them once, and they put my freaking picture in the lobby. It was the most humiliating month of my life. Both my brother and my bf came to my office within that month, and they were both laughing their behinds off at me. It was awful.
Oh I agree. I got one of them once, and they put my freaking picture in the lobby. It was the most humiliating month of my life. Both my brother and my bf came to my office within that month, and they were both laughing their behinds off at me. It was awful.

McDonalds has lobbies?