What Song

Well hell...you just hit my.............

WTF are you talking about? You're talking about support and you want to know whether or not she's fat or not? Seriously, put the jesus juice down.

up yours list...ya want to 'do darla'...cool..but stay the hell outta my turf when addressing her stupid comments about the VN era et al...back to the cooler with you also!
Damo my brother was born in 1942....I in 1944..we were both draftable age during this era..we both joined rather than be drafted...I appreciate your support....however it was a wrong comment!....:)
The reality is that at the 1969 Lottery for the Draft Lee Greenwood was 27. You would have been 25, your brother 27.

He would not have been included in the draft:


A lottery drawing - the first since 1942 - was held on December 1, 1969, at Selective Service National Headquarters in Washington, D.C. This event determined the order of call for induction during calendar year 1970, that is, for registrants born between January 1, 1944, and December 31, 1950. Reinstitution of the lottery was a change from the "draft the oldest man first" method, which had been the determining method for deciding order of call.

Anyway, 27 year olds were NOT included in the draft lottery.
That's horseshit Damo.

You know, I really resent having to hunt down links because you want to "play devil's advocate"


Greenwood turned 26 in 1968, and until the lottery was instituted at the end of 69, that made him PRIME BEEF for the draft all through 68 and most of 69 because it was OLDEST FIRST.

BUT, he got a 3a because he had kids when he was 17, being a hillbilly.

Ahhh.... I thought it had begun in 69. D'oh!
Let me read the link though:

He got a 3A because he had kids already.... It is interesting that it does say that it is "False" that he was a draft dodger.
Screw you and Lady T too...!

That's horseshit Damo.

You know, I really resent having to hunt down links because you want to "play devil's advocate"


Greenwood turned 26 in 1968, and until the lottery was instituted at the end of 69, that made him PRIME BEEF for the draft all through 68 and most of 69 because it was OLDEST FIRST.

BUT, he got a 3a because he had kids when he was 17, being a hillbilly.

He was a 'HillBilly'seventeen and had kids...oh my and how many abortions did you and Lady T have during ,before or after this time period..'Kettle Black' syndrome...at least they supported the troops regardless of your spin!
up yours list...ya want to 'do darla'...cool..but stay the hell outta my turf when addressing her stupid comments about the VN era et al...back to the cooler with you also!

You're like a huge scab when it comes to Vietnam.

You make zero sense when you talk about it.

You should have talked to someone, a professional, about that a long time ago.
He was a 'HillBilly'seventeen and had kids...oh my and how many abortions did you and Lady T have during ,before or after this time period..'Kettle Black' syndrome...at least they supported the troops regardless of your spin!

I've never had an abortion, and I was a virgin when I was 17.

Again, not a hillbilly.

But, you are clearly out of line with this post, and you should put down the bottle, it's only getting worse.

The reality is that at the 1969 Lottery for the Draft Lee Greenwood was 27. You would have been 25, your brother 27.

He would not have been included in the draft:


Anyway, 27 year olds were NOT included in the draft lottery.

I received my draft notice in '1964'...while on break from college..I joined instead of being drafted...wanted the MOS and to not be stigmatized by the draft...I also loved my country and no problemo joining!
No darla...............

I've never had an abortion, and I was a virgin when I was 17.

Again, not a hillbilly.

But, you are clearly out of line with this post, and you should put down the bottle, it's only getting worse.

answer the question...how many abortions have you had since 17? a nolo conntender answer I presume...get real!;)
He was a 'HillBilly'seventeen and had kids...oh my and how many abortions did you and Lady T have during ,before or after this time period..'Kettle Black' syndrome...at least they supported the troops regardless of your spin!

LMAO. is this your argument? Man you're hilarious in addition to being a stupid nonsensical drunk.
answer the question...how many abortions have you had since 17? a nolo conntender answer I presume...get real!;)

I already said, in the post you are answering dummy, that I've never had one. So that would be, zero.

Man your daughters must use abortions as birth control, what do they have, 30 between them? for you to be so surprised. I was raised smarter, sorry.
I received my draft notice in '1964'...while on break from college..I joined instead of being drafted...wanted the MOS and to not be stigmatized by the draft...I also loved my country and no problemo joining!

In case you didn't notice: no one asked or cares. :gives:
Well Golly gee...........

You're like a huge scab when it comes to Vietnam.

You make zero sense when you talk about it.

You should have talked to someone, a professional, about that a long time ago.

Ms Wizard..I have no problemos discussing the VN issue with real vets...Like USC...we agree to disagree on certain matters and opinions..but you are a idiot on VN!...Sorry the truth hurts...but hey that is life in a 'NutShell'!:gives:
what code pink thinks anyhoo!
I already said, in the post you are answering dummy, that I've never had one. So that would be, zero.

Man your daughters must use abortions as birth control, what do they have, 30 between them? for you to be so surprised. I was raised smarter, sorry.
My guess is his next question will be how many have you performed? And if you don't have or perform them then how could you support them?

I'm just guessing, not asking myself you know.
answer the question...how many abortions have you had since 17? a nolo conntender answer I presume...get real!;)

I have had fifteen, most lefties have had on an average 20, huh, Lady and Darla...I quit having abortions when I got married and had four children!

My guess is his next question will be how many have you performed? And if you don't have or perform them then how could you support them?

I'm just guessing, not asking myself you know.

are you that desparate for a quickie?...I am in shock with this comment!
I have had fifteen, most lefties have had on an average 20, huh, Lady and Darla...I quit having abortions when I got married and had four children!

That's pretty good. I'm up to 19 myself. The stem cells make great facials.