What taxes do corporations pay?

Corporate taxes are passed along to consumers in the form of increased prices for goods and services. Only individuals actually exist.

And individuals pass on taxes to corporations in the form of less work and fewer consumer goods bought...

What's your point?

It's income either way.
HUH ???
go to bed and rest your brain a bit, it needs it.




US, I was just trying to point out the fact that it goes both ways.

Corporations hurt from personal income taxes and people hurt from corporate income taxes. To say that all corporate taxes are merely "passed on" is stupid. I mean, by that basic definition all individual taxes would also be "passed on" to corporations.

Income taxes aren't perfect, and all taxes are going to be "passed on" to someone else somewhere. But what we're trying to do is tax income, and coporations clearly get income.
If corporations are persons, not taxing corps would also present severe problems with the 14th ammendment's equal protection clause.

In several ways corps are considered persons. But it seems to be only in the ways that benefit them strangely enough.....
Lady T... we pointed that out to her on the other site and she bailed, came over here.... and started the same moronic thread yet again.
I went to the principal.com site and read but found just after tax figures, not how much tax was paid, and even found reverences to tax credits....
but then I do not have an MBA, etc....
I searched and search yesterday for numbers on what corps paid in actual taxes ,this was the only list I could find.

Check the years for the ones provided in the study ,the study is a couple of years old.
I also have questions on the vague references to taxes I found in the 10K. State, local, federal, etc or even looked like some were foreign, seemed to be mostly just lumped together.
I found no clear breakdown of taxes paid in the 10K anywhere, but then I make no claims to being an MBA or business expert.
Desh... like you were told yesterday, you can go to almost ANY financial website, like yahoo.finance and pull up a companies income statement. You can also pull up their 10k. It isn't hard at all to find what companies pay.

Also... AGAIN... your site provided very vague numbers, did not distinguish between gross profit and net profit, did not show what the "rebates" were for, did not distinguish WHAT the year was for the "rebates" it just said that it was from 2001-03... which makes it hard to verify where their numbers came from. Bottom line, your site was pathetic as far as any legitimacy.
US... for the principal... looks like their effective rate was about 22%. They paid about 295mm on net income prior to taxes of 1.328b. Can be found on page 94 of their 10k
Thanks, is that total taxes ? or just fed ?
Which year ?, I was looking on the 2003 10K ...not on that page.
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US... my effective tax rate was just under 14%. Also, 22% isn't cheap as far as EFFECTIVE tax rates go. $295 million could go a long way to providing healthcare coverage for their employees. A far better use than giving it to an incompetent bunch of politicians in DC who overspend every single friggin year.