What taxes do corporations pay?

US... I said to look at her chart... it shows the average corporate tax rate was between 30-35% for the majority of the bull run. The ONLY years it was significantly lower were 01-02 when the market tanked and many corps were cleaning up their books.
a 22% or so TOTAL tax rate, that sucks. As I said before.
Mine is about 15% federal icome tax alone , add 6.5 or so for SS, State , property, etc I am probably about 40%
Some of those are marginal tax rates. You're probably around 25%.
In several ways corps are considered persons. But it seems to be only in the ways that benefit them strangely enough.....

Corporations have rights...

But those rights should only be derived from the people that have their money in the coporation. They shouldn't be considered person in themselves.
the skeptecism is tied to the level of college business classes.
the comedy from these bafoons is priceless.
the skeptecism is tied to the level of college business classes.
the comedy from these bafoons is priceless.

Tell us how comparative advantage means it ok to lose all actual jobs and everyone can become poets and lawyers (until they insource those). I wanna laugh some more.
Desh... did you actually READ the info on your last link, or just the first page?

Take a look at the graph on page two. It shows that the average rate of corporate taxes was about 30-35% during the bull market run of 1982-2000. Then if fell off dramatically in 2001-2002... which should be no surprise given the losses incurred by many companies during that time frame. Many companies over that time were "cleaning up" their books given the new regulations in the aftermath of the Global Crossing, WorldCom, Enron disasters.

I would also argue the reports assessment that profits were going up in general over that time frame. Earnings and profitability were falling for most US firms during that time frame.

think you need to look at the key in figure one a little closer
those that don't understand corporate taxation = non college business educated.
Look at it that's exactly how it breaks down.
Further what you don't understand; must be a conspiracy or UFO.

Thanks the comedy is better than tv:readit:
"corporate taxes as a % of corporate profits"

Yes Desh... now do you friggin understand what that means? I don't know why I ask you that because you obviously do not.

And again, the GAO is a bunch of government accountants. Spouting off meaningless rhetoric like your first link is just that... meaningless. We have already listed the reasons why this is so, but you continue to post the links and say "see look at my link" rather than addressing the actual rebuttal of your links.
"corporate taxes as a % of corporate profits"

Yes Desh... now do you friggin understand what that means? I don't know why I ask you that because you obviously do not.

And again, the GAO is a bunch of government accountants. Spouting off meaningless rhetoric like your first link is just that... meaningless. We have already listed the reasons why this is so, but you continue to post the links and say "see look at my link" rather than addressing the actual rebuttal of your links.

Are you saying the GAO has no credibility?
Income tax rate you quoted is the marginal rate. That is not the same as effective rate.

I was just looking at the chart I was referred to....

Sorry if someone else misguided me.

I made a reference to not seeing the tax they paid clearly defined, someone with a degree pointed me to that chart. ...
"Are you saying the GAO has no credibility?"

No, I am saying that when they offer their OPINIONS, they should be treated as such and not as "desh FACTS". Also, when they comment on a VAGUE report that does not provide any data to back up their claims, it does not distinguish between gross profits and net, it does not distinguish WHICH years between 2001-2003 the companies had this occur (unless it was all three, then it is obvious), it does not show what the so called "rebates" were for.... so yes, they lack credibility when they state their opinions on topics that are so blatently vague.

Also, the GAO accountants are not economists and typically not even the best accountants. Bottom line, I am not saying they have no credibility, but Desh trots them out as the be all end all and that their OPINIONS (which is what she tends to post) are not FACT.
"Thats what they do every time it says something they dont like"

Desh... you are economically retarded. Otherwise you would have addressed the continual rebuttals to your links. But rather than do that you duck and run and then come back and repost the same tired links.