Sorry, but the "payroll" tax doesn't cut it. Remember, that is for a defined benefit for the individual paying the tax, not to run the country. If we are going to have a fair an just society, no individual should pay a higher percentage of their income than someone else. This notion that just because you make more means you have to pay a higher percentage is rooted in jealousy and envy.
If someone earns $10,000 a year they will pay $1,700 in federal income taxes
There is a basic fundamental reason for making everyone be on the hook for federal income taxes. It makes it harder for Congress to raise taxes.
BTW, this notion that the poor should be exempt from paying income taxes is only since the late 80s and 90s. Even during the vaunted 50s where leftists love to extoll the virtue of the 90% marginal tax rate, the poor had a marginal tax rate of 20%. Yes, that is quite true. Leftists always seem to want to leave that important part of the tax code out.
Now personally, I think the flat tax should be no ore than 5%. And if I really had my way, we would scrap the income tax and have a national sales tax of 7% on ALL purchases except homes. It would have an immediate impact on gobblement spending because EVERY American would be hit in the pocket.
If you are serious about gobblement spending then the surest way to get it under control is to make more people responsible for paying the bill. In short, you must exterminate all leftists politically