What Taxing the Rich Could Yield

Every time medicare pays for a viagra pill for some old fucker, it is that much less money society has to create opportunities for people who still have many decades of potential contribution to make to society. Our revenue is less of a problem than our priorities.

Every time that fuck-head Dear Leader of yours give a tax cut to the rich...there is much less money to spend on projects that need doing.

Our revenue IS THE MAJOR PROBLEM we face. The ignorant savages of the American right are not able to see that.

I hope 2019 is a great year for you, Kacper.
Every time that fuck-head Dear Leader of yours give a tax cut to the rich...there is much less money to spend on projects that need doing.

Our revenue IS THE MAJOR PROBLEM we face. The ignorant savages of the American right are not able to see that.

I hope 2019 is a great year for you, Kacper.

stop with the socialism pitch, this is America, look around
stop with the socialism pitch, this is America, look around

I AM looking around.

What you have to do, Getin, is to look around yourself.

If you disagree with me that there are many projects that need doing...and cutting taxes for the rich hurts the chances of them being done...


And "fixing infrastructure that needs fixing"...is not advocating socialism!
Hi Frank,

Obviously American conservatives have convinced themselves that protecting the right of the very wealthy to increase the amount of wealth they own...is a moral and ethical imperative.

They are pathetically wrong.

That is why none will actually touch the question of just how much a few can own of the total wealth before they (the American conservatives) see it as TOO MUCH.

Right now in America...the richest 1% own 36% of the entire wealth of the nation. The top 20% own 85% of the entire wealth of the nation. The bottom 80% own only 15% of the wealth.

How skewed do those numbers have to go before these people see that it cannot go on?

Why do the ones suggesting the very rich already pay enough not deal with this?

Would the richest 1% owning 70% of the wealth...and the richest 20% owning 99% of the wealth FINALLY BRING THESE PEOPLE TO REALITY?

Or not?


We are the ones who are going to have to bring them to reality.
Hi Mott,

Oh gee golly we all know it’s absolutely impossible for a liberal politician to govern responsibly by balancing a budget by increasing taxes on those who benefit the most from government services. That’s just silly think. We all know that the correct solution is to starve government into bankruptcy and reduce all us peasants into living in stone huts so we don’t need services.

Well of course that is where it is ultimately headed, but we frogs must be boiled slowly so we don't get antsy and jump out.
Every time that fuck-head Dear Leader of yours give a tax cut to the rich...there is much less money to spend on projects that need doing.

Our revenue IS THE MAJOR PROBLEM we face. The ignorant savages of the American right are not able to see that.

I hope 2019 is a great year for you, Kacper.

He is your dear leader too; revenue is not the problem. Our society spends too much money of things that offer low to no returns on investment. You act like this a peculiar American problem. It is not. Places like Germany are just as bad if not worse.
I AM looking around.

What you have to do, Getin, is to look around yourself.

If you disagree with me that there are many projects that need doing...and cutting taxes for the rich hurts the chances of them being done...


And "fixing infrastructure that needs fixing"...is not advocating socialism!

"We the People", Frank, gave Obama a trillion dollars to "fix the infrastructure", shovel ready projects he claimed.
And then he late states piss the money away on their fiscal irresponsibility.

That you can't see that the more money we give our government the more they piss away, is mind boggling taking into account as long as you have been watching it.
He is your dear leader too...

He most assuredly is NOT my Dear Leader. He is the president of the United States. I acknowledge that. The term "Dear Leader", however, is reserved for dictators...the kind your kind seem to love.

...revenue is not the problem.

Revenue most assuredly IS the problem.

I understand that you cannot see or acknowledge that...but, so be it.

Revenue IS the problem whether the American right sees or acknowledges it.

Our society spends too much money of things that offer low to no returns on investment. You act like this a peculiar American problem. It is not. Places like Germany are just as bad if not worse.

You are a fool.

Actually...you are a damned fool.
"We the People", Frank, gave Obama a trillion dollars to "fix the infrastructure", shovel ready projects he claimed.
And then he late states piss the money away on their fiscal irresponsibility.

That you can't see that the more money we give our government the more they piss away, is mind boggling taking into account as long as you have been watching it.

Not a penny of the money "we give" the government is pissed away. Every penny the government gets...is spent. We are, whether you realize it or not, a consumer driven economy.

I have been taking care of myself from age 17.

Some people simply cannot. For those people...the government (We, the People) helps them to cope.

That seems to bother ignorant savages like you.

Okay...let it bother you.

I guess I have more compassion than you.

For instance, I pity you for having to live the life you do...just as I want the government (We, the People) to show compassion for those less able to compete in this dog eat dog world.

That doesn't make me better than you...although in the interest of honesty, I do consider you to be a vile scumbag...and I think I am not that.

Hey,k IHA, I hope 2019 is a wonderful year for you. I truly hope some enlightenment comes into your life, but whether it does or not, I hope it is as happy and contentment-filled as possible.

But why can’t they?

And if you want to help them, why don’t you just do it and leave others alone?
But why can’t they?

Some because they were just short-changed physically or mentally for the task. Some because they started far down on the ladder...and simply cannot compete with people like you who were smart enough to choose parents who were not so far down on the ladder.

And if you want to help them, why don’t you just do it and leave others alone?

Leave disgusting, selfish people like you alone???

No fucking way.

Governments are formed (for among other reasons) to promote the general welfare. I champion that. I do not givbe one tiny shit whether you like it or not. In fact, it causes a bit of pride in me to have it bother you so.
"...hundreds in some cases..."??

Why are you lying, in what is an obvious attempt to bolster your failures??

Responses starting from your first APP thread, back on 11/13/18:

11-13 / 82
11-14 / 12
11-16 / 7
11-18 / 20
11 -19 / 0
11-20 / 37
11-26 / 8
11-29 / 54
11-30 / 46
12-1 / 0
12-1 / 8
12-1 / 4
12-1 / 44
12-4 / 369 (only one)
12-7 / 0
12-7 / 70
12-8 / 10
12-9 / 0
12-9 / 1
12-10 / 6
12-11 / 0
12-11 / 5
12-12 / 26
12-12 / 76
12-13 / 45
12-15 / 3
12-15 / 6
12-24 / 0
12-29 / 1
12-30 / 1

Why do you go to such lengths to change the subject away from your many failed threads that got 0 replies? Does your sista/wife have a headache again?

12-4 / 369
1) I don’t care if people respond. That isn’t why I post

2) I am not interested in being liked

3) go fuck yourself

4) get cancer and die

Such an emotionally disturbed person! What's the problem?

The rumour I heard was that your mawmy is a retriever and a pitbull mounted her which resulted in mongrel pups. Then dad ate all the pups but one. That could explain your trauma. I'm sure it wasn't pretty!
Such an emotionally disturbed person! What's the problem?

The rumour I heard was that your mawmy is a retriever and a pitbull mounted her which resulted in mongrel pups. Then dad ate all the pups but one. That could explain your trauma. I'm sure it wasn't pretty!

Thanks for proving what a fraud you are. I knew I would get it out of you

This is why I am JPPs most influential member
He is your dear leader too; revenue is not the problem. Our society spends too much money of things that offer low to no returns on investment. You act like this a peculiar American problem. It is not. Places like Germany are just as bad if not worse.

Revenue is definitely the problem. Until we get enough revenue to start to pay down the debt our expenditures will become consumed by interest payments.

In 2017 the interest on US Treasuries was less than 80% of what we pay for the military. By 2020, it will be almost 93% of what we pay for military. By 2025 interest on Treasuries is projected to be 113% of what we pay for the military. Eventually, the interest payments will take up all the budget and we won't have any money for the military. From 2017 to 2020 our interest payments will have increased by 40%. That is unsustainable.

We need to increase our general tax revenues by about 3% of GDP. The only way to do that is by raising the income tax rates.