What Taxing the Rich Could Yield

You fly planes of tax cuts into the budget, then scream about the inevitable deficit you manufactured and pose the only way to address this problem your policy created is to extract harm and inflict punitive cuts on those you sanctimoniously judge.

You're a total fraud. I see right through you.

Tax cuts bring in more business thus more tax revenue. If we didn't have the democrat created loopholes for their apple and google-silicon valley liberals, we'd have more.
No, I did not say "all," I said "virtually" which means nearly or almost.

What I was picking on about the "virtually" was that it was designed for you to shift within the parameters of your argument so you don't have to admit you're full of shit. It's your style; you say broad, vague, general things that you inevitably have to either walk back, redefine, or shift the goalposts of later on in order to fit within the narrow, myopic argument you're trying to make. Basically, you're staking out a position and then hoping you can sloppily back-fill it later on.

The Bush Tax Cuts expired for those at the top. Obama let them expire. At the time, every single Conservative said it would lead to the sky falling, and every single Conservative was wrong.

So since y'all were wrong about that, why the fuck would you be right today?
I did not acknowledge that the bottom 40% pay virtually no federal income tax because of the tax cuts "you supported" because 1) it was irrelevant to the issue of the amount of income tax they pay

For fuck's sake...

You cut taxes so much that 40% "virtually" pay no income taxes, and then you complain that 40% pay no income taxes.

2) I did not support the Bush-Obama tax cuts or Drumpf tax cuts without corresponding cuts in spending.

They're not Obama's tax cuts...he let the tax cuts for the rich expire. Remember? Because at the time, every single Conservative said that if Obama let the tax cuts for the wealthy expire at the end of 2012, the fucking sky would fall.



So since you were wrong about that, why the fuck would you be right about anything today?

without corresponding cuts in spending.

Great! What spending do you want to cut? This is always the part where you say you're too fucking lazy so you just say it should be a broad, arbitrary percentage cut, which is just the lazy person's way of saying you haven't given this any thought, but you are a dogmatic zealot who needs to prove to everyone your phony bona fides.
For fuck's sake...

You cut taxes so much that 40% "virtually" pay no income taxes, and then you complain that 40% pay no income taxes.

They're not Obama's tax cuts...he let the tax cuts for the rich expire. Remember? Because at the time, every single Conservative said that if Obama let the tax cuts for the wealthy expire at the end of 2012, the fucking sky would fall.



So since you were wrong about that, why the fuck would you be right about anything today?

Great! What spending do you want to cut? This is always the part where you say you're too fucking lazy so you just say it should be a broad, arbitrary percentage cut, which is just the lazy person's way of saying you haven't given this any thought, but you are a dogmatic zealot who needs to prove to everyone your phony bona fides.

OMG are you still pushing socialism in the United State of America?

shame on you
So your solution would be to raise taxes to the former levels making the bottom 40% pay much more than they do now?

Because you can't affect change on tax policy alone, my plan would be to return to the pre-1980 tax rates and undo the last 40 years of fiscal policy while expanding Medicare to everyone, expanding Social Security by increasing the amount recipients get, and providing completely, 100% free to attend public colleges while forgiving all student loan debt.

So while the middle and lower classes might pay a bit more in taxes, they're getting health care, increase Social Security stipends, and free public education that they don't have to go into debt to attain, thus freeing up more money for them to spend in the consumer market to grow the economy.
I didn't specify what I would cut because it was not the topic of conversation

So, like I said, you've given it no thought at all.

You just have a compulsion to cut spending but you don't know what spending, or even why you want to cut it.

So you're just a phony baloney reactionary who has no grasp of policy or fiscal issues.

So you establish false choices because your brain simply isn't developed enough to ponder complex subjects, and your ego is too vulnerable and fragile to admit you're talking out of your ass.

So you stall and deflect when posed very simple questions you should be able to answer very easily about your own stated beliefs and policy.

Unless...you're admitting you're just not giving this any thought and are just spamming and trolling for trolling's sake.
I don't have anything to live down since you have never seen me say one thing in support or defense of Trump.

Your'e defending Conservative policy which is Trump policy.

They are the same thing.

You don't get to "No True Scotsman" your way outta this because your lifeboat is ablaze.