Hold up for a second.
The current deficit is $800B
only because of the Russia Tax Cut.
Without it, the deficit would be about $500B.
So right away, we can save more than 1/3 of the deficit simply by repealing the Russia Tax Cut.
Secondly, I'm not sure why you think our reason for raising taxes on the rich is guided primarily by deficit concerns. Let me be clear;
we do not share your phony baloney concerns about the deficit and never have. The reason we want to raise taxes on the wealthy is to reduce the out of pocket burden facing everyone else when it comes to things like health care and education. Raising taxes on the rich to fund health care and free education for all isn't just good economics, it's the responsible thing for a society to do. And rich people will still be rich...no one's proposed a wealth tax (though that should be in the conversation too), and there are other ways of generating revenue that don't include raising income taxes; like a Carbon Tax. In fact, I'm a proponent of replacing the income tax with a Carbon tax, that way you pay tax on the waste you generate instead of the income you earn.
Thirdly, Trump promised that loweing the corporate rate would result in companies bringing their money back here
but that didn't really happen either. And Bush did something similar in 2004, and of the top firms that took advantage of it, they
cut jobs, not hired more, with the WSJ calling the policy a failure.
Fourthly, yes you can most definitely provide free higher education to everyone on $80B a year, and you don't really have to reform any part of the education system. It's simply a funding issue. That's all. Really easy to solve.