What the right’s gas stove freakout was really about

In fact, Trumpka , head of the US Consumer safety commission, a rather nondescript agency, said we should think about phasing out gas stoves. That was all. Nobody in the admin has mentioned it. The rights make a big deal out of nothing because that is what they do.

No, you cannot make what Biden said go away by denying it.
BTW outlawing gas stoves was intended to be but a first step....after that comes outlawing gas water heaters and furnaces. By that I mean when yours breaks you must replace it with electric...at massive expense.
I love it when politicians put a foot in their mouths. LOL

Sadly, it’s part of American politics when Representatives are continually running for office. A two-year term is too short, IMO. Four would be better with a three to four term limit.

In this case, like “Defund the Police”, politicians were looking at an issue and possible solutions when it skewed off into the weeds. They’re held responsible for something that went beyond their control.

From the link:
I agree, but unfortunately A.O.C and her group of morons used those exact words. So the Right got to run with it.
LOL. Agreed about illegal immigration. As the old saying goes, “everybody talks about the weather, but no one does anything about it.

Wedge issues help political parties rally voters and collect donations but rarely, if ever, actually solve the problem in the best interests of We, the People. Abortion should be legal, safe and rare. The nation needs immigration reform. The nation needs election reform. None of these issues are likely to be resolved anytime soon in the best interests of the nation, only in the best interests of the dominant political party.
The nation had its best chance to deal with immigration in '13, but Republicans killed it.

For the reasons already mentioned.
Wow. You must have a TON of tin foil hats around your home.

How are AIR CONDITIONERS affected? I know you like Trump so you take mega dumps and flush toilets have ALWAYS been your nemesis, but "Light Bulbs"??? Are you joking? We now have LED bulbs which use a FRACTION of the energy needed vs older bulbs.

Why are you COMPLAINING??

The only thing I miss about incandescent bulbs is the heat they throw.

There are times in cold climates where a single bulb in a closed area can generate just enough heat to keep pipes from freezing.
I agree, but unfortunately A.O.C and her group of morons used those exact words. So the Right got to run with it.
Of course. The same is seen on JPP where someone says something and it gets exaggerated beyond recognition by the opposition.
The nation had its best chance to deal with immigration in '13, but Republicans killed it.

For the reasons already mentioned.
Immigration has been an issue since the 60s. No one on either side really seems interested in eliminating a modern form of indentured servitude due to the money involved. It’s always about the money in America.

The Texas brewery flap? Money.

The upcoming budget and raising the debt? Money. Both sides will bitch but, in the end, they’ll all agree on raising the budget and the debt ceiling because it would collapse the economy to go into default.
Immigration has been an issue since the 60s. No one on either side really seems interested in eliminating a modern form of indentured servitude due to the money involved. It’s always about the money in America.

The Texas brewery flap? Money.

The upcoming budget and raising the debt? Money. Both sides will bitch but, in the end, they’ll all agree on raising the budget and the debt ceiling because it would collapse the economy to go into default.
Yea. It's like watching summer reruns.

The only question is how much damage will be done during the closure?

trump shut down the govt. and didn't seem to understand the ramifications.

I don't believe the Qpublicans in Congress do either.
LOL. Here, we get to laugh and call them everything but 'pedophiles'.

In Washington, the damage is real.
Agreed. Our two major political parties are better at serving themselves than the American people as a whole.
Banning fossil fuel appliances would require providing more electricity for electric appliances by generating more electricity with fossil fuel generators.

The entire nation would work just like trains.

The wheels on a diesel train are actually powered by electricity generated by the train's diesel engine
because the attached electric engine generates more torque than having the diesel engine drive the wheels directly.
Meanwhile, the diesel smoke merrily fills the sky.

That was decided, I believe, in the 1930s. Progress is slow on some things, it would appear.

Yea. It's like watching summer reruns.

The only question is how much damage will be done during the closure?

trump shut down the govt. and didn't seem to understand the ramifications.

I don't believe the Qpublicans in Congress do either.
The Republicans are facing getting creamed in 2024 as it is. Another government shutdown will make it a sure thing.
Banning fossil fuel appliances would require providing more electricity for electric appliances by generating more electricity with fossil fuel generators.

The entire nation would work just like trains.

The wheels on a diesel train are actually powered by electricity generated by the train's diesel engine
because the attached electric engine generates more torque than having the diesel engine drive the wheels directly.
Meanwhile, the diesel smoke merrily fills the sky.

That was decided, I believe, in the 1930s. Progress is slow on some things, it would appear.

We need Mr. Fusion.

Agreed. Our two major political parties are better at serving themselves than the American people as a whole.
It is very rare to find a legislator that is there to serve us. They might start out that way, but the moment the phone starts ringing with moneyed interests on the phone, it's game over.
The Republicans are facing getting creamed in 2024 as it is. Another government shutdown will make it a sure thing.
We agree. But this bunch suffers short attention span, coupled with a desire to finish the job trump started. This is apparent in their new anti abortion rhetoric. Are they serious?

2 years is a long time when it comes to potential damage.