What the right’s gas stove freakout was really about



That's a parody account.
It is now routine for the Revolution to say something and then when people Not WOKE notice they are called conspiracy theorists....they are this dishonest.

Too many people still fall for the con and shut up.

You are being played people, WAKE UP!
In theory, deuterium and tritium(two types of hydrogen) would produce helium, but that helium exists for such a short time that it has never been seen. In effect, they are creating a helium that cannot possibly exist, so immediately ceases to exist producing energy. The "fusing" is short lived, and only to produce immediate decay.

All Matter Has Forces Embedded in the Outside Universe

In fission, the radiation is probably caused by the breakup of the Strong Force, just like helium disappearing in fusion.
Try and make sense.

The Worst Offender Is the Ignorant Misuse of "Oxymoron"

That logic-chopper doesn't know the true meanings of "fallacy" and "paradox." College graduates constantly misuse words that they think make them sound "educated." All they do is impress people who are as mentally inferior as they are.
The Worst Offender Is the Ignorant Misuse of "Oxymoron"

That logic-chopper doesn't know the true meanings of "fallacy" and "paradox." College graduates constantly misuse words that they think make them sound "educated." All they do is impress people who are as mentally inferior as they are.

I am not sure he is one. I see a kid who has no ability to resist a con man. I figure home-schooled because his knowledge Is so narrow.
Hitler was a right wing Fascist who hated the left especially Communist

Fascism is a form of socialism. It is like Democrats. It is what Democrats want. Fascism is government manipulation of markets.
It is a stepping stone on the way to communism, another form of socialism. Communism is government ownership of markets.

Hitler hated Stalinist communism because he didn't like the competition. He wanted his own brand of fascism to prevail instead. He could not tolerate people adhering to a foreign leader.
I am seeking to alleviate the imminent gas stove catastrophe by ordering takeout more often.

i haven't had ribs from The Loft lately.

Consider tomorrow planned.