What the right’s gas stove freakout was really about

I suspect that this picture is staged/scripted.

The hands do not match up with the bodies... It is a faked picture.

Back to the question I asked: why does the right wing have to depend on fake evidence? They cannot even prove that the Bidens own a gas stove without using a fake picture. And no one cares if they do own a gas stove.
I would not be surprised if the Bidens did own a gas stove. There is nothing wrong with that.

But why do you need a fake picture to prove it? You have left reality behind, and now post obviously fake pictures.

It was a real picture of Biden's wife cooking on a gas stove. The hypocrisy of it is Joke calling for a complete ban of such stoves. Maybe he should start by example...
It was a real picture of Biden's wife cooking on a gas stove.

Clearly it is an edited picture. You claim the original picture would have proven something, but instead of providing the original picture, you provide a lie.

The hypocrisy of it is Joke calling for a complete ban of such stoves.

Once again, you are basing your argument on a lie. So lets recap: you lied about what Biden said, you lied about the state of the country, and you lied about a picture of Biden's kitchen.

You cannot build a real argument out of nothing but lies.
Clearly it is an edited picture. You claim the original picture would have proven something, but instead of providing the original picture, you provide a lie.

Once again, you are basing your argument on a lie. So lets recap: you lied about what Biden said, you lied about the state of the country, and you lied about a picture of Biden's kitchen.

You cannot build a real argument out of nothing but lies.

Wally, if the gas stove were not a problem, it would never have been brought up in the first place. The simple solution for this is getting rid of 80% of the government agencies that are looking for ways to justify their existence.
We all said the reichwing claims that America had run out of gas and diesel was just nonsense. We all said their claims that millions and billions of Americans had starved to death, because there was no food in the stores, was not something any of us were seeing.

But then Lionfish goes and proves it with a screen capture of a news article that has a quote... Why is it a screen capture? Why not just post a quote from the article, and a link to the rest of the article?

Turns out it comes "Babylon Bee", which creates "joke articles" in the hope that stupid people will believe them. When caught making up lies, they say it was just a joke.


Biden did not say it. You are just proving your ignorance by claiming he did say it. Why would Biden create a panic where there is no problem? That is your MO, not Bidens.

With Republicans making up fake stories about Democrats.

No dimwit, it began here,

The fight started when a commissioner for the Consumer Product Safety Commission, or CPSC, said the agency could soon increase regulations and potentially impose a ban on gas stoves, citing the appliance’s public health risks.

“This is a hidden hazard,” Richard Trumka Jr., commissioner for the CPSC, a federal agency responsible for recalling products like baby swings and bicycles to reduce harm to consumers, told Bloomberg in an interview. “Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.”

Takle notice of the name Trumpka, like father, like son.
Again Trumpka head of Consumer Safety said we should look into gas stoves because they present a problem. That is it. If they are a hidden hazard, they should consider banning them. There was no policy, not a discussion about it. He said it is an obscure interview someplace.
The Repubs, as they do, said Biden is banning gas stoves. Biden had no knowledge of it. They have not even begun the investigation. Everyone should be pleased they might be looking into it. it never went beyond that, Biden and the admin had knowledge of it.
This was a big nothing that Repubs seized upon to bitch about the Biden admin. It is fake Repub outrage.
No dimwit, it began here,

The fight started when a commissioner for the Consumer Product Safety Commission, or CPSC, said the agency could soon increase regulations and potentially impose a ban on gas stoves, citing the appliance’s public health risks.

“This is a hidden hazard,” Richard Trumka Jr., commissioner for the CPSC, a federal agency responsible for recalling products like baby swings and bicycles to reduce harm to consumers, told Bloomberg in an interview. “Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.”

Takle notice of the name Trumpka, like father, like son.

Mid level bureaucrat said something vague... Which they are always doing... But it started with the Republicans blowing it out of proportion, and making up lies about it.

And then you took offense... TO YOUR OWN JOKE!!!
Mid level bureaucrat said something vague... Which they are always doing... But it started with the Republicans blowing it out of proportion, and making up lies about it.

And then you took offense... TO YOUR OWN JOKE!!!

Note to wally, in my previous post I stated mid level people should be eliminated. They only spout off in an attempt to show their relevance. Reagan was correct
Note to wally, in my previous post I stated mid level people should be eliminated. They only spout off in an attempt to show their relevance. Reagan was correct

So you are taking offense to a joke you made, and now calling for random people to be fired for bringing up possible safety concerns?
So you are taking offense to a joke you made, and now calling for random people to be fired for bringing up possible safety concerns?

Wally, you have been very busy today. Perhaps a few minutes off would be in order.

Wally, if the gas stove were not a problem, it would never have been brought up in the first place. The simple solution for this is getting rid of 80% of the government agencies that are looking for ways to justify their existence.

Getting rid of pandemic safeguards did not turn out well.