What they want....the answer


Sanctimonious Prick
Found this site after hear about the long range plans on the Jerry Doyle show.


It covers a time line of alquadas plans for the future. Heres a bit of what's in the article

Al-Qaeda's seven-stage plan:

Stage 1: Awakening. Strategic time line: Sept. 11, 2001. Tactical Objective: Provoke U.S. attack on Muslims, galvanize jihadism.

Stage 2: Opening Eyes. Time: 2003-2006. Objective: Force West on defensive.

Stage 3: Arising and Standing Up. Time: 2007-2010. Objective: Assault on Turkey and Israel.

Stage 4: Downfall of Apostate Muslim regimes. Time: 2010-2013. Objective: Saudi Arabia, Jordan, oil producers.

Stage 5: Declaration of Caliphate. Time: 2013-2016. Objective: Mobilization of Muslim forces.

Stage 6: Total Confrontation.

Time: 2013-2020. Tactic: Total war on non-believers by 1.5 billion Muslims.

Stage 7: Definite Victory. Time: 2020. Objective: A Muslim world.
And you accuse me of believing in conspiracys ;)
I am not saying that plan/conspiracy is absolutely not true, but I have to be suspicious of it's validity.
And you accuse me of believing in conspiracys ;)
I am not saying that plan/conspiracy is absolutely not true, but I have to be suspicious of it's validity.

I have no way of verifying validity. But thought it was very interesting and a logical step by step plan. The article does detail more about what each phase will accomplish.
I am by no means an expert scholar on wahabbism, but the reading I have done about the writings of Qutb and al-Banna, ibn Baz and the like does not support the idea that world domination is really an objective. All I have read would indicate that the caliphate is the pinnacle of their aspirations. I think that the west likes to add this last bit on to make them even scarier (as if the fall of every state from Spain east to Indonesia isn't scary enough)
World donination ie the conversion of the whole world to Christianity is a much taught Christian objective....
The prophecies they promote by bringing back the Caliphate predict world domination. Ignoring the religion for the writing is a mistake. World domination is not just a goal but it is, according to the prophecies they (the wahhabists) promote, the only goal.
It is an apocalyptic prediction. However it is not something that the Bible says happens through conversion...
I've offered ideas on how to conquer the world too. Doesn't mean I could do it or Al-Queda. It would take longer than 13 years for Al-Queda to go from a terrorist organization with no means of production, no population center and no nation state to controlling the world.

This plan is laughable.

If US carriers were in Pearl Harbor and the Germans used Ethylene Glycol for their Tanks it still would have taken way more than 13 years for Germany and Japan to finish the conquest of the globe. Hell it would take more than 13 years for Al-Queda to gain the power of Germany before it invaded Poland.

These ideas are a selling point to get recruits and nothing more. Its to appeal to stupid kids who want to be part of something great that they can force their ideology on others. I don't think Bin Laden or Zawahiri realistically expect to take the world by 2020.
I've offered ideas on how to conquer the world too. Doesn't mean I could do it or Al-Queda. It would take longer than 13 years for Al-Queda to go from a terrorist organization with no means of production, no population center and no nation state to controlling the world.

This plan is laughable.

If US carriers were in Pearl Harbor and the Germans used Ethylene Glycol for their Tanks it still would have taken way more than 13 years for Germany and Japan to finish the conquest of the globe. Hell it would take more than 13 years for Al-Queda to gain the power of Germany before it invaded Poland.

These ideas are a selling point to get recruits and nothing more. Its to appeal to stupid kids who want to be part of something great that they can force their ideology on others. I don't think Bin Laden or Zawahiri realistically expect to take the world by 2020.

As I said, I can't validate it. I found it interesting. And al quaeda along with iran and its puppets could very well do what they plan in this scenario. part of making it work is the taking over of iraq. From which they would strike out from there. To assume iran and al quaeda won't work together is silly as well. They have the same goal.

And this plan is still in phase one.
Converting the world is not a christian objective. And definately not by force of arms.

It is from all the preachers I have heard. As a matter of fact I heard it from a preacher a few weeks ago. I believe it is also in Revelations....
Then there was the thread about the militant Jesus camp in ND ?
and remember the song "Onward Christian soldiers"
and what are missionaries for anyway ?
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But even taking over Iran and Iraq wouldn't be that helpful. The Iraqis and Iranians don't have the technical facilities and know how of how to build advanced tanks, ships and aircraft that would be necessary to assault the militaries of their neighbors. Anything they could build themselves would be extremely inferior to anything China, Russia or the west could field.

Terrorism is good for defense and getting a nation to stop attacking you. Terrorism isn't good for conquering. Al-Queda would have to switch to conventional war tactics and would not be able to compete.
I don't really believe there are enough Radicals in the Muslim world that want to conquer the world anyway. Remember they are in their last gasps ;)
I thought that would be "Chicken Littles" not little chickens... :D

Anyway, I speak of what they use to promote their ideation, not of what is a realistic expectation. It would be unrealistic to think the US could take over the entire globe through military action.
It is from all the preachers I have heard. As a matter of fact I heard it from a preacher a few weeks ago. I believe it is also in Revelations....
Then there was the thread about the militant Jesus camp in ND ?
and remember the song "Onward Christian soldiers"
and what are missionaries for anyway ?

I think you need to read up on the subject a little more.

Your obviously not affiliated with a church, so what preachers are you listening to and where.

Revelations is a end of times prophecy which does not talk about chritians conquoring the world but the anti-christ conquoring the world.

Never heard of a jesus camp in ND. I have heard of a kkk camp in IN. They call themselves christian.

Onward christian soldiers is a song, not a call to arms.

haven't seen any missionaries with guns out converting for chritianity. Conversion by force of arms is purely a muslim thing.

Hindus, Budists, Christians and others do not convert by the gun, they toerate other religions and convert through their teachings. isalm only subjigates.
Yes idealisic goals Damo. I spoke with a preacher about this onetime and he admitted there was no way they would convert everyone to Christianity, but they were mandated by god to try.
It is from all the preachers I have heard. As a matter of fact I heard it from a preacher a few weeks ago. I believe it is also in Revelations....
Then there was the thread about the militant Jesus camp in ND ?
and remember the song "Onward Christian soldiers"
and what are missionaries for anyway ?
In Revelations Jesus smites those who would not convert (specifically mentioned in the Bible) using the Word of God. In other words, it is expected that many will not convert. It is not the goal of Christianity to convert the entire planet. That is misrepresentation.