What they want....the answer

I don't really believe there are enough Radicals in the Muslim world that want to conquer the world anyway. Remember they are in their last gasps ;)

I don't buy into the last gasps statements.

iran is full of radicals. As is syria, iraq, saudi arabia and every other country.

A few thousand making attacks all over a country can cause a lot of chaos and scare the population into going along with their demands. Spain is a prime example on a small scale.

These radicals are scattered throughout the world and when given orders to attack could create havoc everywhere. They don't need armies and tanks to terrorize entire populations into submission.

They have been slipping across our southern border for years. Learning spanish so they can pose as mexicans.
Gaffer being able to commit terrorist acts even on a large scale does not equate to subjugating a country. What happened in Spain affected how it was dealing with its neighbors. They made no concessions on how they would live their lives.

Terrorism is not going to make people convert to Islam, wear Burqas and give up their freedoms.

You need an army with an armed police state to get people to act in a way that is alien to their own culture.

As I said before terrorism works defensively to get a stronger entity to get off your back.

It doesn't work offensively. Blowing up buildings and the like doesn't conquer a nation.
all Mexicans do not speak Spanish.

This wouldn't mean that they wouldn't learn to speak spanish to pose as Mexicans if Gaffer's statement is correct. Personally I don't think they even attempt to pose as Mexicans.

If you were going to "pose" as an American would you learn Yiddish and not English because some Americans spoke Yiddish?
Some I have spoken with say the rapture will begin once all the cultures of the world are exposed to Christianity.

I haven't done much reading on the rapture and stuff in a long time. Not really interested in it. As I recall it was something added to the teachings of some protestant churches a few hundred years ago to help with converting the faithful. if your a true believer, when christs returns he'll take you into heaven and you don't die or suffer the tribulation. But its been so long I don't remember when and where it first originated.

the christian way is to say if you don't convert you will go to hell when you die.

the muslim way is to say convert or die.

To my knowledge hindu's and buddists don't try to convert but I may be wrong on that. maybe Damo can help here.
Just bringing up that point Damo. I really did not realize that all Mexicans did not speak spanish till recently. Some speak their indian type languages that predate the spanish conquerors.
Gaffer since I don't believe in heaven or hell...
And viewpoints of what heaven will be like differ greatly among those who do believe. Heaven would be hell for me if I had to listen to Pat Robertson types all day :)
good idea Damo. sort of like I try to dissuade city folks from moving to the country ? I tell them how much it sucks out here ;)
Gaffer being able to commit terrorist acts even on a large scale does not equate to subjugating a country. What happened in Spain affected how it was dealing with its neighbors. They made no concessions on how they would live their lives.

Terrorism is not going to make people convert to Islam, wear Burqas and give up their freedoms.

You need an army with an armed police state to get people to act in a way that is alien to their own culture.

As I said before terrorism works defensively to get a stronger entity to get off your back.

It doesn't work offensively. Blowing up buildings and the like doesn't conquer a nation.

The army is available. The second stage of the plan is to take over the middle east. Turkey, Saudi arabia all of that area. They have millions to call on in those areas. Their best tactic is to overthrow those countries from within and set up a caliphate. In the mean time start attacks in the western countries to draw off attention and put them in a defensive mode withing their own borders. Getting control of pakistan would give them a nuclear arsenal. China and russia would be more than happy to supply the arms they need, including tanks. Both those countries mistakenly think they can contain the islamists after the west falls.

iran already has a very potent army with plenty of equipment and lots of suicidal fanatics. china, russia and france continue to supply them.

Just how well would this country cope with daily bombings and shootings across the nation? How long would the government continue to say the events were not terror related?

Its a different war, one like we have never fought before. They are on the offensive using a typically defensive method.
Gaffer since I don't believe in heaven or hell...
And viewpoints of what heaven will be like differ greatly among those who do believe. Heaven would be hell for me if I had to listen to Pat Robertson types all day :)

I don't either.

Pat's idea of heaven is sitting on a cloud watching all the sinners burn. I don't buy any of it.
Well from your point of view, we have also trained and equipped 300,000 in Iraq under Bush's direction Gaffer.
Not so scary to me. I figure they will just wind up fighting each other with the training and weapons, or perhaps Israel and that does not really bother me either.
China and russia would be more than happy to supply the arms they need, including tanks. Both those countries mistakenly think they can contain the islamists after the west falls.

No they wouldn't. Russia has problems with the Chechens. China with the Uighurs. They aren't going to help nations trying to build a Caliphate that will empower rebels and terrorists in their own nation.

iran already has a very potent army with plenty of equipment and lots of suicidal fanatics. china, russia and france continue to supply them.

If Iran became aggressive the supply would be cut. Also even if they used their army it would be depleted long before they could conquer any appreciable amount of territory.

Just how well would this country cope with daily bombings and shootings across the nation? How long would the government continue to say the events were not terror related?

Its a different war, one like we have never fought before. They are on the offensive using a typically defensive method.

It would be hard but I doubt many would say. "I give up! I'm giving up my porno, alcohol, video games, sports and anything else good in my life and converting to Wahabism. I'll cover myself in public, pray five times a day and give up my belief in my own religion, democracy and the American way."

They can only do this with a gun in your face and to conquer a world they'd have to have it in everyone's face.

They'll never get to the point where they would be able to do this. The international community doesn't allow aggressive behavior of conquering nation states. Recall what happened when Iraq invaded Kuwait. The world will not allow Iran to seize control of Iraq or Afghanistan or Azerbaijan or anywhere else.

The most we have to fear from these people is terrorism. Not living under their Caliphate. I have as much fear of that as I do of living under Communism or a Monarchy.
Also Gaffer as I said before even if they started Iranian like revolution in other states the countries it could happen in don't have an ability to produce quality armaments. All that ability lies outside of Muslim nations. Had the Muslims not rejected modernity and scientific advancement for centuries we might have cause to fear.

You yourself have said they are stuck in the medieval era. Hard to be afraid of medieval armies.
They will not go head on with Israel until they can mount a united front against them. Then they will attack with everything they have and Israel will nuke em. Unless they can nuke Israel first.

But I don't think they will move against Israel until they can nullify the western powers and prevent intervention.

All they need is an inactive president in the US and plenty of media pr to divide the American people and they are set.