what was the best time in American history?

I'm probably psycho, but I missed all of "Lost." All 6 seasons.

Started getting it on Netflix and ended up watching 2-3 episodes a day for a couple of months. I was actually glad I did it that way, since I didn't have to wait on cliffhangers like I would in real time.

But again - I'm probably psycho.

No! Do you know I blogged LOST for years, wrote about LOST on Dark UFO and TVOvermind? Not only that, but there's hundreds of pages on the show on my forum! I'm currently rewatching from the beginning. Best tv show Evah!
No! Do you know I blogged LOST for years, wrote about LOST on Dark UFO and TVOvermind? Not only that, but there's hundreds of pages on the show on my forum! I'm currently rewatching from the beginning. Best tv show Evah!

Any questions, feel free to ask!
when I was asking about you favorite time in history of this country as it relates to the people being best off I was not talking about FAKE TV history
your talking TV shows?

fuck people

We could rehash what has been discussed if you would like.

1) You haven't stated your own opinion to your question.

2) It became pretty clear the reason you asked the question was you wanted people on the right to answer and whatever time period they would say you were prepared to say it was the Democrats who were responsible for the economic good in that period and Republicans were responsible for the economic bad in that period.
thanks for ruining the thread with your stupid TV show talk.

start your own damned thread about tv

again Desh... ANSWER your own question and we can get back to the topic... but we have had over 500 posts already. Most of us have answered. YOU have not. Why is that Desh?
why do you insist on pretending I didn't answer?

I will answer again for you but Im sure you will just keep lying about it.

every time in our history we had a country that was running smoothly and the people were pleased with their lives was NOT a result of the ideas you guys now keep trying to FORCE down the people throats even though your in the minoroity