what was the best time in American history?

Speaking of yo, how friggin' great was the premiere of Breaking Bad the other night? I know there is a BB thread, but don't feel like searching.

I was concerned about the danger of the show ending in a mediocre way after years of brilliance, but it definitely looks like they're going to stick the landing, as they say.
Speaking of yo, how friggin' great was the premiere of Breaking Bad the other night? I know there is a BB thread, but don't feel like searching.

I was concerned about the danger of the show ending in a mediocre way after years of brilliance, but it definitely looks like they're going to stick the landing, as they say.

Damn, can't believe I've never watched that show.
Better than Mad Men?

I love Mad Men, but there isn't much comparison, imo. Breaking Bad is transcendent - every show is sheer genius.

I can't remember even one episode where they did anything close to mailing it in, or that didn't blow me away. Mad Men can be very inconsistent for me, and I'm usually not dying to find out what happens next.

I'm probably gushing too much.
I've never watched Mad Men or Breaking Bad. By the time I thought to watch either of them it was way late and I would have had to watch, like, eleventy seasons to get up to speed. Too much work.
That's a little harsh. It was just a l'il groan.

I don't use "groan" a lot, but I really did groan when I read that one. It wasn't a huge grown; kind of subtle.

But a groan nonetheless.

Why didn't you groan Cawackoff? It is ok for him to insult me but not for me to reply to his insult?
It is comical how he and Desh get so worked up if someone groans them. Especially Dune.

Typical simplefreak lie. Look at how many times I have been groaned. Over 3000 times. When was the last time I complained other than yurt's legion troll account and I am not sure if I even did then.
A) He didn't say anything directed at me
B) He posts really funny videos

Yet you groaned this, and it wasn't directed at you,

  • [h=2][/h]
    Originally Posted by cawacko
    1. He's Dune. I saw enough of his posts to know I had no interest in talking with him or reading his trolling.

    Fuck you you ignorant freak.

    Originally Posted by The Dude
    I'm an innocent criminal

  • [h=2]The Following 2 Users Groan At Rune For This Awful Post:[/h]
    Superfreak (Today), Thing1 (Today)​

Typical simplefreak lie. Look at how many times I have been groaned. Over 3000 times. When was the last time I complained other than yurt's legion troll account and I am not sure if I even did then.

yet you have groaned others over 2400... so stop whining about it.
I do have Netflix but how far am I behind? Is this season five? Man, that's a lot of catching up to do.

I'm probably psycho, but I missed all of "Lost." All 6 seasons.

Started getting it on Netflix and ended up watching 2-3 episodes a day for a couple of months. I was actually glad I did it that way, since I didn't have to wait on cliffhangers like I would in real time.

But again - I'm probably psycho.
I'm probably psycho, but I missed all of "Lost." All 6 seasons.

Started getting it on Netflix and ended up watching 2-3 episodes a day for a couple of months. I was actually glad I did it that way, since I didn't have to wait on cliffhangers like I would in real time.

But again - I'm probably psycho.

That's some pretty dedicated watching. I wouldn't rule out I could do that but it would definitely be a challenge.