what was the best time in American history?

Look at the history of recessions in this country.

Ill go get it for you so you can bask in the GLORY of real facts

there is a list of all the recessions.

if you look at the number which is the interval between recessions you will see a pattern of a recession of every two years or so.

Then Came Glass Steagal.

Then this country had MUCH BIGGER GAPS between the recessions.

That is when the middle class in this country grew.

that middle class growth spurned on a great economy with LOTS of spenders.

You idiots want to destroy that
Post 8 fuckwad.

the non boom and bust time which was the Glass Steagal era.

what a fucking hack you are super duper

1) Nowhere in post 8 did you state what years you thought were best
2) Glass Steagall ran from 1933 until Clinton repealed it in 1999... so you basically are giving a 66 year window. Good job narrowing it down.
Desh you still haven't showed how schools were fully funded in the '50's and aren't today. Your Wikipedia link didn't show or prove anything.
Are you really referring to Bush II who was reading a book about a goat at the time?

If his response to 9/11 was his finest hour, then his presidency REALLY sucked the big lemon.

I personally thought his call for immigration reform was one of his few shining moments.

"Gobsmacked" is IMO the perfect word to describe his face when he got the news about the attack. He could not have looked less presidential.
yeah, thats what the pinheads expected....jump and yell and scream, as if there was some immediate action that could make a difference.....the stupidity of tekky and thinky's posts are useless to respond to in a serious manner.....there retorts are so childish and show such a lack of mature thought.....
its irrational to think there was anything Bush could do that would have or could have changed the attack in progress in any way....and Bush realized that from the beginning.
That attack would play out as it did and there was nothing anyone could do to change that reality....

I expected nothing better from those two anyway....

Don't be such a hack. Nobody expected him to scream and jump, just to get up, excuse himself for a minute, and step out to speak with his aides. it has nothing to do with the attack itself which couldn't have changed; it was his demeanor and actions when he learned about it.
No he would have just bombed and bombed and bombed Afghanistan until we were out of bombs. Or he would have done the whole surge thing, which we can see how well that works today.

Also, we are not "dependent" on the ME for oil. Over 85% comes from Mexico and Canada.

Is that better or worse than how we bombed and bombed and bombed Iraq?
Back when we all paid for our own health insurance and medical bills? I agree that part was better (though the poor should have been taken care of) As was the fiscal responsibility.

Other good: (no particular order)
1) Rosa Parks
2) MLK
3) Ike

Now for the bad parts of that period... (in no particular order)

1) Korea
2) Vietnam
3) No Medicaid
4) LBJ
5) Segregation
6) JFK and RFK assassinations
7) MLK assassination

I'm not so much a fan of LBJ the person, but really liked his domestic program The Great Society.
Don't be such a hack. Nobody expected him to scream and jump, just to get up, excuse himself for a minute, and step out to speak with his aides. it has nothing to do with the attack itself which couldn't have changed; it was his demeanor and actions when he learned about it.

I see that even the most sane among you are still stuck in the media's double talk over the issue. The real answer is: He should have immediately sprung to his feet and walked out at a fast pace. Never mind the fucking 'excusing' himself. It's obvious that the stupid fuck was thinking more about how the pet goat story would end than being your president.

Why is it that you people need a Canadian to separate out the bullshit for you?