What was the first style of beer you ever tried?

You never had a Belgian beer you pathetic liar.
The Belgian beer bottle is on the left. They put yeast in the bottle before filling it so Belgian beer requires a thicker glass with a wired in cork.

Porter, a dark beer, was said to be brewed by Ben Franklin and George Washington. A popular style and easy to brew.

A porter is a milder stout. Back when they became popular in the 1700's they had a gravitation of about 6.5 alcohol. Today's porters are much lighter and average around 4.0 alcohol- but yet still very dark! I didn't spend much time on them, as I moved on to stouts and barley wines.

Not because I am a drunk, but because they are damn good brews. I usually will use a good stout and cream ale and pour Black N' Tans which are so good, you feel obligated to make some kind of a toast before you drink them- even if it's "Here's mud in your eye"!

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A porter is a milder stout. Back when they became popular in the 1700's they had a gravitation of about 6.5 alcohol. Today's porters are much lighter and average around 4.0 alcohol- but yet still very dark! I didn't spend much time on them, as I moved on to stouts and barley wines.

Not because I am a drunk, but because they are damn good brews. I usually will use a good stout and cream ale and pour Black N' Tans which are so good, you feel obligated to make some kind of a toast before you drink them- even if it's "Here's mud in your eye"!

Actually, today's porters usually are around 6.5.
A porter is a milder stout. Back when they became popular in the 1700's they had a gravitation of about 6.5 alcohol. Today's porters are much lighter and average around 4.0 alcohol- but yet still very dark! I didn't spend much time on them, as I moved on to stouts and barley wines.

Not because I am a drunk, but because they are damn good brews. I usually will use a good stout and cream ale and pour Black N' Tans which are so good, you feel obligated to make some kind of a toast before you drink them- even if it's "Here's mud in your eye"!


If you had a good stout, you would only ruin it by diluting it.
If you had a good stout, you would only ruin it by diluting it.

Awe but there is something very special about the Black N' Tan. Both stouts and cream ales have heads that you could use for shaving cream!

Mixed together like that is like a match made in heaven itself!

If you handle it very carefully, you can almost drink entirely through the stout and it finishes off rather nicely with the cream ale as a pleasant surprise ending!
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Local brewer in Richmond called Richbrau. This was long before micro breweries and it was fairly cheap but pretty good. They died out and re-launched decades later as a microbrew.
My brothers stole it from Dad on a family camping trip.