What will you do if Trump becomes President, shreds the Constitution and declares himself President-for-Life?

What will you do if Trump turns the US into a fascist nation?

  • I'll join the Resistance

    Votes: 12 75.0%
  • I'll run for Canada

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll bend over and take it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll applaud and wear a Trump armband

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 3 18.8%

  • Total voters
What will you do when the flying spaghetti monster touches you with his noodly goodness and blesses your life with pasta, Ramen?

What will you do when left is declared a vegetable and pi is declared to be delicious rather than math?
The Flying Spaghetti Monster ordered the SCOTUS to give Joe All the power to end the Republican party
Best rifles for a resistance. While the ubiquitous AR is popular and has the most options and accessories for sale, I'm more of an AK/SKS fan since the 7.62mmx39 is better for hunting than the .223/5.56mm. The .223 has greater effective range but is still a lightweight bullet, even if using soft point or hollow point. Great for inflicting casualties on enemy troops, but not as great for knockdown power.

In a resistance, guerrilla tactics would be use. Mostly hit and run since large conventional engagements would be unlikely unless there was a second civil war with states fighting each other. As such, it'd a be quick ambush picking off the leaders and then hightailing it out of there before the AI drones homed in on you. LOL

In that case, a simple, high-powered bolt-action rifle with scope would be both sufficient and allow the resistance fighter(s) to be further away from the target. One of the most common in the US is the Remington model 700. It's used in the military and law enforcement as a sniper rifle and comes in several calibers. For commonality reasons, I'd recommend the 7.62 NATO round/Winchester 308.

That said, any high powered, scoped rifle and a few hundred rounds of ammunition will do since, using guerrilla tactics, only one or two rounds will be fired per engagement. It's better to be proficient with a cheaper rifle than lacking experience with a more expensive one.


Most guerrilla actions will be ambushes. Learning the basics of setting up an ambush and then exiting quickly after executing the ambush would be key surviving in the Resistance. There are a few types of ambushes, but an "L" ambush as pictured below is a good way to attack a column of enemy troops.

The base line of the "L" would be aligned to with the long side of the column. The short leg of the "L" would be aligned down the axis of the column. The link below discusses several points about ambushes.

One tip is that the officer in charge will be near the front and a top NCO will be at the rear. Look for distinguishing marks on their uniforms or types of firearms they carry to determine who is who. The common grunts will all look alike and be carrying rifles of the same type. Officers usually only carry a pistol and the radio operator will be near them. The NCO may be carrying a regular rifle or something shorter. A radio operator may be near them too.

What will you do if seven becomes the highest number, and all other numbers higher than seven are declared seven? will you count to seven like the slave to school books you are now? Or will you join the resistance and insist there are at least 8 numbers! Who is with me?!!!
What will you do if seven becomes the highest number, and all other numbers higher than seven are declared seven? will you count to seven like the slave to school books you are now? Or will you join the resistance and insist there are at least 8 numbers! Who is with me?!!!
Are you now anti-gun, Damo?

Pro-Second Amendment people have a golden opportunity to flip the script on the Democrat's decades long attack on firearms and you are ridiculing it.
Are you now anti-gun, Damo?
This thread just saying nonsense that will never happen is fun is it not?

What would you do if it was declared by Doctor (SoooooperDoctor) Jill that every color on the rainbow is now green? Would you agree with the standard set by Doctor Professor (the most doctoriest of all) Jill Biden and count the colors in the rainbow as one or would you agree with your lying eyes and say there were at least two more colors?
This thread just saying nonsense that will never happen is fun is it not?

What would you do if it was declared by Doctor (SoooooperDoctor) Jill that every color on the rainbow is now green? Would you agree with the standard set by Doctor Professor (the most doctoriest of all) Jill Biden and count the colors in the rainbow as one or would you agree with yiur lying eyes and say there were at least two more colors?
You don't believe Trump will take a second shot at overthrowing the US government? Enact Project 2025?

Are you also saying all those who support the Second Amendment and militias are as nutty as the LWers claim they are?

Jill isn't president and soon she won't be FLOTUS either. Trump, however, has a good chance, or had before Biden dropping out, of becoming President in 2025. Given your comments, I doubt you're voting Libertarian and suspect you are a Trump/Vance fan.
Best rifles for a resistance. While the ubiquitous AR is popular and has the most options and accessories for sale, I'm more of an AK/SKS fan since the 7.62mmx39 is better for hunting than the .223/5.56mm. The .223 has greater effective range but is still a lightweight bullet, even if using soft point or hollow point. Great for inflicting casualties on enemy troops, but not as great for knockdown power.

In a resistance, guerrilla tactics would be use. Mostly hit and run since large conventional engagements would be unlikely unless there was a second civil war with states fighting each other. As such, it'd a be quick ambush picking off the leaders and then hightailing it out of there before the AI drones homed in on you. LOL

In that case, a simple, high-powered bolt-action rifle with scope would be both sufficient and allow the resistance fighter(s) to be further away from the target. One of the most common in the US is the Remington model 700. It's used in the military and law enforcement as a sniper rifle and comes in several calibers. For commonality reasons, I'd recommend the 7.62 NATO round/Winchester 308.

That said, any high powered, scoped rifle and a few hundred rounds of ammunition will do since, using guerrilla tactics, only one or two rounds will be fired per engagement. It's better to be proficient with a cheaper rifle than lacking experience with a more expensive one.

DoI detect Mr. Tiny Penis AKA the snitch, is joining singlemankenneth and Brandonpresident in calling for the assassination of the POTUS. Sir, if you have already shot all the Republicans you disagree with, who is left to oppose you?

Duly noted and added to my list of Fuck you asshole replys.
DoI detect Mr. Tiny Penis AKA the snitch, is joining singlemankenneth and Brandonpresident in calling for the assassination of the POTUS. Sir, if you have already shot all the Republicans you disagree with, who is left to oppose you?

Duly noted and added to my list of Fuck you asshole replys.
Herr Winziger Schwanz is triggered by the idea of Americans arming themselves against tyranny. How revealing.

I figured a few MAGAts might be triggered, but had no idea they'd go fucking nuts over my proposal that all Americans arm themselves and be prepared to defend the Constitution against tyranny.
What will you do if Trump becomes President, shreds the Constitution and declares himself President-for-Life? Will you stay and fight? Run for Canada? Just suck it up and hope for the best?

My advice is for all Americans loyal to the Constitution is to exercise their Second Amendment rights by buying a scoped hunting rifle, lots of ammo and become proficient in its use before the Election since Americans may not have the chance afterward. This thread is for discussing strategy, tactics and weapons.

You might consider becoming familiar with books like these:

Phony patriot now inciting violence.
You can dance around it all you want. I know what you are doing. You are inciting armed revolution.
There is a handful of these "toned down, inclusive" lefties here that if Damo is correct, they could be getting a knock on their door from the feds.
Traitors they are.
There is a handful of these "toned down, inclusive" lefties here that if Damo is correct, they could be getting a knock on their door from the feds.
Traitors they are.
You mean Joe Biden's FBI? I❤️Irony

Oh, wait. You mean after the election when President-for-Life Trump starts rounding up Americans who voted against him. Now I get it. :)
You mean Joe Biden's FBI? I❤️Irony

Oh, wait. You mean after the election when President-for-Life Trump starts rounding up Americans who voted against him. Now I get it. :)
When Trump gets elected you'd better take to the hills ... ....dig in and hide your traitorous ass.