What will you do if Trump becomes President, shreds the Constitution and declares himself President-for-Life?

What will you do if Trump turns the US into a fascist nation?

  • I'll join the Resistance

    Votes: 12 75.0%
  • I'll run for Canada

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll bend over and take it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll applaud and wear a Trump armband

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 3 18.8%

  • Total voters
I'm pretty sure you're already being monitored.
Good. I love having my friends in both the FBI and CIA watching my back.

Do you know what entrapment is? Active officials of the United States can't do it. I can. Why? I'm retired. If I can elicit intelligence on enemies of the Constitution, foreign or domestic, then I am continuing to serve my country.

Do you know why Legion AKA Lionfish calls me a "snitch"? Because I mentioned that several active militia* JPP members were reported to the FBI after 1/6. Care to wager whether your next trip to the US has men in dark glasses and dark blue suits waiting for you, son? LOL

Care to increase your visibility with law enforcement in Brazil, Almost Marco? Do you think a phone call from the FBI or CIA would cause problems for you?

Unlike you, Legion and others on this forum, I am both an American patriot and abide by my oath to the Constitution.

*So they claimed. It was up to the FBI to figure out the truth and whether they were among those on a wanted list.
While the 5.56mm round wins in the comparison below for accuracy, for multiple reasons I prefer the 7.62x39 such as for knockdown power and the reliability of the AK platform.

5.56 x 45 mm vs 7.62 x 39 mm; when it comes to ammunition, these two cartridges are among the most prolific and well-known. They're used throughout the globe by a number of military forces who rely on their range, accuracy and firepower. Even though both are reliable and effective in a variety of circumstances, the debate over which is the all-around best is contested.

By looking at such variables as power, accuracy and the amount of recoil, we can put these two bullets to the test to see which is the ultimate long-distance round… And which comes in a very close second....

...With the topic at hand being a 5.56 x 45 mm vs 7.62 x 39 mm battle, the time has come to decide which one is the superior long distance cartridge. Given all that's been discussed, it's our argument that the 5.56 NATO is the ideal choice for users looking to cover a lot of ground. This is largely due to its greater accuracy, smaller size and lesser recoil.

That being said, it should be noted that both the 5.56 mm and 7.62 mm serve very different purposes. Therefore, under a different set of circumstances or needs, the 7.62 Soviet might very well come out victorious.

This thread just saying nonsense that will never happen is fun is it not?

What would you do if it was declared by Doctor (SoooooperDoctor) Jill that every color on the rainbow is now green? Would you agree with the standard set by Doctor Professor (the most doctoriest of all) Jill Biden and count the colors in the rainbow as one or would you agree with your lying eyes and say there were at least two more colors?
Are you on drugs?
While the 5.56mm round wins in the comparison below for accuracy, for multiple reasons I prefer the 7.62x39 such as for knockdown power and the reliability of the AK platform.

5.56 x 45 mm vs 7.62 x 39 mm; when it comes to ammunition, these two cartridges are among the most prolific and well-known. They're used throughout the globe by a number of military forces who rely on their range, accuracy and firepower. Even though both are reliable and effective in a variety of circumstances, the debate over which is the all-around best is contested.

By looking at such variables as power, accuracy and the amount of recoil, we can put these two bullets to the test to see which is the ultimate long-distance round… And which comes in a very close second....

...With the topic at hand being a 5.56 x 45 mm vs 7.62 x 39 mm battle, the time has come to decide which one is the superior long distance cartridge. Given all that's been discussed, it's our argument that the 5.56 NATO is the ideal choice for users looking to cover a lot of ground. This is largely due to its greater accuracy, smaller size and lesser recoil.

That being said, it should be noted that both the 5.56 mm and 7.62 mm serve very different purposes. Therefore, under a different set of circumstances or needs, the 7.62 Soviet might very well come out victorious.

I have always been against 20/30 /40 round clips, but with the way things are getting I might go out and buy 4 or 5 .
IF Trump does get back in I think they may come in handy
Have a nice day
Don't be silly, Presidents are for just 4 or 8 years.

He would need to be King, to be for life.

Or a SCOTUS Justice I suppose. Justice Trump... that does have a nice ring to it!

Say, after his next 4 years, and Vance takes over, he can appoint Trump as a new Justice! Wow!

I have always been against 20/30 /40 round clips, but with the way things are getting I might go out and buy 4 or 5 .
IF Trump does get back in I think they may come in handy
Have a nice day
It never hurts to remember the Boy Scout motto. Don't forget some ammo too. :thup: :flagsal:
Don't be silly, Presidents are for just 4 or 8 years.

He would need to be King, to be for life.

Or a SCOTUS Justice I suppose. Justice Trump... that does have a nice ring to it!

Say, after his next 4 years, and Vance takes over, he can appoint Trump as a new Justice! Wow!

Thanks for admitting you're the one who voted "applaud and wear the Trump armband". :)

I'm hoping that in September, the judge in the NY conviction sentences Trump to two years in a NY state prison to begin on the day of sentencing.

If that doesn't happen, I would hope that there's a secret, well organized group comprised of high ranking members of the NSA, CIA, FBI, Homeland Security and top ranking military officers, that has plan in place to terminate such a threat to our nation permanently and with extreme prejudice if such a situation were to ever present itself.

No ear shots next time, IOW.