What words do you never want to hear?


I was having a little think (big thinks take too much time), and I wondered what the worst words anyone could say to one were.
I thought of, 'Your wife is an animal in bed' but somehow, I thought, there must be worse. Then I thought, "Do you have anything to say before we throw the switch?"
Can you go one better ... or even two?
(It's a slow night here. Watched B'burn win, had a few beers. For the Americans who don't understand football, beer is served at room temperature not frozen unless it is Bud which must be frozen to hide the taste!)
"I know it looks bleak chaps, but if there's any army in the world that can turn this battle in our favour it's the Italians"
I was having a little think (big thinks take too much time), and I wondered what the worst words anyone could say to one were.
I thought of, 'Your wife is an animal in bed' but somehow, I thought, there must be worse. Then I thought, "Do you have anything to say before we throw the switch?"
Can you go one better ... or even two?
(It's a slow night here. Watched B'burn win, had a few beers. For the Americans who don't understand football, beer is served at room temperature not frozen unless it is Bud which must be frozen to hide the taste!)
BTW - This isn't necessarily true. When I've visited there is always Guinness Cold available and they assumed it was what I wanted every time I ordered a Guinness...

As for words I don't want to hear... "Would you like that cold?" was near the top when I was in the UK.
I was having a little think (big thinks take too much time), and I wondered what the worst words anyone could say to one were.
I thought of, 'Your wife is an animal in bed' but somehow, I thought, there must be worse. Then I thought, "Do you have anything to say before we throw the switch?"
Can you go one better ... or even two?
(It's a slow night here. Watched B'burn win, had a few beers. For the Americans who don't understand football, beer is served at room temperature not frozen unless it is Bud which must be frozen to hide the taste!)

Thats an easy one.

"I'm very sorry, but your son (or daughter) was killed in an accident"
"Have i ever shown you the youtube clip of your mother discovering her love for the wheelbarrow position?"
"Of course Jesus was never stuck in a lift, on the hottest day of the year in the midst of a general strike, but he did die on the cross for our sins, didn't he?"
"Hey, you must love all that extra money your wife makes at night, huh?"

"I'm sorry, we removed your penis instead of your appendix."

(from my daughter) "Dad, I'm getting married and you know him. He goes on one of the websites you like. His name on there is Dixie."

"I checked the numbers on an old lottery ticket. You won $145 million but its out of date."
BTW - This isn't necessarily true. When I've visited there is always Guinness Cold available and they assumed it was what I wanted every time I ordered a Guinness...

As for words I don't want to hear... "Would you like that cold?" was near the top when I was in the UK.

To explain fully, Guinness is an excellent beer, and the Irish are proud of that fact. It is served lukewarm in their bars as a snob statement that it tastes good, even when unchilled. I have actually drunk a few bottles that I forgot to stick in the fridge, and it is still good that way...

Low was right about the reason Bud (The Unamerican Beer) is served ice cold!
I can never forget that Anheuser-Busch stopped Czech Budweiser from using the name internationally. Bloody amazing really considering that it was the older company.

I was having a little think (big thinks take too much time), and I wondered what the worst words anyone could say to one were.
I thought of, 'Your wife is an animal in bed' but somehow, I thought, there must be worse. Then I thought, "Do you have anything to say before we throw the switch?"
Can you go one better ... or even two?
(It's a slow night here. Watched B'burn win, had a few beers. For the Americans who don't understand football, beer is served at room temperature not frozen unless it is Bud which must be frozen to hide the taste!)
I like that one. Here's another as a result of the entrance of a poster called SJJJRRSS or something.
"I'll tell everyone else to come here."
I really didn't want to hear that. :clink:

"Wow, I didn't realize you really could shoot your eye out!"
"So just to recap - push button A to eradicate world poverty, put and end to armed conflict and guarantee universal human rights for all eternity or button B to receive a blow job off this fine looking Korean hooker. Grind, make your choice."