What words do you never want to hear?

"So just to recap - push button A to eradicate world poverty, put and end to armed conflict and guarantee universal human rights for all eternity or button B to receive a blow job off this fine looking Korean hooker. Grind, make your choice."

easy choice lol.
I believe Palin has a learning curve possible that is apparently and utterly missing in "The Bidenmouth".

You mean she can memorize, don't you? I don't know that she learns so much as she can just spout facts. Get to her deviate from the script and you are in for trouble.
I, Sarah Palin, do solemnly swear to uphold and defend the constitution of the United States.

Palin learning curve? That would be the triumph of hope over reality. She may have a measure of animal cunning but bottom line, there's no "there" there.

I believe Palin has a learning curve possible that is apparently and utterly missing in "The Bidenmouth".
Hi, I'm Joel Osteen. It looks like we are going to be sitting next to each other all the way to Australia. Isn't that wonderful? Praise the Lord!
"Son, your mother and i have been talking and we think you're about that age when we should have a little talk about the birds and the bees. So, first off, when you're going down on a bloke..."