What Would Happen if the Feds Attempted Forcible Confiscation of Firearms? Speculate.

yes the gun nutters would go full Timmy McVeigh on Americans for LEGALLY BANNING ONE TYPE OF GUN

they are dangerous people who are itching for a reason to kill people with their metal penis replacements

Its why so many are being murdered with these weapons

It's control freaks like you who are itching for a reason to kill people. Banning one type of gun would clearly be unconstitutional, besides being just another control freak wet dream. Such a ban would have no positive impact.

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And just who are these "gun nutters" I own guns and most people I know and worked with were gun owners and not one I repeat not one was itching to go out and kill someone.

I believe to only nutter here is you.
He can't wait to have the government kill people for him.

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Wrong.Lefty's are smart enough to know our gun laws are harmful to society and result in many deaths and woundings every year. But we also know what big babies you rightys are about guns and we know it is impossible to confiscate them. You guys talk confiscation to stir up gun lovers with a false and ridiculous concept.s You are so primal in your love of weapons, that is works well. Sleep well cuddling up to your AR. Nobody is coming for it.
Yes, our gun laws, all 20,000 plus, are harmful to society. Like all gun laws, they haven't made anything better and have only contributed to making things worse. If you want to make things better, try a positive step such as putting gun safety education in all public schools. But the control freaks oppose that because it would actually work and isn't in line with their paranoia about guns.

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It will happen in the states that are concerned about the safety of their children.

There will be a handful of states that won't comply, and it will be their own problem.
It has nothing to do with "the safety of their children". That's just the front control freaks throw up to hide their true motivation, which is simply acute paranoia about guns.

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Why aren't you paying attention? Mass killers wouldn't pay attention to what? Anyone seen in public with one of these weapons, will have it taken away. The idea is to make it illegal to walk around in public with a banned weapon. When it isn't commonplace, mass killers will be easy to spot. They'll also be susceptible to traffic stops.

Which mass killers were walking around in public with a firearm openly displayed? The El Paso shooter was in a gun free zone, as is often the case. This idea appears to be just more control freak wishful thinking.

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Ummmm...no. It's Wiki, so you are free to correct it.

Perhaps we'll see quite a few instances of those you speak of being shot and killed as they attempt to take on the govt.

Eventually, we'll have fewer mass shootings. Natural selection, as it were.
What does any of that have to do with mass shootings?

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You aren't missing much. We have one who makes idiotic clams re. a well reported incident where quite a few anti America separatists ended up in jail...or even dead.

And you have a special needs fool who can't seem to follow the discussion.

Pretty much what you would expect in a thread like this.

You're the one who seems to be having trouble following the discussion.

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Dodge, deflect, divert, convert, invert, ignore, redefine, or otherwise evade that opening post. He was spot on about domer being incapable of responding to a hypothetical situation, but you have the same limitations.
Those are all your standard tactics.

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It appears that you are the one who needs to sober up. You don't seem to be aware of what you've posted.

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I've very aware of what I posted, but feel free to quote me along with your drunken response(s)
What does any of that have to do with mass shootings?

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If you cannot follow the thread, then just stop adding to the discussion. Lucky for you, you're too damned stupid to realize that you're making an ass of yourself
What you continue to demonstrate is that the control freaks are completely delusional.

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Look, kid - why do you think the whole of the world regards you as screaming nutters? Race prejudice or something, is it, or could it be you re just screaming nutters, fed thick shit by the NRA? :)
It has nothing to do with "the safety of their children". That's just the front control freaks throw up to hide their true motivation, which is simply acute paranoia about guns.

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Acute paranoia? WTF. We have lived in a society of gun proliferation and many, many gun deaths. We have gotten used to gun lovers shooting each other and have lived through many mass shootings. It barely registers in the news anymore. We do feel sad that gun lovers are at peace with a more dangerous society as long they have a weapon to fondle. We are inured to gun lovers fighting to make America a more dangerous country. None of this is new. We are at the "here we go again" stage of acceptance.

Usual "arsecheese" blather. :rolleyes: