Whats all this intercultural adoption crap ?


Villified User
Per what I have scanned on the Madonna adoption hullabaloo.
Some are claiming that intercultural adoption can endanger a childs identity.
Sounds like biggotry under another label to me.
I did not even poke into the Madonna stuff till that popped up in connection. yech Madonna :eek:
I have no qualms about intercultural adoption.

Culture is learnt, it isn't innate.

The child might have been born in Africa but its upbringing in the UK will make it culturally a British child. (Poor thing)
Who the hell cares? It is a bunch of people all in Madonna's business...

Admittedly she makes it their business by making a huge deal of the nice thing she is doing, but really... The kid will be fine, in fact... If she wants to adopt a 35 year old Colorado man, I know where there's one that would go for it!
i agree usc. its a load of crap from people that have little direct influence on the child's life and will not step up to the plate if Madonna does not adopt the child. They just want to be heard at the expense of this child's well being. Its quite disgusting in my opinion.
The kid will be fine, in fact... If she wants to adopt a 35 year old Colorado man, I know where there's one that would go for it!

Especially if she breast-feeds.... lol
The kid will be fine, in fact... If she wants to adopt a 35 year old Colorado man, I know where there's one that would go for it!

Especially if she breast-feeds.... lol

Naw, not me ....:shock:
Madonna is sure not my type.
Been trying to get bill gates to adopt me though. He seems to have a problem with adopting someone older than himself though ;)
Imagine, if you will, that instead of Madonna, this was Trent Lott.... He gets on a plane, goes to Africa, has his "people" line up a bunch of African kids, and Trent picks one to "adopt." He then gets back on the plane, and has his "people" bring the kid to his new home in Mississippi.

Do ya think the reaction would be the same for Trent as it is for Madonna?

Just curious....
One is a politician and the other is not Dix. Some big differnece there. Otherwise is pretty much equally dislike both of them.
Yes. I'd think there was something fundamentally wrong with a racist adopting a black child. Madonna, on the other hand, has not illustrated racist leanings in my opinion. I think this kid better thank his lucky stars.

I'm with damo, she can adopt me too.
Yes. I'd think there was something fundamentally wrong with a racist adopting a black child. Madonna, on the other hand, has not illustrated racist leanings in my opinion. I think this kid better thank his lucky stars.

I'm with damo, she can adopt me too.

First of all, Trent Lott is not racist, I have known the man personally for years, and could give you numerous examples of how he is not racist. Secondly, we don't establish standards and ethics based on your perceptions of who you think people are, that is called, having a double standard.

Finally, there is the ethics of the action. Madonna has enough money, she could have given the family a million dollars, she could have "adopted" the whole family, or she could have taken one of the millions of AIDS orphans who don't have a living parent.... but no, she liked the way this particular one looked, he is the one she picked.... like a puppy at the pound!

I wonder if she checked his teeth?
First of all, Trent Lott is not racist, I have known the man personally for years, and could give you numerous examples of how he is not racist. Secondly, we don't establish standards and ethics based on your perceptions of who you think people are, that is called, having a double standard.

Finally, there is the ethics of the action. Madonna has enough money, she could have given the family a million dollars, she could have "adopted" the whole family, or she could have taken one of the millions of AIDS orphans who don't have a living parent.... but no, she liked the way this particular one looked, he is the one she picked.... like a puppy at the pound!

I wonder if she checked his teeth?
that is only deserving of a :rolleyes:
no trent lott isn't a racist....he just happens to think that we'd be a better country today if we had elected a racist as president.....

but that doesn't make HIM a racist.

First of all, Trent Lott is not racist, I have known the man personally for years, and could give you numerous examples of how he is not racist. Secondly, we don't establish standards and ethics based on your perceptions of who you think people are, that is called, having a double standard.

Finally, there is the ethics of the action. Madonna has enough money, she could have given the family a million dollars, she could have "adopted" the whole family, or she could have taken one of the millions of AIDS orphans who don't have a living parent.... but no, she liked the way this particular one looked, he is the one she picked.... like a puppy at the pound!

I wonder if she checked his teeth?

I forgot Dixie standard of racism. Unless you actually own a slave, you're not really racist.

Well for those of us that reside in reality racism is a matter of your actions and words. For instance telling a white supremacy group that they stand for the right principals is racist.


Saying that world would have been a better place if it had elected a segregationist years ago, is also a sign of a racist individual.

Also, you're little notions of how this adoption took place are just wrong wrong wrong wrong.

From Madonna's own words:

"Nevertheless, we have gone about the adoption procedure according to the law like anyone else who adopts a child. Reports to the contrary are totally inaccurate. The procedure includes an 18-month evaluation period after which time we hope to make this adoption permanent. "


Now, I think I'll take her statement over what you pull out of your a$$ anyday of the week on just about any topic.
Now, I think I'll take her statement over what you pull out of your a$$ anyday of the week on just about any topic.

I have to agree LadyT, and I don't even like Madonna.
Now, I think I'll take her statement over what you pull out of your a$$ anyday of the week on just about any topic.

I have to agree LadyT, and I don't even like Madonna.

I don't like her either. But when someone is doing something good, they should get credit. Not slammed for not doing more. She's helping out this kid, and now Dixie's saying, well, why didn't she do more or x,y,z? Unbelievable.