Whats all this intercultural adoption crap ?

She's helping out this kid

No, that's the image she wants to convey. Madonna is being trendy. She's indulging in her wealth, and buying human beings, African human beings, at that! She probably plans to raise herself a Mandingo, and one day, give birth to her own grandchild! Who the fuck knows with Madonna?

I see people like Bono, doing good. Honestly devoting theselves to a cause and making a difference. I see Madonna, an insatiable publicity whore who thinks it's hip to pick out black kids like you would pick a purse or shoes. This adopted kid, is an accessory for her, and a huge publicity stunt, as usual.

Like I said before, if it were Trent Lott doing this, the liberals would torch his plane before he could take off!
Do you have any proof Dixie? How do YOU know that this is only a publicity stunt?
If trent lot did it demoncrats and rebutlikens would all be in shock and not be able to say anything at all :)
He would sure drop in your eyes though dix. After all a black child....
Again. I gave you PROOF that trent lott is a racist jerk. Yes. I'd have problems with him adopting a black child. Do you have proof that madonna say, spoke at a white supremacist group and advocated what they stood for? If so, I'll consider your point. Otherwise, we'll consider it from your @$$ like most of the stuff you spew and keep it moving.....'kay?
Lady T?????

It's Frickin MADONNA!


So, because she is madonna, she's incapable of wanting to adopt a child from the goodness of her heart, it must be because its a publicity stunt?.......because she's madonna....Do you know her personally?.....

Oh, wait, you only hang around with racists.....

Dixie said:
Trent Lott is not racist, I have known the man personally for years, and could give you numerous examples of how he is not racist
If trent lot did it demoncrats and rebutlikens would all be in shock and not be able to say anything at all :)
He would sure drop in your eyes though dix. After all a black child....

I know you think it's funny to poke at me about being racist, but I am not racist in any way, and it offends me for you to continue to throw that charge around so cavalierly, without being challenged. There are far too many REAL racists in the world, to marginalize and trivialize it, by using it to get a dig in on Dixie, and if you can't understand my feelings on this, you are going to find yourself being ignored, along with others who can't seem to control themselves. I don't come here to listen to your ad homenim insults, and I have no intentions of continuing to do so.
"If I don't want to do business with black people, it doesn't mean I am a racist."
Dixie explains that the white hood in his closet is really just his Casper the Ghost Halloween costume

nahhhh...Dixie is obviously not a racist! LOL
Well, dixie, here are some things we do know about you:

1) You hang around racists
2) You like to call me a "plantation" pinhead
3) You don't think its racist to not want to do business with black people.
Well, dixie, here are some things we do know about you:

1) You hang around racists
2) You like to call me a "plantation" pinhead
3) You don't think its racist to not want to do business with black people.

1) I don't hang around racists, never have.

2) You are a Plantation Pinhead, as described by black conservative author, C. Mason Weaver.

3) I never stated that as my personal beleif. You are being lied to by someone, who took something completely out of the context it was presented, to perpetrate an outright lie and misrepresentation.
Then the disgusting comment about the madonna adoption....
There is no doubt in my mind.

That's not surprising, it's how most prejudiced bigots behave. They infer their own bigotry into what someone says, and it's all the proof they need to make the charge. I'm sure that, in your mind, I am the biggest racist bigot that ever lived. Too bad you can't back that up with anything tangible.
1) I don't hang around racists, never have.

You stated earlier in this thread that you personally know Trent. How could this be if you haven't hung around him? Unless you two just exchange messages on myspace.

Dixie said:
2) You are a Plantation Pinhead, as described by black conservative author, C. Mason Weaver.

And what exactly does that entail?

3) I never stated that as my personal beleif. You are being lied to by someone, who took something completely out of the context it was presented, to perpetrate an outright lie and misrepresentation.

So you didn't say that?
That's not surprising, it's how most prejudiced bigots behave. They infer their own bigotry into what someone says, and it's all the proof they need to make the charge. I'm sure that, in your mind, I am the biggest racist bigot that ever lived. Too bad you can't back that up with anything tangible.

A piss poor attempt at being clever there Dix. Try harder.
You stated earlier in this thread that you personally know Trent. How could this be if you haven't hung around him? Unless you two just exchange messages on myspace.

And what exactly does that entail?

So you didn't say that?

Me and Trent don't hang out, sorry. I know him from my days with the newspaper in Mississippi, and I've covered a few of his campaigns. I can tell you about legislation he has been instrumental in, regarding assistance to poor black communities in MS, I can tell you of his work with the Literacy Council and several other volunteer groups who assist poor blacks in MS, and I can tell you how many black people go to the polls and vote for him, based on his track record in MS. I can tell you that his staff, who I dealt with daily, is full of black people.... The man is not racist, there are no racists in Congress, unless it's Sen. Byrd, the former KKK leader.

For C. Mason Weaver's definition of "Plantation Democrats" you'll have to buy the book, it is too complicated to articulate here, but the comment was not intended as a racist remark in any way, and actually came from a black man, you just happen to disagree with it.

And No... I didn't say that in the context presented. It is a deliberate manipulation of the words, to convey that message, but that was not what I said at all. In order to try and illustrate how someones view was flawed, I used an absurd example, which Maine distorted for his own purposes. I have never held that viewpoint, and I certainly agree that people who don't want to do business with black people, are probably racist at heart. Just like, I think people who don't want to support Israel, are probably anti-Semetic at heart.
that is a verbatim quote. There is no misconstruing done to it...it is what it is. I didn't put those words in your mouth. You said - AND I QUOTE:

"If I don't want to do business with black people, it doesn't mean I am a racist."
that is a verbatim quote. There is no misconstruing done to it...it is what it is. I didn't put those words in your mouth. You said - AND I QUOTE:

"If I don't want to do business with black people, it doesn't mean I am a racist."
It is, however, taken out of context where he was using it as an absurd example.
Hmmmmm, lets see.....Dixie's ass or baby's father's mouth.....you decide....:


Where were these people when David was struggling in the orphanage? These so-called human rights groups should leave my baby alone," Yohane Banda said.

"As father I have okayed this, I have no problem; the village has no problem, who are they to cause trouble? Please let them stop."