Matt Dillon
Semolina comes from wheat
Not as bad way to earn a living, if you've got the assets. It's not a great long-term plan, though.
Is that why you only did it in college?
I'm just BSing. I know you were never hot enough to be a stripper and never made $850/wk or more.
I do know you're a liar and will lie and lie and lie.
You're a leftist, that's what leftists do.

I worked my way through college with being a bagboy and a dishwasher.
Ofc it didn't cost as much then as now, thanks, leftists!
Also, Uncle Sam picked up the tab for the rest of it because I had the grades, babydoll. Advanced college classes, even, all As.
All As and then some. I wasn't the highest, fuckin' aye some people got some motivation.
UT was courtin' me; though. That's the private rich school, babydoll. I know a dude that went there, he's cool AF.. He's a Bostonian real yankee, but he's cool AF.
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