Minister of Truth
Practically Perfect
67 plus 23 =
90, not 100.
67 plus 23 =
Fuck you! I ran out of toes! LOL67 plus 23 =
It's cool cuz...nice burn!! LOLJust yanking your chain bro, we all make mistakes
being an Ohio slow fan, bet you took your shoes off to do that math
I didn't know Ohioans had extra toes.
Not inclucing changing flights in Hawaii and Cali, I've been to 31 States. I mean what's the criteria? If you go by natural beauty, I've not been to the Western or Rocky Mountain States. I know that during the warm weather months Appalachia and the Great lakes regions are spectacular. The northern parts of Minnesota, Wisconsin and the UP are incredible. Appalachia from the Addirondacks down though the Blue Ridge and Smokey Mountains are incredible too. The midwest has it's good points but is mostly one endless cornfield after another and are only exceeded in boring by the western plains States. The south central US isn't much bettter and Florida, once you get away from the beach, is one of the ugliest States in the country. Texas is ok or would be if it wasn't full of Texans. (JK)
I can't speak for the Western US but I've been all over the eastern US. In terms of natural beauty, West "By God" Virginia gets my vote. In terms of quality of life, North Carolina gets it.
Hawaii is the only state I have not been to. I have spent multiple days in each of the other states.
For pure beauty, it is hard to beat Alaska in the Summer...
National Parks.... Yosemite is the best in terms of beauty and things to do.
Pure year round beauty/things to do... Colorado is the best. Montana and northern WY get a lot colder in the winter, AZ and NM too hot in the summer. The Door county and UP are really nice in the summer beauty wise... but they suck ass in the winter.... and you need forty two cases of bug spray in the summer PER DAY.
I love North Carolina... it is certainly a top five state....
My top five:
1) Colorado... for reasons above
2) California... like CO it has a lot of natural beauty, it is a very fit state on the whole and it has Yosemite
3) Hawaii.... making an assumption here, but kind of bet I am right with regards to natural beauty of the state
4) N. Carolina... because it is really the only place out east that doesn't suck ass other than Maine
5) Maine... friggin beautiful state....
freak trying to get the wife to go to Co in the fall.
I'm looking at either Boulder, Everygreen or Breckenridge for potential vacation homes.
any comment
True, but the best Detroit girls are better than the best Boston girls. The average for MA is better, not the absolutetrue quote from capt when he was in boston: "boston girls are amazing" (paraphrased)
Massachusetts sucks for the following reasons....
1) Miserable winters with no ski resorts
2) Miserable summers with 99.9% humidity all the friggin time
3) The Kennedy's
4) It is illegal to beat the crap out of those idiots in Boston with the accent from hell.... pronounce your 'r's' you morons.
Dude, that's like saying goats are better than sheep!True, but the best Detroit girls are better than the best Boston girls. The average for MA is better, not the absolute
Cleveland? Thems fighten words!! I live in Cowtown! Well actually I live in Dublin. Dublin is to Columbus what Covington is to the NO area. Except instead of a lake we have a golf course. I have to agree with you on the ladies. In the US NO and Miami have the highest concentration of hot women probably in the US. I'll give the nod to Miami with the hot women but NO has the food scene hands down. No place in the country does food porn like NO does!Mott is from where Cleveland? Your right all we have is no and br. Both of those have more hot women than your whole state. They wright songs about our woman, they hook plows to your midwestern heffers
I'm not that crazy.
Another thing which will make Grind happy. The morning DJ's on one of the music stations I had on today cited a GQ ranking of worst-dressed cities, which had Boston as #1. They also stated that Seattle had improved its ranking from years past, and guessed that the end of the Birkenstocks craze might have been what helped.