Whats The One Obama's Greatest Achievements, that Trump will Never Have?


In Yo Face!

And who else was in the room when the decision was made?

This is why Trump is bringing up Osama Bin Ladin.

It's one of those Obama legacy achievements that Trump wants to take away from him.

:cool: ... along with Mrs Trump desire for larger hands :laugh:

And who else was in the room when the decision was made?

This is why Trump is bringing up Osama Bin Ladin.

It's one of those Obama legacy achievements that Trump wants to take away from him.

:cool: ... along with Mrs Trump desire for larger hands :laugh:

Trump is truly pathetic......

And who else was in the room when the decision was made?

This is why Trump is bringing up Osama Bin Ladin.

It's one of those Obama legacy achievements that Trump wants to take away from him.

:cool: ... along with Mrs Trump desire for larger hands :laugh:

What's The One Obama's Greatest Achievements, that Trump will Never Have?

He's black ......

Black? He's 'high yeller'...…..and 100% Black Muslim Marxist. Why would anyone endeavor to mirror anything this social communist attempted? His failures are many and documented. It was the Military that ended OBL, not the policies of BHO. Hell....the way the manner was handled (no body, no evidence)…..the body was supposedly buried at sea. Strange happening for such an enemy. Where's the evidence?
his Greatest achievement is getting away with everything with little to no scrutiny from his adoring fans the press.
International respect from countries of the world. The ACA. The Iraq pact that kept Iraq from making a nuke for at least 10 years, perhaps much longer. Providing dignity to the Whitehouse. Saving the Repub economic disaster.
Truth is, Pakistan was hiding him for years and then decided to tell the US where he was.

But according to about half of Americans, Osama couldn't have been guilty anyway. It was either the CIA's explosive charges or the Martians that brought those building down. Why, just watch a video of building 7 coming down before it actually came down. It's easy to find, it's one of youall's favourites!

And who else was in the room when the decision was made?

This is why Trump is bringing up Osama Bin Ladin.

It's one of those Obama legacy achievements that Trump wants to take away from him.

:cool: ... along with Mrs Trump desire for larger hands :laugh:

Have we been told the truth about Bin Laden's death?

Mr Hersh claims that Pakistani intelligence - the ISI - were holding Bin Laden prisoner for nearly six years in the garrison town of Abbottabad and just handed him over to the Americans in a staged raid. According to Mr Hersh the official US account is therefore "a fairytale."

Have we been told the truth about Bin Laden's death?

Mr Hersh claims that Pakistani intelligence - the ISI - were holding Bin Laden prisoner for nearly six years in the garrison town of Abbottabad and just handed him over to the Americans in a staged raid. According to Mr Hersh the official US account is therefore "a fairytale."


Hersh has been out of the loop for well over a decade.
Whats The One Obama's Greatest Achievements, that Trump will Never Have?

At first blush I might have suggested that Obama drove white folks to madness. But upon reflection, that does not distinguish him from Don at all.