Whats The One Obama's Greatest Achievements, that Trump will Never Have?

Hello Loving91390,

And that has what to do with racism in the south? (which is the discussion you responded to...)

Your comment is total 'whataboutism.'

If you are going to comment on a discussion, then comment on the discussion.

Fuck your " racism " bullshit .... Trump got elected because you picked Hillary !
Hello Loving91390,

And that has what to do with racism in the south? (which is the discussion you responded to...)

Your comment is total 'whataboutism.'

If you are going to comment on a discussion, then comment on the discussion.

Do you live in the South?
Hello montgomery,

No doubt racism is stronger in the south, but I do not believe it is unanimous. There are those who cling to the old ways, and those who think more progressively. Overt racism is much more identifiable than averse racism, so it's hard to quantify.

While it is true that Trump could not have been elected without the racist vote, that does not account for all of his votes. Then there are the not so racist friends of racists, those who will look the other way when it is in their interest. There's a lot of looking the other way involved in Trump support.
I said 'close' to unanimous but I agree with mostly everything you said, including the distinction between overt and covert racism. Describing it as 'looking the other way' with the Trump supporters is also true.

White Americans created slavery and modern America's denial of the right to keep slaves resulted in increased racism instead of less. It's unique in America to a large extent and it's now become impossible to escape. And especially with Trump who encourages racism by his method of encouraging hate against minorities. The situation is getting worse with Trump, instead of racism declining.

I would also suggest that America wasn't ready for Obama and a large part of Trump's success is attributable to the racist hate increasing in the US south. That's how the racism problem is unique to America. Other countries are not racism free but there is a difference in the degree of the problem, compared to other Western countries.

The damage that Trump has done and will do, won't be erased after Trump. He's taking America back to the sixties where you will have to start all over again.
I said 'close' to unanimous but I agree with mostly everything you said, including the distinction between overt and covert racism. Describing it as 'looking the other way' with the Trump supporters is also true.

White Americans created slavery and modern America's denial of the right to keep slaves resulted in increased racism instead of less. It's unique in America to a large extent and it's now become impossible to escape. And especially with Trump who encourages racism by his method of encouraging hate against minorities. The situation is getting worse with Trump, instead of racism declining.

I would also suggest that America wasn't ready for Obama and a large part of Trump's success is attributable to the racist hate increasing in the US south. That's how the racism problem is unique to America. Other countries are not racism free but there is a difference in the degree of the problem, compared to other Western countries.

The damage that Trump has done and will do, won't be erased after Trump. He's taking America back to the sixties where you will have to start all over again.

Where do you live in the South?
Where do you live in the South?

I live in Canada's south. Close to the 49th. parallel.

I'm saying that you have a unique situation in America in respect to racism. And who in their right mind would suggest that Trump is making it worse. In fact, he's riding on Obama's coatails inasmuch as America wan't ready for a black president and it's brought out the bedsheets and pointy hats from the closets of the south. If not for Obama and now Trump, those bedsheets and pointy hats could have eventually moldered away in their closets. Rhetorically speaking of course.
I live in Canada's south. Close to the 49th. parallel.

I'm saying that you have a unique situation in America in respect to racism. And who in their right mind would suggest that Trump is making it worse. In fact, he's riding on Obama's coatails inasmuch as America wan't ready for a black president and it's brought out the bedsheets and pointy hats from the closets of the south. If not for Obama and now Trump, those bedsheets and pointy hats could have eventually moldered away in their closets. Rhetorically speaking of course.

You sure don't know anything about race relations in the South.
I live in Canada's south. Close to the 49th. parallel.

I'm saying that you have a unique situation in America in respect to racism. And who in their right mind would suggest that Trump is making it worse. In fact, he's riding on Obama's coatails inasmuch as America wan't ready for a black president and it's brought out the bedsheets and pointy hats from the closets of the south. If not for Obama and now Trump, those bedsheets and pointy hats could have eventually moldered away in their closets. Rhetorically speaking of course.

You sure don't know anything about race relations in the South. If you want a KKK march in South Carolina, you have to import them from Idaho.
Hello and goodbye Loving91390,

Fuck your " racism " bullshit .... Trump got elected because you picked Hillary !

Oh, I see. Since I caught you in a clear case of 'whataboutism' your answer is to get nasty. No problem. I have just the thing for this type of response.

Do have a good life.

Permanent poof.
I said 'close' to unanimous but I agree with mostly everything you said, including the distinction between overt and covert racism. Describing it as 'looking the other way' with the Trump supporters is also true.

White Americans created slavery and modern America's denial of the right to keep slaves resulted in increased racism instead of less. It's unique in America to a large extent and it's now become impossible to escape. And especially with Trump who encourages racism by his method of encouraging hate against minorities. The situation is getting worse with Trump, instead of racism declining.

I would also suggest that America wasn't ready for Obama and a large part of Trump's success is attributable to the racist hate increasing in the US south. That's how the racism problem is unique to America. Other countries are not racism free but there is a difference in the degree of the problem, compared to other Western countries.

The damage that Trump has done and will do, won't be erased after Trump. He's taking America back to the sixties where you will have to start all over again.

In some ways I agree with much of this. I think racism in the big picture is slowly dying out but Trump represents a temporary reversal in the decline. Fortunately Trump is temporary.
In some ways I agree with much of this. I think racism in the big picture is slowly dying out but Trump represents a temporary reversal in the decline. Fortunately Trump is temporary.

I like your method of dumping the assholes such as Loving. If it continues to get worse on this board I may try doing the same with a few of them. It's just that I hate to miss anything that could possibly be worth reading.

I wonder if a fraternity of people worth reading could be built on a forum such as this. I mean, not to exclude either righties or lefties, just to filter out people like Loving and CFM, etc.?
In some ways I agree with much of this. I think racism in the big picture is slowly dying out but Trump represents a temporary reversal in the decline. Fortunately Trump is temporary.

Nah, I don't see it that way at all, Don just knew where to till the soil.
I like your method of dumping the assholes such as Loving. If it continues to get worse on this board I may try doing the same with a few of them. It's just that I hate to miss anything that could possibly be worth reading.

I wonder if a fraternity of people worth reading could be built on a forum such as this. I mean, not to exclude either righties or lefties, just to filter out people like Loving and CFM, etc.?

The divide and conquer paradigm the ruling aristocracy birthed in the aftermath of Bacon's Rebellion in the colonies has proven to have been woven into the very fabric of american society over time. Doubtful. Worth a try I suppose.

A vastly outnumbered, fragile and isolated colonial aristocracy understood it could never again withstand an oppositional gathering of the unsubstantial people. This is when the term "white people" and differentiating "whiteness" was rolled out on society and the legal system, primarily run through Protestant churches at the time, to codify the divisions of the population which could then be turned one against the other. This is also when slavery versus indentured servitude, versus bondsmenship began to be linked directly to "race" and "whiteness or lack thereof.
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The divide and conquer paradigm the ruling aristocracy birthed in aftermath of Bacon's Rebellion in the colonies has proven to have been woven into the very fabric of american society. Doubtful. Worth a try I suppose.

Well, it would make an interesting project but we would have to first form some sort of committee that would decide who to exclude. Then perhaps those chosen not worth reading or hearing from would have to be excluded from the fraternity's threads.

Probably much easier to achieve if the moderators made some arrangements or created a special section for us.

In any case, I'm just about disgusted enough with the lowlife's bullshit that I'm getting close to saying goodbye.