Whats The One Obama's Greatest Achievements, that Trump will Never Have?

[h=1]Donald Trump DESTROYED By President Obama[/h]

... I can't get enough of Obama Bitch Slapping Donald All Fucking Night ... :laugh:
Whats The One Obama's Greatest Achievements, that Trump will Never Have?

At first blush I might have suggested that Obama drove white folks to madness. But upon reflection, that does not distinguish him from Don at all.

Still has their Panties in a bunch around here? :laugh:
Truth is, Pakistan was hiding him for years and then decided to tell the US where he was.

You know what's really interesting about this? The same month bin Laden supposedly crossed into Pakistan from Tora Bora was when Bush announced that we'd be giving Pakistan $2B a year in military aid to fight terrorism.

So we were literally paying Pakistan to hide bin Laden.

And who else was in the room when the decision was made?

This is why Trump is bringing up Osama Bin Ladin.

It's one of those Obama legacy achievements that Trump wants to take away from him.

:cool: ... along with Mrs Trump desire for larger hands :laugh:

When I saw the topic, my first thought was a successful and loving marriage. I'll stay with that.

And who else was in the room when the decision was made?

This is why Trump is bringing up Osama Bin Ladin.

It's one of those Obama legacy achievements that Trump wants to take away from him.

:cool: ... along with Mrs Trump desire for larger hands :laugh:

He can try.
Obama was a constitutional law professor. He knows the law and the constitution. Trump Knows how to break the law and use money and power to escape the consequences.
Whats The One Obama's Greatest Achievements, that Trump will Never Have?

The key thing is that he grew up, I suppose.
I'm glad to see he finally confessed to being blind....and still having so much hate, confusion,* anger, racism in his heart...and "Mommy issues"....That explains a lot...
Black? He's 'high yeller'...…..and 100% Black Muslim Marxist. Why would anyone endeavor to mirror anything this social communist attempted? His failures are many and documented. It was the Military that ended OBL, not the policies of BHO. Hell....the way the manner was handled (no body, no evidence)…..the body was supposedly buried at sea. Strange happening for such an enemy. Where's the evidence?

you are a dumb fuck liar.
Obama didn't humiliate his constituents with his trashiness as the incumbent does continuously.
By now, any decent person who took a chance on Trump has clearly killed him/herself.
No decent person could live with that.
Only the lowest troglodytes could.