What's The Point in the 'god' now?

Edit: So australopithicus date back 2-3 million years, and modern homosapiens date back 200,000 years, but cro-magnon, the most important stage didn't appear until 35,000 years ago...
Homosapiens have been around for 200,000 years, so I guess we might as well use that as a baseline number for arguments sake.

Or at least Australopiticus. Homosapiens might only be 20,000 years old...

Well, I was really counting from Homoe Erectus (I believe that was the first hominid), because Austalopiticus is really still very apelike.

And I really think that we should use 3 billion. It took us 3 billion years to evolve to the current state (although evolution doesn't necessarily favor "progress" - the conditions at this time just happened to be ripe for a very smart animal to appear). We didn't "start evolving" when we had split off from another species long enough to be declared an individual species. We started evolving when the very first cell produced another cell.
It didn't take humans 50 million years to evolve. It took us 3 billion years. Life began in an unbroken chain an has continued on since then. The first species identified as "homo-" was just a few million years ago. I don't know what you're getting at with the 50 million number. The beginning of simple mammals?

lol, you idiot....I just picked a random number for a joke on Damo's thread....I don't really care how many million years you think it was, it's as big a joke as 6000 years......you didn't evolve from a single celled organism because you're STILL a single celled organism.....
lol, you idiot....I just picked a random number for a joke on Damo's thread....I don't really care how many million years you think it was, it's as big a joke as 6000 years......you didn't evolve from a single celled organism because you're STILL a single celled organism.....

I know how many years we've been evolving. Thankyou for admitting that you didn't; your interjection seemed bizarre.