What's The Point in the 'god' now?

Didn't Christ say that everything he could do, so too could you with Faith? It appears that these scientists had enough Faith in their ability to create artificial DNA that they went and did it.

ah but a bit of a problem....Christ said if they had faith in HIM they could do anything he could do.....if they only have faith in their ability to do it, then it follows they will only do the things their ability could accomplish.....
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nothing....he always existed

That's convenient for him. How does that work exactly?

/shrugs.....it's also convenient for me that the earth rotates.....that doesn't make it any less true.....

and you keep ignoring the fact that your scientists didn't create a new living organism, they simply altered an already living one

They have mixed chemicals together (for what are proteins but chemicals) to create new life.

no, they didn't.....if they hadn't had an already living organism to transplant it into, it would have remained an assortment of inert organic molecules.....

If being god is the being able to create new life, then we have mastered 'god'.
first you would have to create new life, neh?

And you shouldn't be afraid of the nihilistic nature of existence.
why should I fear some philosopher's silly posturing?.....
The point of faith in God is the same now as it was before this amazing piece of news.

Whether God created the universe in 7 days or in 700 millenia is irrelevant to me.

God provides me with comfort, inspiration, and hope. The rest is just trivial details for arguments.
???....nothing....he always existed......

Solving obscurity with obscurity. Good job. It's amazing that theists think that Colomb's cosmological argument gets them anywhere.

If any of the cosmological theories which state that there is an infinite lasting universe are correct, it wouldn't make god any more likely or unlikely. If something exists forever, there still has to be a reason it exists forever. Otherwise I could just say, oh, my teapot has existed forever (you can't disprove this!), tell me how my teapot was created by god?
Didn't Christ say that everything he could do, so too could you with Faith? It appears that these scientists had enough Faith in their ability to create artificial DNA that they went and did it.

Now for the important part, life evolves, we need to be careful with this stuff or we may just inadvertently create our own destruction.

(Of course, IMO, since we are all portions of that which makes up "god" this is no different than "and God created a single cell life form"...)

Faith through evidence. The scientific progress up to that point lead them to a theory, and they followed through on that theory. Much different than someone just making shit up and threatening everyone with eternal damnation if they don't believe it.
ah but a bit of a problem....Christ said if they had faith in HIM they could do anything he could do.....if they only have faith in their ability to do it, then it follows they will only do the things their ability could accomplish.....

A portion of which must be the creation of life. Give us time. We'll be able to do it all.
The point of faith in God is the same now as it was before this amazing piece of news.

Whether God created the universe in 7 days or in 700 millenia is irrelevant to me.

God provides me with comfort, inspiration, and hope. The rest is just trivial details for arguments.

Your comfort, inspiration, and hope is a trivial detail. The nature of the universe is not.
Your comfort, inspiration, and hope is a trivial detail. The nature of the universe is not.

Oh? And what is so great about the origin of the universe? The knowledge gained by searching for the origin may be great. The universe itself is great. But pretending that knowing the origin of the universe will change anything is nonsense.

This argument has been going on for a long, long time. And its pointless.
What else is there? There is no middle between the natural and supernatural. It was created by one or the other.

If it is not created by the supernatural, it must be natural.

Something that is created by man, through man's evolving thought processes, is still natural.
You're spinning now. That's not even cognizant. :palm:
Anyway, I'm not even searching for the origins of the universe right now. I'll do that if I ever get my Astronomy degree. Right now I'm just putting one theory that has gotten far more credence and has been taken far more seriously than it ever deserved in its place.
Anyway, I'm not even searching for the origins of the universe right now. I'll do that if I ever get my Astronomy degree. Right now I'm just putting one theory that has gotten far more credence and has been taken far more seriously than it ever deserved in its place.

Those who use the bible as a history book are misguided.

Those who seek to "disprove" the bible are wasting their time.
Those who use the bible as a history book are misguided.

Those who seek to "disprove" the bible are wasting their time.

Not disprove. Use proper epistemology to make it clear when it is a good time to generally say that you "know" something. Usually something that can't conceivably be disproven is disregarded as "not even wrong".
Not disprove. Use proper epistemology to make it clear when it is a good time to generally say that you "know" something. Usually something that can't conceivably be disproven is disregarded as "not even wrong".

Neither side of the argument can actually prove very much.

I understand the scientific terminology.
Neither side of the argument can actually prove very much.

I understand the scientific terminology.

There are an infinite amount of things I can't disprove; ideas that can be structured specifically in a way as to make disproof practically impossible. (Most) people don't believe in many of them. The only exception is this mass delusion of god.
There are an infinite amount of things I can't disprove; ideas that can be structured specifically in a way as to make disproof practically impossible. (Most) people don't believe in many of them. The only exception is this mass delusion of god.

YOu seem determined to try and "enlighten" us all. lol

Why? I can see why you would fight against laws based solely on religious dogma (I do the same thing). But why attack religion as a whole?
Those who use the bible as a history book are misguided.

Those who seek to "disprove" the bible are wasting their time.

Somewhat my beliefs also.

I refer to the number of times it's been "rewritten"!
How do rewrite what was supposed to have been said and then try to make it appear to be "quoted"??

This all boils down to us, as individuals.
We are the sum of who we know, what we've been taught, what we've experianced, what we choose to believe in, and what makes us comfortable.

Part of my belief is, is that I will have to answer for things I've done in my life (I'm no saint, by a long shot); but hopefully I will be recognized by the good that I've done also (I'm also no demon).

This doesn't mean that this is justifciation for others to use, to explain away what they do.

Society has and still is, constantly changing what is considered "normal", and what is not normal, and hopefully each major change brings us closer to a society that works.
While I believe in offering a helping hand, to those in need, it doesn't mean I support it being a lifetime transfusion.
I believe in the death penalty; but I also believe that if it's discovered that the person was convicted on "lies", then those who knew of this lie and allowed it to continue deserve the same consequence.

I have more; but I"m positive that what I've posted will be enough ammunition for some.
