What's The Point in the 'god' now?

If God's already made up his mind as to what he's going to do, what's the point of praying?
so he knew before he acted, that nobody cared enough to ask?.....

Surely god isn't such an asshole that he requires constant praise all of the time.

lol, there is nothing in the Bible that indicates God requires constant praise....actually, what IS in the Bible is that you need to admit he exists....and that he offered you redemption......the rest is just gratitude.....

Obama doesn't request that you constantly send him letters telling him of how great he is for the government to provide you with healthcare when you're in need. You get the same life-saving treatments whether you're a Republican who thinks that the poor should die (until you lost your job due to conservatism) or a good liberal who wants the best for humanity. So, apparently, according to Christians, god is more petty than most men.
looks like you suck as much at understanding health care as you do at understanding scripture.....
close....here....they do not believe there was or is a god and their wanting to be his equal is not the same or equal if you will....to someone who actually believes there is a god and wants to be his equal

they brag because they don't believe....they don't brag because they believe that they are greater than god...they brag because they believe god is a cartoon or whatever

see the difference?

I don't think that is quite right.....I think the fact they continue to compare themselves to God, even though they deny he exists, is that despite their denial, their souls resonate with the reality of his existence
No, it's not the same. Making up shit and ignoring contradictory evidence will never match the scientific method. It's like saying that 2 + 2 only equals 4 because I have faith that it does. It is self evident and obvious to anyone who's not so stupid they're required by law to eat with a plastic spoon.

dude, making up shit and ignoring contradictory evidence is your forte'.......
Science, unlike religion, delivers the goods. All of those people in the middle ages praying their entire lives for their children not to die of the plague or starve and their wives not to die in childbirth, and god did nothing. Who saved them? Some atheists who finally got fed up, said fuck this, and found the answers in nature. The sinners saved countless billions of lives in an increasingly godless age while this god did nothing in an age where everyone worshiped him. Religion is worthless.

uh, actually, those children who died from the plague and starvation and the wives who died in childbirth?......they died......science didn't save them.....
I don't think that is quite right.....I think the fact they continue to compare themselves to God, even though they deny he exists, is that despite their denial, their souls resonate with the reality of his existence

No one really believes in a deity because it's so obvious that no deities exist. In their heart of hearts they accept reality.
you don't have a prayer of duplicating what God has already done, let alone creating an independently operating parallel......

this small gap you refer to is nothing less than the difference between a pile of inert chemicals and a living, reproducing creature.....

Researchers at the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI), a not-for-profit genomic research organization, published results today describing the successful construction of the first self-replicating, synthetic bacterial cell.


And you have failed to argue that the 'god explanation' opens far more questions that remain unanswered than the natural explanation.

For example, what created the creator?
Figuring out how stuff works doesn't mean that the stuff wasn't designed by someone.

If it can be created without any action from a god, it can be created naturally.

The gist of my argument, however, is the retreat of the god of the gaps.

Only a couple of thousand years ago it was the explanation for all natural phenomenon, but as our understanding grew it backed off. Until the end of the last century it was speciation that was explained to it, but Darwin provided the refutation of that.

Until recently it was simply some vague and ambigious 'first cause'. Now it isn't even the best explanation for that.

God of the gaps has retreated faster than the fall of France in 1940.

Only 'god the great moral comforter' remains. Man's need for straight lines to live by, because man doesn't have the moral strength to recognise that we create our own.

Science has done the job on god of the gaps. It is for philosophy to continue the work on god the great moral comforter...
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you don't have a prayer of duplicating what God has already done, let alone creating an independently operating parallel......

this small gap you refer to is nothing less than the difference between a pile of inert chemicals and a living, reproducing creature.....

Researchers at the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI), a not-for-profit genomic research organization, published results today describing the successful construction of the first self-replicating, synthetic bacterial cell.


And you have failed to argue that the 'god explanation' opens far more questions that remain unanswered than the natural explanation.

For example, what created the creator?

???....nothing....he always existed......and you keep ignoring the fact that your scientists didn't create a new living organism, they simply altered an already living one......
Scientists in the US have succeeded in developing the first living cell to be controlled entirely by synthetic DNA.


What is there left for attribute to god of the gaps now?

Can 'god the moral comforting blanket' really hold the 'god idea' on its own?
Didn't Christ say that everything he could do, so too could you with Faith? It appears that these scientists had enough Faith in their ability to create artificial DNA that they went and did it.

Now for the important part, life evolves, we need to be careful with this stuff or we may just inadvertently create our own destruction.

(Of course, IMO, since we are all portions of that which makes up "god" this is no different than "and God created a single cell life form"...)
Huge jump in logic there. Fail.

What else is there? There is no middle between the natural and supernatural. It was created by one or the other.

If it is not created by the supernatural, it must be natural.

Something that is created by man, through man's evolving thought processes, is still natural.
since we are all portions of that which makes up "god"

So god is another name for nature?

We have a perfectly good name for nature. Nature. What is the point in complicating matters by giving it another name, that has connotations of the supernatural?
nothing....he always existed

That's convenient for him. How does that work exactly?

and you keep ignoring the fact that your scientists didn't create a new living organism, they simply altered an already living one

They have mixed chemicals together (for what are proteins but chemicals) to create new life.

This isn't genetic modification, this is genetic creation.

If being god is the being able to create new life, then we have mastered 'god'. He has left with nothing special as a party trick. Which isn't surprising as god is 'within us', it is our creation.

It is how, in our innocent ignorance, we explained the world around us.

What has god left to explain now?

You really don't need your belief in god.

All god's moral rules are really man-made anyway. Is belief in and fear of god the only reason you don't rape, or kill? Because man has attributed the moral codes it lives by to god doesn't mean they don't exist.

And you shouldn't be afraid of the nihilistic nature of existence. Just because nothing has innate 'meaning' doesn't life has no 'meaning'. You create your own meaning, just as man has for millenia, only to weakly attribute it to some imaginary 'sky-god'. Be brave, stand on your own two feet! You have nothing to fear!

Amen. :)