What's your spiritual faith and why do you believe in it?

Christian. Very fundamental, hell fire and brimstone Christian. Right is right and wrong is wrong ...and it is spelled out in the Bible type of Christian.
I just can't take the Anglicans seriously. Catholic that I am, I have plenty of respect for Lutherans, Calvinists, Methodists, etc., but none for the Anglicans. Considering it exists so that marriage could be watered down, I did find it appropriate when those Episcopal churches accepted gay marriage.
odd.....you will find no posts of mine that would demonstrate either racism or anti-semitism......is your belief system one that calls for daily offerings of abject ignorance?......
Why would there be a limit on the number of gods that exist? To me that seems entirely arbitrary. As for their characteristics...well like I said they're unknownable and inconcieveable. As in, our brains are not physically capable of understanding them as they are. Our perceptions of reality are not sophisticated enough. But in so far as WE can percieve them, and generalize them with our primitive understanding and emotions, yes they're different.

Well the limitations on the existence of multiple deities is purely a philosophical one. The Muslim philosopher Averroes once said: "It is not sufficient for 3 kings to build 1 castle if the 3 kings are individuals of themselves. Even if the 3 kings agree on building a castle 1 king may have a different agenda as to how large the castle should be or the other king may take issue with how spacious the castle should be...." Of course not in those exact words but the issue of multiple deities ad infinitum is solely on the basis of cause and effect. If multiple deities ad infinitum exist how do we make distinctions between such deities? How can one action that is performed by a deity and another action performed by a deity is distinct enough to where we identify that there are multiple deities as opposed to 1? If the actions of these deities are done in unison how do we distinguish this from the actions of only one deity?

To go even further another Muslim philosopher argued that angels in the Abrahamic faiths were merely spiritual representations of God's power so again this is why I asked the question as its purely a philosophical one.....
Was brought up as a Christian Socialist and am now a Sort-of-Buddhist Socialist, since gods seem unlikely. The key point is to realise that people are not for anything and start treating them properly, as Jesus certainly recommended. I tried the Quakers for a bit, but found they'd got too naïve to be worth the bother.

iolo very good post! Sounds like you made a logical evolution of your life. I'd be interested in having a beer with you discussing different things about life you believe in!
I believe in a universal loving God that is present in everyone and everything. What we know of our world is limited by what we can sense, but inside I know that there is so much more. To me everything is God, and what we perceive as good or evil is simply our perception and is not good or evil, because ultimately there is no such thing. The world (all of it, what we call good bad or ugly) is in divine order, If there is an all powerful God, how could it be anything else.

You could call me a Christian in that via an independent study of Christ, I find that all he did was consistent with the above. Jesus was the son of God, as we all are. He simply was able to live in a way that more perfectly realized that. We all have that potential, however I don't know if anyone has yet to reach the level reached by Jesus.

I am not a Christian in that there is not a Church that teaches what I have come to believe. I find that the conventional understanding of Christ and teaching of who Christ is has become such a manipulated and false story that its often the opposite of reality. God can be seen in almost all aspects of our world, and to a fully enlightened person, God is fully in all aspects of our world. Jesus is simply the human incarnation of that, and an example of a fully enlightened person.

Jarod very good post.....

I have a question. When you say you believe God is everything do you refer at least partially that some of your beliefs would be considered "indirect monotheism?" What I mean is to say God is everything seems to have some pantheistic qualities but I'm not assuming that is what you're saying but I'm guessing you mean that God's presence "emanates" from all living and non-living things...Am I close? Perhaps you can elaborate.
I am still searching.

I don't know what I am, but I know that I am no longer a Christian and could not be a Jew or Muslim because they basically are the same religion at the root, only vary on certain tenets, Jesus being one.

I haven't totally rejected the idea of a god, but question the religious concepts of god.

I feel wonder and awe concerning my life and the universe, but I don't feel it is connected to a supernatural being who watches over me and hears my prayers.

Sardonic I believe Aristotle would call you wise....The words "I don't know" I believe is the first step of finding truth.

In other words, I don't have a faith. I recognize that the material world, which I interact with, is real. The spiritual, mystical and divine, which I don't interact with in any concrete way, is to me, a subject of speculation and nothing more. I don't understand it, and I can't immerse myself in it, so I choose not to pay it much mind. My primary concern is the human (and material) world.

Very good. I believe you and David Hume (A philosopher) have that in common....He is/as is are you, an empiricist
Christian. Very fundamental, hell fire and brimstone Christian. Right is right and wrong is wrong ...and it is spelled out in the Bible type of Christian.

I don't think you are as scary as you want to sound.

I also do not think you believe the rights and wrongs as found in the Bible.

I don't think you would keep a slave so they could repay a debt.

I don't think you would stone a disobedient child or an adulterer, but maybe after all these years, I don't know you very well.

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I just can't take the Anglicans seriously. Catholic that I am, I have plenty of respect for Lutherans, Calvinists, Methodists, etc., but none for the Anglicans. Considering it exists so that marriage could be watered down, I did find it appropriate when those Episcopal churches accepted gay marriage.
Uhh..so have Methodist.
I don't think you are as scary as you want to sound.

I also do not think you believe the rights and wrongs as found in the Bible.

I don't think you would keep a slave so they could repay a debt.

I don't think you would stone a disobedient child or an adulterer, but maybe after all these years, I don't know you very well.

What about predestination? That's a fundamentalist concept that would conflict with my egalitarian values if it wasn't for the fact that I'm better than ya'll. ;)