When I Grow Up

LOL. A friend took her elderly mother back to Russia to visit the homeland. They're staunch Republicans, including support for trump. We don't discuss politics.

She mentioned that everyone loves Putin in Russia. I laughed to myself and resisted the temptation to mention the prisons/graveyards full of people who didn't 'love' Putin publicly

Russia's society will not change much no matter who is in charge.

What we're about to witness is a decade of state level changes to people's rights, with a court system that will allow it to happen. None of these changes have the 'support' of the majority in this nation, but the voter denial laws will assure that the minority rules.

It's up to the Russians to resolve this peacefully and fairly. If they aren't up to the challenge, then there are dark days ahead.
You wouldn't think it would be that hard to find an (R) candidate with a higher IQ, even there.

Her fans have an IQ equal to hers.

This is funny; shown Boebart videos, people believe they are SNL skits. LOL

How people react when they think video of the real Lauren Boebert is an SNL skit
Jimmy Kimmel enlisted the help of Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert to troll, well, Lauren Boebert herself. All he had to do was show real video clips of her — such as the one in which she brags about giving birth in her truck — to passersby, pretending the clips were Saturday Night Live skits with an actress playing the part of Boebert. He then asked if SNL went too far, and their reactions are hilarious.

"I mean, it's over the top, but that's what SNL is supposed to be."

"I think she [Boebert] would feel like it's too far and be offended by it."
Hello Althea,

trumpism left us with a judicial system that is dangerous. The damage is done. Most states are now in a position to deny the votes of millions of Americans thanks to trump.

They are trying to subvert America, yes. They have done what they can do. Will the American people stand for it? That remains to be seen.

It would probably be easier for Americans to stand up for America if we were physically attacked by an ominous aggressor, such as what has happened to Ukraine. What we are experiencing is a much more subtle attack. But still, I have faith that there are millions of Americans who do not want what Republicans are bringing. Perhaps there are enough who are ready to take a stand that, despite the efforts of Republicans, they will stand up and resist by voting in overwhelming numbers and by challenging the methods Republicans use if they throw out valid election results.

I don't think the final chapter of the American story is being written just yet, but we do live in interesting times.
Her fans have an IQ equal to hers.

This is funny; shown Boebart videos, people believe they are SNL skits. LOL

How people react when they think video of the real Lauren Boebert is an SNL skit
Jimmy Kimmel enlisted the help of Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert to troll, well, Lauren Boebert herself. All he had to do was show real video clips of her — such as the one in which she brags about giving birth in her truck — to passersby, pretending the clips were Saturday Night Live skits with an actress playing the part of Boebert. He then asked if SNL went too far, and their reactions are hilarious.

"I mean, it's over the top, but that's what SNL is supposed to be."

"I think she [Boebert] would feel like it's too far and be offended by it."

Offended by herself? Hahahahahaha!
Hello Althea,

They are trying to subvert America, yes. They have done what they can do. Will the American people stand for it? That remains to be seen.

It would probably be easier for Americans to stand up for America if we were physically attacked by an ominous aggressor, such as what has happened to Ukraine. What we are experiencing is a much more subtle attack. But still, I have faith that there are millions of Americans who do not want what Republicans are bringing. Perhaps there are enough who are ready to take a stand that, despite the efforts of Republicans, they will stand up and resist by voting in overwhelming numbers and by challenging the methods Republicans use if they throw out valid election results.

I don't think the final chapter of the American story is being written just yet, but we do live in interesting times.
Even with massive turnout, many states are set up to be in trump's courts for months fighting over which ballots are 'acceptable'.

Given the S. Court's 'hands off' approach to voter suppression, I don't see good things on the horizon.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Her fans have an IQ equal to hers.

This is funny; shown Boebart videos, people believe they are SNL skits. LOL

How people react when they think video of the real Lauren Boebert is an SNL skit
Jimmy Kimmel enlisted the help of Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert to troll, well, Lauren Boebert herself. All he had to do was show real video clips of her — such as the one in which she brags about giving birth in her truck — to passersby, pretending the clips were Saturday Night Live skits with an actress playing the part of Boebert. He then asked if SNL went too far, and their reactions are hilarious.

"I mean, it's over the top, but that's what SNL is supposed to be."

"I think she [Boebert] would feel like it's too far and be offended by it."

Too funny!

Yes, folks, she is for real and she actually says things like that and she is totally being serious.

Yes, it is sad that she got elected.

People, please get better informed and be more responsible with your vote.

Because when you take your voting responsibility lightly then things like Congresswoman Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene can happen, and that's not good for America.

4 out of 5 analysts agree that Trumpism is bad for America.
Hello Althea,

Even with massive turnout, many states are set up to be in trump's courts for months fighting over which ballots are 'acceptable'.

Given the S. Court's 'hands off' approach to voter suppression, I don't see good things on the horizon.

It is a dark time for America. People should get involved. It's getting out of hand.