When I Grow Up

How weird. Have you PMd Damo? I wonder if the thread is just getting too large. Jade said once that he had trouble accessing both our nice thread and the late and unlamented #BetterDeadThanReadThread because of their size.

Nope. Either the thread doesn't like my laptop or my laptop doesn't like the thread.
Everything usually straightens out with time.
We'll see.

I'm mainly just a drive through shooter on the thread anyway since I can't read most of the posts,
But if and when I can get on, I find the drive throughs to be fun.
Everybody enjoys seeing their own blatherings on the World Wide Web.
That's why the internet was such a terrible idea, right?

We'll see what happens over the next few days.
She said that got confused and meant Lance Corporal

Nope. Either the thread doesn't like my laptop or my laptop doesn't like the thread.
Everything usually straightens out with time.
We'll see.

I'm mainly just a drive through shooter on the thread anyway since I can't read most of the posts,
But if and when I can get on, I find the drive throughs to be fun.
Everybody enjoys seeing their own blatherings on the World Wide Web.
That's why the internet was such a terrible idea, right?

We'll see what happens over the next few days.

Hopefully a reboot will fix things up for you. I love your posts, so dark and brooding and hilarious. lol
sure if you want......but we both know where we can find a much longer list.......folks like Harris, Pelosi, Hilliary......we could go on for hours......even when you folks find a good one you call them traitors just because they are concerned with biolabs in Ukraine run by companies Biden is invested in.......

Lol you are an excellent example of a Poe.
She's a wackadoodle. A very good-looking wackadoodle, but still a wackadoodle.


Check out these fun facts about the Colorado lawmaker:

  1. Boebert is a high school drop-out. She quit high school when she got pregnant as a teenager in 2003, and didn't get her GED certificate until 2020, a month before her election primary.
  2. She owns a restaurant called Shooter's Grill in Rifle, Colorado. She says she encourages her staff to carry guns while working because a man was "beat to death by another man's hands … outside of [her] restaurant." She's lying. According to Wikipedia, "in 2013, a man who had reportedly engaged in a fight blocks away ran to within about a block of Boebert's restaurant and collapsed and died from a methamphetamine overdose."
  3. Her restaurant gave 80 people food poisoning in a single day. The restaurant didn't secure permits to set up a food stand at a county fair and served tainted pork sliders.
  4. She disclosed the location of fellow members of Congress on January 6. Wikipedia: "While the Capitol was being stormed, Boebert posted information on Twitter about the police response and pinpointed the location of other members, including that Speaker Nancy Pelosi had left the chamber."
  5. She voted against giving the Congressional Gold Medal to police officers who protected the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Twenty other Republicans voted against the motion.
  6. She voted to overturn 2020 presidential election results. She said, "The members who stand here today and accept the results of this concentrated, coordinated, partisan effort by Democrats—where every fraudulent vote canceled out the vote of an honest American—have sided with the extremist left."
  7. Her husband, Jayson Boebert, is a sex offender. In 2004 he pleaded guilty to public indecency and lewd exposure when he showed his penis to adults and minors at a bowling alley.
  8. She and her husband share a long rap sheet for various offenses, including domestic abuse.

I spot two very large protuberances.
I spot two very large protuberances.

Any man who says they wouldn't want see her "Oh!" face is a liar....or gay....not that there's anything wrong with that. I can fully understand why there are true blooded American men who want to fuck Ted Cruz in the ass.
Unlikely until way after we are dead. If the nation can survive
Possibly. We may be witnessing either then final end of the past 10,000 years of civilization or the evolution of a wiser mankind.

Time will tell. The other day someone (Cypress?) mentioned common opinion polls, Delphi Polls, where large collections of opinions often reveal excellent forecasts of the future. Obviously there are some limitations.

Our world is facing a test of evolution: will we survive it or go back to square one?
From what I recall, a shaved tail Louie was a 19th century colloquialism used by US Calvary for a rookie lieutenant.

Although I don’t know the origin of the phrase, yes, that’s that it means.

Another common phrase was “butter bar” representing the gold bar of a bottom rank officer: 2nd LT.

In aviation a common joke was “the most dangerous thing on the flight line was a 2LT and a wrench”.
Possibly. We may be witnessing either then final end of the past 10,000 years of civilization or the evolution of a wiser mankind.

Our world is facing a test of evolution: will we survive it or go back to square one?
I don't think it's a world thing. We grew up convinced that we might see the end of the world. Then the Cold War ended and everyone got a good chuckle over our paranoia.

I'm secure in the knowledge that there won't be a nuclear war. At least not originated by Putin. We (and Nostradamus) were pretty sure it would be started by some Mid East cave dwellers who had nothing to lose.

I'm sure there are a few generals over there who will NOT start a nuclear war.

I think we're seeing the end of the melting pot experiment. We're the only society designed on a concept opposite that of a homogenous population. It doesn't work. It almost did, but all it took was one bad election to light a fire that won't be easily extinguished. Putin succeeded in getting his operatives in key positions just long enough to create a unique divide here.

There was always racial/national unrest in this country, typically the standard immigration pressures. The political divide as been polar opposites for decades.

But...there was NEVER a pro Russia/America divide. McCarthy must have been a visionary ;)
I don't think it's a world thing. We grew up convinced that we might see the end of the world. Then the Cold War ended and everyone got a good chuckle over our paranoia.

I'm secure in the knowledge that there won't be a nuclear war. At least not originated by Putin. We (and Nostradamus) were pretty sure it would be started by some Mid East cave dwellers who had nothing to lose.

I'm sure there are a few generals over there who will NOT start a nuclear war.

I think we're seeing the end of the melting pot experiment. We're the only society designed on a concept opposite that of a homogenous population. It doesn't work. It almost did, but all it took was one bad election to light a fire that won't be easily extinguished. Putin succeeded in getting his operatives in key positions just long enough to create a unique divide here.

There was always racial/national unrest in this country, typically the standard immigration pressures. The political divide as been polar opposites for decades.

But...there was NEVER a pro Russia/America divide. McCarthy must have been a visionary ;)
Disagreed on homogenesis. Mankind has seen several instances of blending cultures. What's different in the modern world is jet travel which, literally, speeds up blending of cultures.

When people self-segregate, that's the opposite of Americanism.

Regardless of culture, when one claims to bury the US, be it the fucking Brits, the fucking Japanese or the fucking Russians, that creates a divide. It's natural to feel aggression in the face of aggression.

