When I Grow Up

Like the subject of this thread? lol

sure if you want......but we both know where we can find a much longer list.......folks like Harris, Pelosi, Hilliary......we could go on for hours......even when you folks find a good one you call them traitors just because they are concerned with biolabs in Ukraine run by companies Biden is invested in.......
Or growing out. lol

I seem to have joined Jack in being banned from your thread on War Zone.
I couldn't read very many of the posts anyway--basically just yours--but please don't take my absence personally.
I must have pissed somebody off. See you on the other threads.
sure if you want......but we both know where we can find a much longer list.......folks like Harris, Pelosi, Hilliary......we could go on for hours......even when you folks find a good one you call them traitors just because they are concerned with biolabs in Ukraine run by companies Biden is invested in.......

Well, YOU could go on for hours in your bizarre belief that every female with a (D) after her name is corrupt/stupid/incompetent etc. Maybe some day you'll come join the rest of us in RealityWorld.
I seem to have joined Jack in being banned from your thread on War Zone.
I couldn't read very many of the posts anyway--basically just yours--but please don't take my absence personally.
I must have pissed somebody off. See you on the other threads.

You're not banned at all. Maybe you experienced some glitch or the other.
Clearly, there was no real letter.

....or Lauren, who got pregnant in high school and dropped out, is semi-literate like so many other Trump fans. ;)

Shawna Chappell is a real MoM (Mother of Marines) who lost her son in the Afghan bombing that killed 12 other Americans and 170 Afghans. She's a Trumper and, no doubt, did write Lauren who may simply have a problem with large words and ignorance of the US military.

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I have no idea what her popularity is among her constituents but there's a lot of people who want to replace her: https://www.westword.com/news/meet-lauren-boebert-opponents-running-against-her-in-2022-11896128

Obviously most are Democrats, but I think it would take another Republican to unseat her like she unseated Tipton.
House races are often a comedy routine. Districts are small, and pretty distinct. Some are decided with less than 1000 people voting. They are often decided by the question of who does NOT vote.
Well, YOU could go on for hours in your bizarre belief that every female with a (D) after her name is corrupt/stupid/incompetent etc. Maybe some day you'll come join the rest of us in RealityWorld.

not all demmycrat women are corrupt/stupid/incompetent........but when they speak out you complain........you did for Gabbard.........you did for Sinnema.....

Oh dear. I know someone who lives in that district who undoubtedly voted for Boebert. She's a nice lady, but not the sharpest tack in the box. 1) She's a Reichwinger and Trumpanzee, and 2) she once went on a huge rant about how her job required her to work with material safety data sheets and it was all the fault of Obama and his intrusive EPA and their onerous regulations. She had no clue that MSDSs are an OSHA requirement; she was simply parroting RW talking points.