When I Grow Up

Or a Navy Squid.

What do you do- inseminate turkeys?

At times I've shot Banties @ 100 yards that I stepped off after laying down some cracked corn. I shot that banty in the neck with a 30-.06 @ 100 yards and plucked and cooked it and ate it.

You got any more shit you wanna talk, faggot?
At times I've shot Banties @ 100 yards that I stepped off after laying down some cracked corn. I shot that banty in the neck with a 30-.06 @ 100 yards and plucked and cooked it and ate it.

You got any more shit you wanna talk, faggot?

So you shot a little chicken with a 30-06?

Did you eat the feathers? Because that would have been all that were left!

What a Fuckhead you are there Elmer Fudd!

SHHHHH! BE vewy vewy quiet!

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STFU, eggplant.

No! I won't!

I enjoy watching you look like a fool!

It's entertaining just watching you run your ignorant mouth and acting tough!

Anyone who would shoot a little chicken with a 30-06 must have some BIG BIG MANLY stories to tell!

Let's hear some more of those manly macho events in your life!
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No! I won't!

I enjoy watching you look like a fool!

It's entertaining just watching you run your ignorant mouth and acting tough!

Anyone who would shoot a little chicken with a 30-06 must have some BIG BIG MANLY stories to tell!

Let's hear some more of those manly macho events in your life!

I tell you what, my friend's 2 big red hens returned to the fold that very night as I was cooking that motherfucker and realizing that Walmart chickens are a helluva deal.

That was the reasoning behind it in the 1st place, dumbass.

And actually, it just laid down right there when I blew its neck off. Just as good as wringing its neck. Bam! From 100 yards away that I had stepped off.

He was a tough little booger.
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I tell you what, my friend's 2 big red hens returned to the fold that very night as I was cooking that motherfucker and realizing that Walmart chickens are a helluva deal.

That was the reasoning behind it in the 1st place, dumbass.

And actually, it just laid down right there when I blew its neck off. Just as good as wringing its neck. Bam! From 100 yards away that I had stepped off.

He was a tough little booger.

Calm down, I was just kiddin' you Marshall!
No! I won't!

I enjoy watching you look like a fool!

It's entertaining just watching you run your ignorant mouth and acting tough!

Anyone who would shoot a little chicken with a 30-06 must have some BIG BIG MANLY stories to tell!

Let's hear some more of those manly macho events in your life!

All out of ideas right now, sorry. Maybe tomorrow. :)

Maybe the tank NY dude story.

Idk, was at a friend's house, these guys had just come back from a concert and the big NY one wanted to fight with me.

so..I figured I'd humor the dude, maybe let him win a little bit, and he could strut away and all good , right?

Yeah, it didn't happen like that, that motherfucker tried to hurt me above and beyond and I had to beat his ass in defense.

After copping a cracked rib or the like. That's when I realized "Hey, this motherfucker would kill me if I let him."

So yeah, I threw him up off me and loom-doomed his ass.

I guarantee he ain't forgot me yet. One of those punches was brutal. He shows me the utmost respect to this day.

Somehow my dumbass thought I could handle it without getting hurt. Yeah..about that..it did not work out as planned.

He cracked one of my ribs, I probably broke several of his facial bones, though.

He had double black eyes and was all swole up. He do no want no more of this at least. My ribs are thankful.

This dude has arms the size of my legs. I knocked him the fuck out and disappeared from the area.
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All out of ideas right now, sorry. Maybe tomorrow. :)

Maybe the tank NY dude story.

Idk, was at a friend's house, these guys had just come back from a concert and the big NY one wanted fight with me.

so..I figured I'd humor the dude, maybe let him win a little bit, and he could strut away and all good , right?

Yeah, it didn't happen like that, that motherfucker tried to hurt me above and beyond and I had to beat his ass in defense.

After copping a cracked rib or the like. That's when I realized "Hey, this motherfucker would kill me if I let him."

So yeah, I threw his ass off me and loom-doomed his ass.

I guarantee he ain't forgot me yet. One of those punches was brutal. He shows me the utmost respect to this day.

That was a good one! Surely you have more of these stories to share!

She's a wackadoodle. A very good-looking wackadoodle, but still a wackadoodle.


Check out these fun facts about the Colorado lawmaker:

  1. Boebert is a high school drop-out. She quit high school when she got pregnant as a teenager in 2003, and didn't get her GED certificate until 2020, a month before her election primary.
  2. She owns a restaurant called Shooter's Grill in Rifle, Colorado. She says she encourages her staff to carry guns while working because a man was "beat to death by another man's hands … outside of [her] restaurant." She's lying. According to Wikipedia, "in 2013, a man who had reportedly engaged in a fight blocks away ran to within about a block of Boebert's restaurant and collapsed and died from a methamphetamine overdose."
  3. Her restaurant gave 80 people food poisoning in a single day. The restaurant didn't secure permits to set up a food stand at a county fair and served tainted pork sliders.
  4. She disclosed the location of fellow members of Congress on January 6. Wikipedia: "While the Capitol was being stormed, Boebert posted information on Twitter about the police response and pinpointed the location of other members, including that Speaker Nancy Pelosi had left the chamber."
  5. She voted against giving the Congressional Gold Medal to police officers who protected the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Twenty other Republicans voted against the motion.
  6. She voted to overturn 2020 presidential election results. She said, "The members who stand here today and accept the results of this concentrated, coordinated, partisan effort by Democrats—where every fraudulent vote canceled out the vote of an honest American—have sided with the extremist left."
  7. Her husband, Jayson Boebert, is a sex offender. In 2004 he pleaded guilty to public indecency and lewd exposure when he showed his penis to adults and minors at a bowling alley.
  8. She and her husband share a long rap sheet for various offenses, including domestic abuse.
By the time humans approach becoming mature, they get senile instead.
In truth, growing up refers solely to putting on weight.
She's a wackadoodle. A very good-looking wackadoodle, but still a wackadoodle.


Check out these fun facts about the Colorado lawmaker:

  1. Boebert is a high school drop-out. She quit high school when she got pregnant as a teenager in 2003, and didn't get her GED certificate until 2020, a month before her election primary.
  2. She owns a restaurant called Shooter's Grill in Rifle, Colorado. She says she encourages her staff to carry guns while working because a man was "beat to death by another man's hands … outside of [her] restaurant." She's lying. According to Wikipedia, "in 2013, a man who had reportedly engaged in a fight blocks away ran to within about a block of Boebert's restaurant and collapsed and died from a methamphetamine overdose."
  3. Her restaurant gave 80 people food poisoning in a single day. The restaurant didn't secure permits to set up a food stand at a county fair and served tainted pork sliders.
  4. She disclosed the location of fellow members of Congress on January 6. Wikipedia: "While the Capitol was being stormed, Boebert posted information on Twitter about the police response and pinpointed the location of other members, including that Speaker Nancy Pelosi had left the chamber."
  5. She voted against giving the Congressional Gold Medal to police officers who protected the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Twenty other Republicans voted against the motion.
  6. She voted to overturn 2020 presidential election results. She said, "The members who stand here today and accept the results of this concentrated, coordinated, partisan effort by Democrats—where every fraudulent vote canceled out the vote of an honest American—have sided with the extremist left."
  7. Her husband, Jayson Boebert, is a sex offender. In 2004 he pleaded guilty to public indecency and lewd exposure when he showed his penis to adults and minors at a bowling alley.
  8. She and her husband share a long rap sheet for various offenses, including domestic abuse.

Apparently the RNC doesn't do much vetting of their candidates, and neither do the (R) voters. Quite the cuckoo CV there.