When I Grow Up

Hello Dutch,

Most states disallow gun wearers to imbibe. IIRC, it's illegal to go into a bar armed as a customer, but a place that serves food is okay but those who are armed can't be under th influence.

I don't know. I've never been there. Not the impression I got. Says here anybody can carry:

"Good food, friendly service and a huge helping of freedom — that’s what they’re dishing up at Shooters Grill in Rifle, Colorado. “It’s not about politics, it’s a way of life,” says one of the servers, who can be seen brandishing a Ruger Blackhawk .357 on her hip. But she’s not alone, customers carry too and owner Lauren Boebert wouldn’t have it any other way. “We’re certainly able to protect ourselves,” she says."

Shooters Grill
Hello Dutch,

I don't know. I've never been there. Not the impression I got. Says here anybody can carry:

"Good food, friendly service and a huge helping of freedom — that’s what they’re dishing up at Shooters Grill in Rifle, Colorado. “It’s not about politics, it’s a way of life,” says one of the servers, who can be seen brandishing a Ruger Blackhawk .357 on her hip. But she’s not alone, customers carry too and owner Lauren Boebert wouldn’t have it any other way. “We’re certainly able to protect ourselves,” she says."

Shooters Grill

Understood on her advertising, but it's Colorado law that prevails...whatever that may be.
Disagreed on homogenesis. Mankind has seen several instances of blending cultures. What's different in the modern world is jet travel which, literally, speeds up blending of cultures.

When people self-segregate, that's the opposite of Americanism.

Regardless of culture, when one claims to bury the US, be it the fucking Brits, the fucking Japanese or the fucking Russians, that creates a divide. It's natural to feel aggression in the face of aggression.


I can't think of another nation that was founded on the principle of E Pluribus Unum? Of course people immigrate, but there is no 'American' blood line, unless one subscribes to trump's white nationalism.
Open carry, mixed with alcohol, is a pretty daring thing to do in the same state where Columbine and Aurora happened.

Is it another tragedy just waiting to happen?

Their choice. As it is, it's still illegal to be under the influence and carry in Colorado as in most states: https://codes.findlaw.com/co/title-18-criminal-code/co-rev-st-sect-18-12-106.html

(1) A person commits a class 2 misdemeanor if:

(a) He knowingly and unlawfully aims a firearm at another person;  or

(b) Recklessly or with criminal negligence he discharges a firearm or shoots a bow and arrow;  or

(c) He knowingly sets a loaded gun, trap, or device designed to cause an explosion upon being tripped or approached, and leaves it unattended by a competent person immediately present;  or

(d) The person has in his or her possession a firearm while the person is under the influence of intoxicating liquor or of a controlled substance, as defined in section 18-18-102(5) .  Possession of a permit issued under section 18-12-105.1 , as it existed prior to its repeal, or possession of a permit or a temporary emergency permit issued pursuant to part 2 of this article is no defense to a violation of this subsection (1).

(e) He knowingly aims, swings, or throws a throwing star or nunchaku as defined in this paragraph (e) at another person, or he knowingly possesses a throwing star or nunchaku in a public place except for the purpose of presenting an authorized public demonstration or exhibition or pursuant to instruction in conjunction with an organized school or class.  When transporting throwing stars or nunchaku for a public demonstration or exhibition or for a school or class, they shall be transported in a closed, nonaccessible container.  For purposes of this paragraph (e), “nunchaku” means an instrument consisting of two sticks, clubs, bars, or rods to be used as handles, connected by a rope, cord, wire, or chain, which is in the design of a weapon used in connection with the practice of a system of self-defense, and “throwing star” means a disk having sharp radiating points or any disk-shaped bladed object which is hand-held and thrown and which is in the design of a weapon used in connection with the practice of a system of self-defense.
I can't think of another nation that was founded on the principle of E Pluribus Unum? Of course people immigrate, but there is no 'American' blood line, unless one subscribes to trump's white nationalism.

Trump wanted to turn back the clock to his ancestor's Nazi Germany.
Hello Althea,

I can't think of another nation that was founded on the principle of E Pluribus Unum? Of course people immigrate, but there is no 'American' blood line, unless one subscribes to trump's white nationalism.

Excellent point. Thanks for posting!
Jury is still out on that one.

Despite a lot of similarities with the early 20th century** I think we'll escape the worst aspects of all. People want to be free even if fear tends to drive them to seek authoritarian security.


**global war, pandemic, wild economy, fascism and totalitarian socialism.
Despite a lot of similarities with the early 20th century** I think we'll escape the worst aspects of all. People want to be free even if fear tends to drive them to seek authoritarian security.

**global war, pandemic, wild economy, fascism and totalitarian socialism.
People want to be free from anything they don't agree with, even though it requires authoritarian control over others.

With this Supreme Court and hundreds of grossly unqualified trump appointed judges, I have a bit of concern for the future.
Hello Althea,

It's kind of sad that a society which scientifically yields superior biological results is so fragile that it could be destroyed by one botched election.

Hey, we got hurt. We may be a little down, but we are not out.

Just think. Trumpism is on the way out. He and Tucker are losing popularity with their support for Putin. America could be learning from her mistakes.
People want to be free from anything they don't agree with, even though it requires authoritarian control over others.

With this Supreme Court and hundreds of grossly unqualified trump appointed judges, I have a bit of concern for the future.

Consider Russia and Putin. Can he stay in power if a great majority of Russians don't support him?

It works with any group of people
Consider Russia and Putin. Can he stay in power if a great majority of Russians don't support him?

It works with any group of people
LOL. A friend took her elderly mother back to Russia to visit the homeland. They're staunch Republicans, including support for trump. We don't discuss politics.

She mentioned that everyone loves Putin in Russia. I laughed to myself and resisted the temptation to mention the prisons/graveyards full of people who didn't 'love' Putin publicly

Russia's society will not change much no matter who is in charge.

What we're about to witness is a decade of state level changes to people's rights, with a court system that will allow it to happen. None of these changes have the 'support' of the majority in this nation, but the voter denial laws will assure that the minority rules.
Hello Althea,

Hey, we got hurt. We may be a little down, but we are not out.

Just think. Trumpism is on the way out. He and Tucker are losing popularity with their support for Putin. America could be learning from her mistakes.
trumpism left us with a judicial system that is dangerous. The damage is done. Most states are now in a position to deny the votes of millions of Americans thanks to trump.