When the Constitution was trashed and how we may never recover.

The Articles of Confederation would more fit the framework created by the Declaration by having a very weak central government with most powers remaining in the colonies. The Constitution altered that framework by giving several powers to the central government not contained in the Articles.
and, according to madison, those powers are FEW AND DEFINED..........in other words, they still wanted a limited government, but they did see the limitations on the articles that needed improvement. but NOWHERE in any of the commentaries did they ever admit that congress had power over the arms of the people.......in fact, several went out of their way to say the opposite

Many saw this as a betrayal and illegal because the function of the constitutional convention was only to "revise" the Articles and not write a new constitution. Also, the Articles required a unanimous vote to make any changes and the Constitution only required 9 votes for ratification. [/QUOTE]
and all of those votes came with prior explanations on the limits of those new powers............

So, if there are only 48 states as you claim because states disobeyed their own constitutions, the U. S. Constitution never went into effect because it disobeyed the Articles. Right--both are farfetched.
what are you babbling about here?
If SCOTUS decides that abortion is murder, are you going to agree with them?

No, because it is the function of each state to determine criminal law. None include abortion under murder laws.

history throughout the world shows that government always attempts to impede upon liberty. the founders had first hand experience with this. why do you discount them?

How did I discount them? Jefferson was an anti-federalists and the framers of the Constitution were federalists. Their attempts to protect liberty did not satisfy most anti-federalists because the new document did not contain anything protecting our basic liberties; thus, the framers agreed to add the Bill of Rights to get their support.

Those constitutional rights protect our liberties, not the Declaration.
and, according to madison, those powers are FEW AND DEFINED..........in other words, they still wanted a limited government, but they did see the limitations on the articles that needed improvement. but NOWHERE in any of the commentaries did they ever admit that congress had power over the arms of the people.......in fact, several went out of their way to say the opposite

Right. That is why most gun laws are state regulations.

what are you babbling about here?

Sorry, I assumed you agreed with the claims of Into the Night that there are only 48 states. That makes him a minority of one.
No, because it is the function of each state to determine criminal law. None include abortion under murder laws.
weren't you here earlier arguing that there is federal laws that prohibit ownership of certain weapons?????? that seems outside of state determination, doesn't it?

How did I discount them? Jefferson was an anti-federalists and the framers of the Constitution were federalists. Their attempts to protect liberty did not satisfy most anti-federalists because the new document did not contain anything protecting our basic liberties; thus, the framers agreed to add the Bill of Rights to get their support.
and there are dozens of pieces of documentation, regarding these, that clearly state that congress had no power over the right of the people to keep and bear arms, do you not agree?

Those constitutional rights protect our liberties, not the Declaration.
The Declaration spells out our claim of such rights...........otherwise, within the framework of the Constitution, where do our rights come from?
then please tell me how you can accept federal gun legislation where there is clearly no power to do such a thing?

I didn't say anything about accepting it. I said it exists and is enforced.

Do you accept the congressional power to regulate immigration? That is not in the Constitution.
I didn't say anything about accepting it. I said it exists and is enforced.

Do you accept the congressional power to regulate immigration? That is not in the Constitution.

it actually IS in at least a couple of places.

Art. 1, Sec. 8, clause 4...
To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization

Art. 1, Sec 9, para, 1.

The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.
it actually IS in at least a couple of places.

Art. 1, Sec. 8, clause 4...
To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization

Art. 1, Sec 9, para, 1.

The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.

Neither of those are about immigration. Naturalization means rules establishing citizenship. Naturalization laws (from 1790) did not include anything about immigration. Naturalization and immigration are not the same thing.

The other refers to the importation of slaves. Congress could not prohibit the importation of slavery for 20 years.
tell us how 'well regulated militia' was defined and presented to all of we the people when it was ratified...................

Again, for this idiot BidenPresident:

The 2nd amendment discusses two related rights.

The right of a government to defend itself. They do this by organizing militias (or army). Each State specifically has the right to defend itself.
The right of an individual to defend themselves. They do this with arms, meaning weapons. It can be ANY weapon of their choice. Defense includes defense against a rogue government.

Militias organized by States are well regulated. The State creates them, organizes their structure, and has a leader (the governor of that State). The State also specifies their purpose and targets. It controls how it's members are selected and organized. By nature, militias created by States are 'well regulated'. The ability to create militias is necessary for a free State...in other words for a State that has sovereignty, even if that sovereignty is part of a Union of other States. A government's right to defend itself is an inherent right. It comes as a result of States being made up of people.

Individuals have the right to keep and bear arms. That means weapons. ANY type of weapon. It can be a knife, sword, gun, artillery, explosive, or nuclear bomb.
That is a right that does not come from the Constitution. It comes as an inherent right.

The Constitution only specifically prohibits the government (including State governments) from messing with either of these rights.
Since i'm not a religious christian, I wouldn't know what you're talking about, however, the framers wrote that Constitution with first hand experience of how government and standing armies impede and trample liberty. that is why it is paramount and MUST be read with a bias towards liberty

He is referring to the Mount where Moses received the Ten Commandments from God. It is said that Mt Sinai is that mountain. Of course, we really don't know that mountain it was, or even if it happened that way at all.

Well put, relating the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence and the Federal Papers.
how often do you get beat about the head and shoulders with facts and logic? that's 1 of 2 reasons to put someone on ignore

Claiming who is on an ignore list is just fapping. Ignore lists do not prevent anyone from stating their philosophies, opinions, or discussing something like the Constitution. All they really do is take the person who made the ignore list out of the conversation. It just lets other talk behind their back, so to speak.

I don't bother with them.
The Articles of Confederation would more fit the framework created by the Declaration by having a very weak central government with most powers remaining in the colonies. The Constitution altered that framework by giving several powers to the central government not contained in the Articles.

Many saw this as a betrayal and illegal because the function of the constitutional convention was only to "revise" the Articles and not write a new constitution. Also, the Articles required a unanimous vote to make any changes and the Constitution only required 9 votes for ratification.

So, if there are only 48 states as you claim because states disobeyed their own constitutions, the U. S. Constitution never went into effect because it disobeyed the Articles. Right--both are farfetched.

The Articles of Confederation was destroyed by the owners of that confederation, the States. It was replace by the Constitution of the United States, also owned by the States.

Any State government the discards it's constitution is no longer a State. There is no constitution in force to declare and define that State government.

This has happened in the former States of California and New York. I call them the SOTC and the SOTNY now. The Socialist Oligarchy of the Territory of California. The SOTC.