When the Constitution was trashed and how we may never recover.

That was under Great Britain and was a justification of declaring independence. It has never been used as a source of authority for any legal action by the U. S. It is a statement of philosophy.

Maybe you can cite the court cases or actions based on the "legal authority" of the Declaration.

it comes within the framework of the Constitution. we the people created a government with few and limited prescribed powers, based upon what we the people decided independence grants us. it's all about context. you act as if the framers fought a war for freedom and then created our jailers with the constitution.
I was just citing the opinions of Thomas, Alito, and Scalia. I guess they are morons.
Irrelevant. Your opinion on who are morons or not has nothing to do with this conversation. Bulverism fallacy.
The Supreme Court establishes the law that governs us.
WRONG. The Supreme Court has no authority to write any law or change the Constitution.
If you believe in the rule of law you follow their decisions whether you agree or not.
WRONG. The Supreme Court is not an oligarchy.
Obviously, my information on this issue is not nearly as low as yours.
It's lower...much lower.
You deny over 200 years of constitutional history
The Constitution is not history. The Constitution is a document that exists today.
because you don't like the opinions.
No court has authority to change or interpret any constitution. Only the owners of a constitution have that authority.
I was just citing the opinions of Thomas, Alito, and Scalia. I guess they are morons.
for the most part, yes. don't ever forget that they are part of the government entity we the people sought to restrict

The Supreme Court establishes the law that governs us. If you believe in the rule of law you follow their decisions whether you agree or not.
CONGRESS establishes the law that governs us. SCOTUS decides if that law comports within the framework of the established powers of congress.
If SCOTUS decides that abortion is murder, are you going to agree with them?

Obviously, my information on this issue is not nearly as low as yours. You deny over 200 years of constitutional history because you don't like the opinions.
history throughout the world shows that government always attempts to impede upon liberty. the founders had first hand experience with this. why do you discount them?
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Read that again...and again...and again...until you find the word 'right of the people' in it.

I have already discussed the two related rights laid out in the 2nd amendment. I have also already discussed how rights do not come from a constitution or any other piece of paper. Argument of the stone fallacy. Argument by repetition fallacy.

You are chanting.
You're one of those low information morons who believes that the constitution was written on Mount Sinai.

Since i'm not a religious christian, I wouldn't know what you're talking about, however, the framers wrote that Constitution with first hand experience of how government and standing armies impede and trample liberty. that is why it is paramount and MUST be read with a bias towards liberty
it comes within the framework of the Constitution. we the people created a government with few and limited prescribed powers, based upon what we the people decided independence grants us. it's all about context. you act as if the framers fought a war for freedom and then created our jailers with the constitution.

The Articles of Confederation would more fit the framework created by the Declaration by having a very weak central government with most powers remaining in the colonies. The Constitution altered that framework by giving several powers to the central government not contained in the Articles.

Many saw this as a betrayal and illegal because the function of the constitutional convention was only to "revise" the Articles and not write a new constitution. Also, the Articles required a unanimous vote to make any changes and the Constitution only required 9 votes for ratification.

So, if there are only 48 states as you claim because states disobeyed their own constitutions, the U. S. Constitution never went into effect because it disobeyed the Articles. Right--both are farfetched.