When the Constitution was trashed and how we may never recover.

Or make laws controlling immigration,

Article I, $8

create a Space Force,

Article I, $8

issue executive orders,

Article II

make laws regarding drugs,

Correct. No authority is provided to list any substance as 'illegal'. They do, however have the authority to specify standards for drugs in Article I, $8.

food safety,

Article I, $8

no presidential power to impose tariffs or build a wall,

Article II, $2

pay for child care or community college

Correct. Nothing provides for paying for either in the Constitution, other than child care within the federal government.

or give loans and grants to college students,


send troops without the declaration of war......

Article II, $2. Congress can certainly declare war, but it is not necessary to send troops.
Are you saying the Constitution allows government to anything unless explicitly denied? It can only do those things listed in Section 8 and anything necessary and proper for carrying out those powers.

Of course, we have gone far past that interpretation and I listed things favored by both Democrats and Republicans that government is not specifically authorized to do.

Yes it has, but many of the things you list are authorized by the Constitution. Again, you've apparently never read the thing.

It is the nature of law. A posted speed limit of 70 on a highway means you should not exceed 70 mph. But it does not tell you whether you can drive 60, 64, or 59 mph.
Law establishes a limit.

Speed limits are set and enforced by States, not the federal government.
Some roads DO have minimum speeds.

Certainly not to the federal or state courts who have ruled on many occasions the government did not have the authority to perform a certain function.

You are starting to sound like Into the Night and his puppets.

I have no puppets. His view is nothing like mine. Neither of you have read the Constitution.

He claims there are only 48 states.

At the moment, that is true. I suspect that will reduce to 47 before the end of next year.

You argument is about as factual.
Buzzword fallacy. Learn what 'fact' means. It is not a proof nor a Universal Truth.

There is nothing conventional or standard about your claim

Agreed. There is nothing about yours either.