When they see us.

Talking behind my back is bad form, but I have learned that is just what you do.

I could take the time to find you posts where I have called down lefty posters for calling first lady Melania Trump a whore, or those engaging in overt anti-semitism.

But the problem is, even if I did that you would never even consider apologizing for lying about me, slandering me, or being wrong about me. Because expressing remorse actually takes character.

He's a coward.

He talks behind my back as well.....he's in my thread talking behind my back.

Since when did the truth become racist??'

Welcome to Leftgoofyworld….

Talking behind my back is bad form, but I have learned that is just what you do.

I could take the time to find you posts where I have called down lefty posters for calling first lady Melania Trump a whore, or engaging in overt anti-semitism.

But the problem is, even if I did that you would never even consider apologizing for lying about me, slandering me, or being wrong about me. Because remorse actually takes character.

I thought you had me on ignore so I wasn’t going to respond to you.

Like I said I have never seen you call out TTQ64 or guno for their bigotry. In fact I’ve seen you praise them as good posters. Ultimately you can do as you please but don’t claim to care so much about bigotry and then accept it when the posters share your political beliefs.

Bigotry and racism in this country is more than simply who someone votes for.

You believe it because you're racist.

I believe it because it is un the FBI's UCS murder stats.

And yes, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. Only 45 per cent of the offenders were white. Homicide is a broader category than “murder” but let’s not split hairs.


Blacks were disproportionately likely to commit homicide and to be the victims. In 2008 the offending rate for blacks was seven times higher than for whites and the victimisation rate was six times higher

Way to trumpet your OWN IGNORANCE.
nah. that's your problem. you need special white people like me, as you always have needed them for any type of progress to happen. perhaps you should be more appreciative of us. in any case, can't be bothered.

No one needs you.
Pardon my french but Cypress is full of sh*t. There are conservative posters who call out TDAK and others. But notice Cypress has NEVER called out TTQ64 or Guno when they make bigoted comments? We all know why, it's politics. If he, or anyone, truly cared about the topic one's political beliefs would be irrelevant when it comes to bigoted or racist behavior.

His post is a big fat virtue signal to attempt to show how open-minded or woke he is. 100% transparent.

It is one of the unfortunate aspects of being a team player, my team right or wrong, go my team...

It is not our responsibility to go around policing the board for bad ppl, ppl saying bad things etc..

Although many seem to enjoy doing so, but their policing usually seems to consist of the other team...
A must see Netflex 4 part series. I'm sure you'll watch, but won't comment just like Ava DuVernay's 13th. She shines the light on for profit prisons and the media's criminalization of innocent Black men.

Raymond Santana. Kevin Richardson. Antron McCray. Yusef Salaam. Korey Wise. These are the names of men who were boys, ages 14, 15 and 16, when they were robbed: of their childhoods, of their innocence, of a fair trial.

Ava DuVernay retells the gut-wrenching story of the Central Park Five in her newest Netflix series “When They See Us.” And for the first time, this story is being told from the perspective of the five teens whose lives were derailed by a justice system and media eager to vilify them. (“Ninety percent of the articles written during that time didn’t use the word ‘alleged,’” the director notes.) DuVernay brilliantly and powerfully captures what they were denied for decades.

White people, this is what you should be trying to stop. Blacks can't do it because they don't listen to us. Take on this fight and stop the injustices in the Black communities.


the best way to end the racism that infects this society is knowledge

Knowledge of each other and their experiences

EDUCATION is the key

teaching all American kids the real history of this nation including Black history which the republican party has worked hard to keep out of public school history books

each time you meet a human remember

They are a complete mystery to you

whatever your first involuntary assumptions are about them

They have NO real impact on who that person actually is

each new person you meet is a complete mystery to you

let them tell you who they are

each new person you meet has the possibility of being one of the most important persons you have ever met

100 year old or 5 year old

with a long face and bucked teeth

with green eyes and brown skin

with blonde hair and almond eyes

a treasure box that opens itself to you

I PROMISE if you can learn top see people this way it will IMPROVE YOUR LIFE

which is why racism of all types and shapes will ruin your OWN life
Talking behind my back is bad form, but I have learned that is just what you do.

I could take the time to find you posts where I have called down lefty posters for calling first lady Melania Trump a whore, or those engaging in overt anti-semitism.

But the problem is, even if I did that you would never even consider apologizing for lying about me, slandering me, or being wrong about me. Because expressing remorse actually takes character.

How can anyone talk behind your back on a public forum where others as well as yourself can read the post?

God you leftists are dumb asses
It is one of the unfortunate aspects of being a team player, my team right or wrong, go my team...

It is not our responsibility to go around policing the board for bad ppl, ppl saying bad things etc..

Although many seem to enjoy doing so, but their policing usually seems to consist of the other team...

The whole idea of policing other posters is stupid. We can't stop trolls or people trolling.

The team mentality and partisanship is truly a mindfvck.

Addressing racism and bigotry goes far deeper than just how we vote.
Pardon my french but Cypress is full of sh*t. There are conservative posters who call out TDAK and others. But notice Cypress has NEVER called out TTQ64 or Guno when they make bigoted comments? We all know why, it's politics. If he, or anyone, truly cared about the topic one's political beliefs would be irrelevant when it comes to bigoted or racist behavior.

His post is a big fat virtue signal to attempt to show how open-minded or woke he is. 100% transparent.

he is woke

WOKE is a good thing

YOU are Not woke

and NO right leaning posters here don't call out your racist fucks

I have weighted in on thread the likes of the right wing posters here who have blatantly racist avatars and spew nothing but racism to attack them for their racist thread

the right will IGNORE the racist OP message and attack me for attacking the racist

so fuck you very much wack

Cypress is 100 times the human being you are
The whole idea of policing other posters is stupid. We can't stop trolls or people trolling.

The team mentality and partisanship is truly a mindfvck.

Addressing racism and bigotry goes far deeper than just how we vote.

the republican party is massively racist

it is the enemy of this nation

quit pretending you have any integrity
Pardon my french but Cypress is full of sh*t. There are conservative posters who call out TDAK and others. But notice Cypress has NEVER called out TTQ64 or Guno when they make bigoted comments? We all know why, it's politics. If he, or anyone, truly cared about the topic one's political beliefs would be irrelevant when it comes to bigoted or racist behavior.

His post is a big fat virtue signal to attempt to show how open-minded or woke he is. 100% transparent.


Don't forget that TTQ is really just a stormfront plant, who's agenda is to keep a racial division alive.

YOU can't even point out where I've made bigoted comment.

Calling out racist white men and women for what they have FACTUALLY done...…..is not bigoted nor racist.

Then how is pointing out that Blacks kill more of each other, racist??